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after you're sick, how do you get your stomach back?

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It appears I poisoned myself with a cross contamination of salmonella via raw chicken and utensil. :D Or, as my Dh said, "You are so prone to pathogens." (I was sleeping on the bathroom floor with heatlamps blazing on me and my head on the towels, and even then, it made me laugh).


But now, two/three days later, my stomach is still wooshy. The first thing I got down was a bit of yogurt, and I've been eating some every day, but I still can't seem to restart my system.


Is there anything I'm missing?

Edited by justamouse
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I am sorry! :grouphug: When we get the tummy yucks, I try to get clear liquids down (7 Up, Vitamin Water) and then start out with simple starches like little saltines (oyster crackers), rice, bread, mashed potatoes. From there I add something like an apple, then mild veggies like carrots or green beans. Dairy and meats are more difficult for us to digest, so I wait a day on those. Fluids! Papaya tablets help me, as well as peppermint tea.

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I agree with the yogurt, but also try homemade bone broth. I hope you feel better soon! We ate chicken that was a little under cooked last night I'm haveing images of joining you on the bathroom floor! :tongue_smilie:



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Oh, goodness, I feel your pain. We just all got over some food poisoning (campylobacter) a week or so ago--only my DS3 didn't get it.


Think about the BRATY diet--bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, yogurt. I bought some rice chex cereal to munch on dry as a finger food. Oatmeal made with water, not milk. We had a lot of cereal and a lot of dry toast because they were the only things anyone felt they could manage.


Just slowly build up from there, eating whatever sounds not-too-bad-at-the-moment. Keep up with fluids! Diluted white grape juice went over pretty well here.


I hope you're back on your feet soon! :grouphug:

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Is it possible that you haven't fully re-hydrated? You could do typical things like gatorade, but a more natural and less sugar-laden option is coconut water.


If you were sick for a good while, you could also eat something with even more live cultures, either in tablet form or some kefir or something.


I second the suggestion of bone broth, or even just packaged broth if you use it to make some chicken noodle soup. I even do green smoothies in small quantities, after my belly feels up for it again. I've realized that the BRAT diet doesn't seem to do much for my healing, and in some ways just makes me continue to feel icky. The sooner I can return to real foods (not processed stuff) the quicker I usually feel better.


Good luck!

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