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My schedule right now is crazy. I'm doing what I can to make it through until the end of May, because there is nothing I can do about it right now. Looking at next year though....I HAVE TO streamline. Help me.....I'm not sure how to do it.


Non-negotiables - choir (DD11), band (DD11), show choir (DD11), gymnastics (DD5), and softball (DD11)


This how this year looks....how can I make this look better for next year? Or am I just out of luck?




9:00am - Drop off littles at preschool

9:40am - Drop off DD11 at PS for band/choir

10:40am - Pick DD11 up

12:00pm - Pick up littles from preschool

2:45pm - Drop DD11 off at show choir practice (sometimes we have Grandma help out here, so that DS can stay asleep)

4:30pm - Pick DD11 up from show choir

7:30pm - Drop DD11 off at softball

9:00pm - Pick DD11 up from softball




9:00am - Drop off DD5 at preschool (DS only goes M/W)

9:25am - Drop DD11 off at PS for band/choir

10:15am - Pick DD11 up from PS

12:00pm - Pick DD5 up from preschool

3:30pm - Take DD5 to gymnastics

6:00pm - Home from gymnastics/Drop DD11 off at softball (DH usually does this)

8:15pm - Pick DD11 up from softball




9:00am - Drop off littles at preschool/DD11 at band/choir

**I have a weekly breakfast during this time**

12:00pm - Pick up DS from preschool

1:30pm - Pick up DD5 from preschool (she does an enrichment class)/DD11 returns home from her weekly visit & lunch with her great grandma since I'm at breakfast

6:30pm - Drop off DD5 and DD11 at church

8:00pm - Pick up DDs from church




9:00am - Drop off DD5 at preschool

9:25am - Drop DD11 off at PS for band/choir

10:15am - Pick DD11 up from PS

12:00pm - Pick DD5 up from preschool

3:30pm - Take DD5 to gymnastics

6:00pm - Home from gymnastics

7:30pm - Drop DD11 off at softball

9:00pm - Pick DD11 up from softball




9:00am - Drop off DD5 at preschool

9:40am - Drop off DD11 at PS for band/choir

10:40am - Pick DD11 up

12:00pm - Pick up DD5 from preschool



I'm thinking that next year, I need DD11 in an earlier (1st period - she's currently in 3rd period) band/choir class, but I'm not even sure that will be possible. First period is band/choir is reserved for the 8th graders this year. DS will go to preschool M-TH next year though to give me time to work with DD5 during the mornings.


Right now, we're just squeezing school in when we can, but I'm struggling. Am I missing something?

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I can't help you, but I will say Thank You. You've made me realize that my schedule isn't that bad. I complain, but we only have one thing each day. And we're usually only gone about 3 hours, total.


I cannot imagine schooling with your schedule. :grouphug:

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I can't help you, but I will say Thank You. You've made me realize that my schedule isn't that bad. I complain, but we only have one thing each day. And we're usually only gone about 3 hours, total.


I cannot imagine schooling with your schedule. :grouphug:


I'm going crazy. There is no way to change it, without pulling my kids out of things I think are important though. I long for the days when we could get up and just do school all day and activities in the evening. Sigh.

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I think one positive is that you are using CLE which would mean not hauling around textbooks everywhere. I would try to take advantage of the time in the car through cds (history, foreign language, some literature).


I can't help you with the schedule, but would definitely check into the earliest class possible at the school.


Keep us posted...

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I think one positive is that you are using CLE which would mean not hauling around textbooks everywhere. I would try to take advantage of the time in the car through cds (history, foreign language, some literature).


I can't help you with the schedule, but would definitely check into the earliest class possible at the school.


Keep us posted...


Thankfully most everything is only 5min away at the most. Gymnastics is the longest trip, but DD11 and DS usually stay home during that time, so no real opportunity to do anything in the car.

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Is it possible you would have more time for schooling with dd if you didn't put the littles in preschool? That seems like so much driving/shuffling for not very much time.




My thought was to drop preschool.


I understand your dilemma, though. To get more time at home, we'd have to drop activities that I think are important. Meanwhile, I pull my hair out.

