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Weird question


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How young is too young for dissections? My almost 9 yr old daughter really loves anything "blood and guts." She loves to talk about bodies and how they function, and she loves to watch animal surgeries and stuff like that on TV. She talks about being a vet all the time. So tonight, I was getting ready to feed our snake, and she asked if she could dissect the mouse. I didn't let her, of course, but then I got to wondering if I could get her something simple to dissect. My oldest has zero interest in dissecting anything, and I made it all the way through nursing school without dissecting and don't plan to start now. But my husband said he would help her. Any thoughts? Suggestions on where to start?

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We did it this year with our 8y/o. I almost ordered the feral pig once I realized he loves Bio, but I am glad we didn't. I knew he was ready after we went through the free module on Froguts, which we later ordered, and we did the cow eye, owl pellet, and a trout hands on.

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My kids (7 and 9) are fascinated when we slaughter a chicken or fillet a fish. They do like to see the different organs and my partner is good at showing it all to them. They don't really dissect it themselves though.


So I don't know what age... maybe 9 or 10? I think the fine motor skills and knowledge of what they're looking at and why they're doing it is important.

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We did earthworms in elementary school. I say go for it. And then support her habit!


This will sound kooky, but the only homeschoolers I knew as a kid were in high school. They were complete animal fanatics. They volunteered at the natural history museum, where they worked with the creatures. And their hobby was dissecting roadkill. And, somehow, this was one of the many things that made me want to homeschool when I had kids. I mean, how awesome that they were so gung ho about it!

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My boys have been dissecting since they were 4 and 5 years old. It all started with an earthworm at the Children's Science Center. Over past few years they have dissected:



Owl Pellet


Several different types of saltwater fish (we live on a saltwater canal)



With the exception of the fish, we get our stuff from here. The boys each have their own dissection kit, and Grandma gave them aprons for Christmas to go with it. :tongue_smilie: My boys are completely fascinated with dissecting and learning about these items. DS9 has been begging me to get the cow eye next. LOL We just bought a really good microscope, and we'll be studying various parts under the microscope on the next dissection.:001_smile:


Go for it!!! :001_smile:

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Here's my weird question:


Considering what toddlers do with their dinners, how could anyone old enough to ask be too young for dissections?


Just wondering...




In our family, at least, the ability to wield a scalpel and the ability to ask to cut open an animal don't go hand in hand.

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Thanks everyone!! I'm going to order an earthworm for her. When I told her this morning, she said, "Great! But what about a mouse? LOL! Maybe we'll get a mouse next. I didn't want her to dissect Murphy's mouse last night because he needed to eat, we don't have the tools, and I just wasn't expecting her to ask, tbh. Surprised momma!! :D

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Well my dd really wants to dissect. We dissected with my older dd quite a few years ago and my other dd loved it. We do have to do this again. Here is our video of the cow's eye dissection from 2008. Katie and Tom were so little. :001_smile:


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We did a squid in 1st grade when ds was about 6. He loved it. You can get whole squid from most Asian markets. A cool thing is that you can milk the ink sac and then use a part of it as a pen and write with the squid ink.


We have also done owl pellets twice, once when ds was 6 and again this year with a 5 and 8 yr old.


I am teaching Anatomy at our co-op this year and my co-teacher has come over twice so we can do the dissections together ahead of time. We did a cow's eye and a sheep heart with all 5 of our kids gathered around (ages 2-9). They were all very interested. Both are pretty easy to do, especially the eye. I got the specimens and the dissecting tools from Home Science Tools. http://www.hometrainingtools.com/

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