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Who else is taking the National Mythology Exam this year?

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We got ours in the mail last week, and we're going to probably take it just before the deadline (we haven't really looked at the Underworld Study Guide yet :001_huh: so we'll need some time to go through it).


My older is so excited! Of course, he wanted to know if he would get a trophy. Or a medal. :lol:

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We got ours in the mail last week, and we're going to probably take it just before the deadline (we haven't really looked at the Underworld Study Guide yet :001_huh: so we'll need some time to go through it).


My older is so excited! Of course, he wanted to know if he would get a trophy. Or a medal. :lol:


How do you get this? Can you please share the link? :D


Thank you.

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We are doing the NME! My oldest is way excited! So far we have gone over some of those study sheets from the cd. We need to get busy though I guess- I am always behind.


How have you been studying? Those do not seem to challenge my ds too muchalthough to be fair we have not done a whole lot of them....eeek. (he is in 4th) and I have no idea if they are a good study guide or if we should do something more. He wants to 'get some sort of medal' :tongue_smilie: and I would like him to feel successful since he is so positive about it. He really likes greek myths and has read the D'aulaires book a few times already.


Here is the link to the exam informtion:


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We are doing the NME! My oldest is way excited! So far we have gone over some of those study sheets from the cd. We need to get busy though I guess- I am always behind.


How have you been studying? Those do not seem to challenge my ds too muchalthough to be fair we have not done a whole lot of them....eeek. (he is in 4th) and I have no idea if they are a good study guide or if we should do something more. He wants to 'get some sort of medal' :tongue_smilie: and I would like him to feel successful since he is so positive about it. He really likes greek myths and has read the D'aulaires book a few times already.


Here is the link to the exam informtion:



We are like you-we had the best of intentions to study for this, and I even printed out the booklets last year :001_huh: But we've only gotten through half of it (my son is taking the Underworld Test too)...weve read D'Aulaires a few times, so hopefully he's ready LOL...

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How did you prepare last year? :bigear:


Last year she read a section from D'Aulaire's each day and wrote a short summary of the reading. She did this over a span of 2 weeks or so, then reviewed her own notes the weekend before we tested. She already knew the Greek-Roman equivalent names from Minimus, but she did review them a bit.

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This is the 4th year for my daughter. She chose Norse myths as her extra this year (because, of course, we already had the materials for Native American myth, but not for Norse:001_rolleyes:). So far, she's had one gold and two silvers, so she's been pretty pleased. We put a lot of emphasis on Greek myth around here and always have;), so she's pretty familiar with most of the basics. This is the third year I've coordinated the NME for our homeschool group. Not a lot of kids take it, but some do.


I'll be interested to see how she does this year, as I've left it entirely up to her. I gave her the materials and the bibliography, then told her it was up to her to study for it if she wanted to take it. I'm trying to give her more control of her scheduling and to have her take more responsibility for her educational goals now that we've hit middle school. One suggestion I gave her was to outline each of the stories, which I believe she did.


We looked at the Medusa, but we are going to wait until next year for that one, since we have a lot of other stuff going on right now. She has Science Olympiad coming up and just took the EXPLORE test this morning. I had offered to coordinate the Medusa for the group, but only had one other kid interested. When his mother and I talked further, it was easier for her just to do it independently because of scheduling issues with her other kids.

Edited by KarenNC
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My daughter did it last year and got the Athena medal, so I figured there wasn't much to work towards (in terms of improving)... or any reason to take it again. Maybe when she's 11 we'll do the Medusa exam.



We'll do the ETC Exploratory Latin Exam, which she almost certainly won't get 100% on!

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I think I need to look into more things like this. What are these tests and what is their purpose? I don't mean that in a snarky way; I've just never heard of them. Are they tied to scholarships, just fun for bragging rights or what? Dd loves mythology so it seems like something she might like for next year.


Yes, they are tied into scholarships. But mostly they are there to put a bit of a non-Mommy credibility on a transcript. At least that's how we will use the Medusa exam this year. We're studying Ancients this year and taking the Medusa Mythology Exam is part of course in my mind.

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I think I need to look into more things like this. What are these tests and what is their purpose? I don't mean that in a snarky way; I've just never heard of them. Are they tied to scholarships, just fun for bragging rights or what? Dd loves mythology so it seems like something she might like for next year.


For us, it was initially a way to reinforce what she was learning about Greek and Roman mythology, practice in bubble tests in a non-threatening, low-stress and low-consequence way, and external validation. The NME gives nice medallions for bronze, silver and gold levels (basically 95% and up, IIRC) and has a certificate of participation that can be printed out. We haven't done the Medusa yet, but I believe they also give similar medallions.The NME (for grades 3rd-9th) isn't tied to scholarships that I know of, but the Medusa (6th-12th) can be. From what I've read, those who take a gold in the Medusa (100%) are eligible to participate in an essay contest that awards substantial monetary prizes ( as in $100-$750).


The NME adds levels of material as the grade levels go up (after 4th it gets progressively more involved), while the Medusa is longer and across-the-board appears much more involved. To see the differences, go out to the websites and look at the study recommendations. The NME comes mostly from D'Aulaires Greek Myths and similar resources, while the Medusa sends you to primary sources. The NME has subsections that can be taken on Native American, Norse or African myth, while the Medusa is strictly Greek and Roman.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WE just finished the NME (we did the Iliad sub section) and are also doing the Medusa exam.


I ordered with a bunch of other HSers, but I am the "designated boss" of it all, so we kept the cost down and ordered a few study packets.


We are doing ancients this year, so it made sense to me. :D


I love that calling ETC is a local call for me.

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