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You Keel My Father

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I heard there was talk of a remake.


Then I joined the anti remake group on FB.


There's a FB group for that? Need to go find it...


Haven't watched P.B. in forever. I know our kids will love it, but they're not quite ready for it yet.


I could also use a "Raising Arizona" fix, too...


You go right back up there and get me a toddler. I need a baby, Hi. They got more'n they can handle.

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Because of this thread, we popped popcorn and watched this movie yet again. DD15 laughed that she could almost repeat the movie line by line from memory. I told her that I wouldn't consider her fully educated until she could do just that.


As we were watching, DH wanders in and starts saying the movie lines along with the actors. I looked at DD and said, "See, HE is fully educated." :D


It's just as good the 212th time you watch!




No one will watch it with me anymore because I quote every line. Eh, their loss. :lol:

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dh and I quote that movie all the time. Tho we haven't seen it since our son as born. He's just 5 so a bit young for it.


Most disturbing scene to me is the sword fight at the end when Inigo finally kills Count Rugen.



things my dh says "have fun storming the castle!" "I hate waiting." "Wuv, twu wuv"



"It's not my fault I'm the strongest, I don't even exercise!"



you should read the book, it shows you what a marvelous job they did with the movie. The book is not...that...good.

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dh and I quote that movie all the time. Tho we haven't seen it since our son as born. He's just 5 so a bit young for it.


Most disturbing scene to me is the sword fight at the end when Inigo finally kills Count Rugen.



things my dh says "have fun storming the castle!" "I hate waiting." "Wuv, twu wuv"



"It's not my fault I'm the strongest, I don't even exercise!"



you should read the book, it shows you what a marvelous job they did with the movie. The book is not...that...good.


:iagree: with the bold. I liked the book ok, but I LOVE the movie.


When my girls saw it, I think the most scary part for them was when Fezzic is set on fire to scare the soldiers away from the gate.


Indigo: Give us the gate key.


Officer: There is no gate key.


Indigo: Fezzic, tear his arms off.


Officer: Oh, you mean THIS gate key.

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LOL Sowwweeeeeee hehehehe It's been at least a year or two since I've seen it so I'm going on my carp memory! :p hehe




Hey, you did great with remembering it after not seeing it for so long! Oh, and shame on you for not making time for it! LOL

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Hey, you did great with remembering it after not seeing it for so long! Oh, and shame on you for not making time for it! LOL


hehehehe I've seen it so many times it's like it's burned into my brain! lol I'll probably watch it again though soon after reading this thread. :) But I really want to watch Holy Grail first! I haven't seen that one in even longer and it's one of my favorites. :)

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hehehehe I've seen it so many times it's like it's burned into my brain! lol I'll probably watch it again though soon after reading this thread. :) But I really want to watch Holy Grail first! I haven't seen that one in even longer and it's one of my favorites. :)


Run away! Run away!

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I've never seen the Holy Grail. At least, not all of it.

Oh you poor deprived child! You must, MUST see this movie as soon as is humanly possible. Your cultural education simply cannot be complete until you do. :p

Here's the script. A friend has PB parties and gives each guest a part and a copy of the script, and they all have to say their lines along with the movie. :D


:) That sounds like fun. hehe What a novel idea. :)

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