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I had a year like that, and I really regret it. We got very little school done.


Can your dd dual enroll for a first period class in addition so that she can take the bus to school? When my girls dual enrolled in middle school they took things like art and PE to make the schedule simpler.

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That's an insane schedule. It looks like music is really important to your DD11 - does she have aspirations to be a musician when she is older? Honestly - if it were me I would have her drop show choir. That will free up one of your days. I also wouldn't enroll the youngest in preschool next fall. I'm assuming DD5 will be in kindy next year? I really think you're going to have to make some sacrifices... your schedule is only going to get busier as you add in additional students.


I don't think you can streamline anymore than you have without being more flexible with your non-negotiables.

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Is it possible you would have more time for schooling with dd if you didn't put the littles in preschool? That seems like so much driving/shuffling for not very much time.


I'm not sure it would help much. Preschool is less than a block from my house & having DS out of my hair for a bit will be very helpful for kindergarten next year, I think.


I had a year like that, and I really regret it. We got very little school done.


Can your dd dual enroll for a first period class in addition so that she can take the bus to school? When my girls dual enrolled in middle school they took things like art and PE to make the schedule simpler.


Great thought! DD would really like to take art & whatever they call the computer class now. I told her "no", because I didn't think our schedule could handle anymore running. But, maybe adding would actually help vs hinder.

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That's an insane schedule. It looks like music is really important to your DD11 - does she have aspirations to be a musician when she is older?


No.....but performing arts is really her "thing". Second only to softball. I see her sticking with show choir for the long term. I hate to deny her the experience and learning that comes with being involved in the early years. I fear she won't have the skills to make into show choir in the future if she doesn't participate and learn at the lower level.

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Great thought! DD would really like to take art & whatever they call the computer class now. I told her "no", because I didn't think our schedule could handle anymore running. But, maybe adding would actually help vs hinder.


It worked out so much better for us if they took the bus one way. We just worked around the school schedule, either bunching up the classes at the beginning or end of the day, depending on when band was, because that time was non-negotiable. Even if it isn't far away, that interruption and transition time just made it impossible to get anything done.

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It worked out so much better for us if they took the bus one way. We just worked around the school schedule, either bunching up the classes at the beginning or end of the day, depending on when band was, because that time was non-negotiable. Even if it isn't far away, that interruption and transition time just made it impossible to get anything done.


Yes....it really is her dual enrollment that is killing me....combined with preschool. Preschool drop off/pick up would take no more than 10 minutes a day and wouldn't really be an issue if I wasn't also running for school too.

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If this were my schedule, I would make have dd drop the band/choir and continue with show choir and softball. That would make your running much simpler in the mornings and would allow some school time in between preschool runs. I run too much and it is not nearly what you do. For us with just two kids though, we just don't allow one kid to have that many things. I would go crazy keeping up with it all.

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I know it's really hard to cut back when the activities are all *good* things! But really, it seems like your dd11 needs to let one (or two) of those good things go. She's only 11. Are each of these all year long? Are any seasonal? It seems to me that if you could rotate through some of them, throughout the year you could get in everything...just not everything all at once.


Other options you may want to consider:

--Carpool....is there anyone you could work with to help lessen the transitions of in and out? Perhaps the preschool class? Even if you drive one day less, it would be worth it.

--if you are able to arrange dd11's schedule to ride the bus and/or ride with someone, maybe instead of adding another class you could work with the school to arrange an independent study time for dd. Perhaps in the library or in another teacher's classroom, where she is somewhat supervised, but she works independently on assignments that you have given her from your homeschool curriculum. We did this a few years ago when ds went to school on half-day Fridays only....he was able to go to orchestra, PE, eat school lunch, recess and then he worked on his own work the rest of the time. It was such a great set up for us because he still felt a part of his friends, got to do the things he loved at the school, plus was able to accomplish some of the work I had planned for him. I taught him the math lesson the day before, on Fridays he completed a math assignment, vocabulary workbook, mindbenders, and a grammar lesson.


So there are a few ideas to bounce around.


I hope you can make things work out better so you feel less stressed.

