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Ladies near 40ish...if you tried to conceive

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how many months did it take for "success"?


How are your cycles? Still regular or are there aberrations that did/didn't seem to hinder conception?


If you tried to conceive without success, I'd like to hear about that, too.


Thanks so much for sharing your experiences!

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I conceived at 39, delivered at 40. I was very regular and could tell precisely when I ovulated because it hurt! We conceived the 2nd cycle of trying.


Of course now that the baby is almost a year old, I am all out of whack! Plus I'm getting hot flashes and night sweats, so I'm worried about early menopause. Ugh.

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I was 39 (about to turn 40) when we were trying for our second child. My cycles then were about every 28 days. It took us 6 months to conceive our second child.


Now I am 43 and for the last six months my cycles were from 28 days to 48 days and I was thinking it was early menopause.


Within 3 1/2 months, we conceived this child that I am carrying. God only knows why... I am just happy that God blessed us again.

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to get pregnant. Went off all birth control when I was 37. I did have very regular periods at that time. I'm 43 now, I never got pregnant, and according to my OB/GYN, I'm well into perimenopause, and probably rapidly approaching menopause. I routinely go months without periods now.


It makes me kind of sad, as I did want to have another child. I have one DS, 12, and he still requests a sibling. Guess it just wasn't meant to be.


I do think that I must have had fertility problems all along though, as I was only 31 when I got pregnant with DS, and even then, it took around 1.5 years to get pregnant.

Michelle T

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I found out that I was pregnant with my youngest little one on my 43rd birthday. I was totally convinced that I was done. I gave away the dressing table. Sold all the cloth diapers. DONE!


Next month, not so done.


I also delivered at age 40, age 38 and 36.

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how many months did it take for "success"?


How are your cycles? Still regular or are there aberrations that did/didn't seem to hinder conception?


If you tried to conceive without success, I'd like to hear about that, too.


Thanks so much for sharing your experiences!


With my first two kids, it took once. With my youngest, I was 37 and it took two cycles to conceive. I had read that it takes about twice as long to get pregnant if you're over 35, so I fit that statistic perfectly. :001_smile: My cycles were still pretty regular.

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They had shortened and my cycle was down from 28 to 24 days. The labs said my hormones were "shot". I tried anyway, taking morning temps, and after 5 months, I did the ovulation predictor and we held off before we got the go ahead from that test...





stop reading now if you want to avoid some plain words about this.....






I also kept some books by the bedside and propped my feet up on the wall and read for an hour before rising.....seemed to do the trick. I was 43.

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I conceived in 2002, but I miscarried the baby at 15 weeks. Since then, we've had no luck getting pg. We're not typical, though, b/c dh and I have combined secondary infertility.


IMHO, if you're sure you want more kids, start ttc. Once you're in your late 30s, you can never tell if you'll be one of the women who get pg right away or if you'll be like me: still longing for another baby, nearly ten years after throwing away my diaphragm.



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how many months did it take for "success"?


How are your cycles? Still regular or are there aberrations that did/didn't seem to hinder conception?


If you tried to conceive without success, I'd like to hear about that, too.


Thanks so much for sharing your experiences!


I've been pregnant twice since turning 40, unplanned - but I suspect if I was ttc - It would only take a month. The length of my cycle has not changed - however, in both of these pregnanices - I suspect I must have ovulated earlier than I would have 5 - 10 years ago. (Hence - the unplanned surprises!)


Unfortunately - both those pregnancies ended in early miscarriage. But lots of women have healthy, sustainable pregnanices after the age of 40! Good Luck!!

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We use it for not getting pregnant, but it is amazing how familiar you get with your body's cycles. I know exactly when to Not try if you know what I mean.


There is a very easy method - just watching your "m#c#s" and keeping track - no temperature, etc. VERY EASY! I have only done it for about a year with alot of kicking and protesting and I have been very happy with how easy it is.

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