If it were me, I'd want to put more focus on the academics than on the 'electives', so I'd definitely be making changes.

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What about cutting back your preschool to 2-3 days? That way you only have to do those drop-offs and pick-ups 2 or so days a week and you have the other 3 at home, or just to pick up your older dd (assuming you can get her on a bus there).


I'm really not sure that it would help, as preschool is only a block away, and again, it's really nice to have DS (DD5 isn't so much of an issue) out of our hair. He is a very high maintenance child.

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We are in a very busy schedule right now and we will have relief in another few weeks thank goodness. Then it's all evening stuff except for one. Not really better but it will be less crazy.


I know you feel some activities are non negotiable but they are. A year ago both my kids were taking music lessons. It was important to our family they have music lessons so when they asked at a young age we started. And both kids were doing amazing! This fall we had to move and just that little break in lessons really let my kids have time off to do nothing. I got a violin again for my dd to practice and had a person up the road to call about lessons. But lo and behold she didn't practice. not like before. She has very little time to practice and what free time she had she didn't want doing it. This is a child who was begging to start the youth symphony her teacher had told her about this fall.


At first we were sad. Every week I offered up time for her to just play and enjoy the songs she knows. She's very good for her age. But she just did not want to. I returned the violin and she's been 5 months without lessons now and she's happy. We both miss the music but we don't miss the lesson or practice time out of our days.


My son had a similar experience. But finally said he wanted more play time not practice time. We let him stop his ukulele lessons as well.


Both kids still love music. Both want to learn piano. But right now they don't want to rush to a lesson or do daily practice b/c we are so busy.


I trust when our lives aren't so scheduled crazy one or both might ask to have lessons again. But until then I let it go and they aren't playing anymore and it's ok. They play piano and on the ukulele and guitars in the house. They make up drum beats and funny songs. And I know if they ever go back to lessons it will be b/c we have nothing else going on. They just want to do so much. Right now it's scouts and gymnastics that run our schedule. Before it was music. And I wonder what it will be next year.


Be willing to let something go. They might be ok with the break. Sure it's a step backward if they want to return to an activity but I was surprised mine were willing to give it up for more free time. Kids really just want to play. Perhaps tell them each kid has one activity. Let them pick. :001_smile:

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Is your dd11 pretty independent in her homeschooling? If so, I can see how this could be hard for the short-term, but workable. We have a similar schedule (karate -4x/week, baseball - 6x/week, gymnastics - 3x/week, Boy Scouts - 1x/week, piano - 1x/week, violin - 2x/week - I think that's it). But, as long as it only lasts a couple months, I can put up with it.


Do you know any other people in those activities that you could carpool with? That helps us out MOST nights.


Congrats to your dd on making show choir! Sounds like a fantastic opportunity!

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Is your dd11 pretty independent in her homeschooling? If so, I can see how this could be hard for the short-term, but workable. We have a similar schedule (karate -4x/week, baseball - 6x/week, gymnastics - 3x/week, Boy Scouts - 1x/week, piano - 1x/week, violin - 2x/week - I think that's it). But, as long as it only lasts a couple months, I can put up with it.


Do you know any other people in those activities that you could carpool with? That helps us out MOST nights.


Congrats to your dd on making show choir! Sounds like a fantastic opportunity!


DD11 is very independent in HSing. I answer a few questions here and there and correct her work & that's about it.


Carpooling is something I'll have to think about. I could probably get some help with softball (maybe), but I'm not sure it would really help with schooling since it's all in the evening. Her public school classes and show choir are not an option since they occur when everyone else is either already in school, or right after school when the kids are already there.

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Now, my kids have not begged to do anything nor are they particularly gifted in a sport other than golf, so maybe this doesn't apply to you, but I would not take a 5 year old to gymnastics. First of all, the cost alone would be prohibitive for us as any gymnastics around here is high.


I also have told my kids they get ONE activity at a time.....so scouts, softball, and choir would not cut it. That is 3 activities for one child only and if I allow all 3 to do 3 each I would, well, I would have your schedule!


My boys do scouts and golf. Golf is with dad so I don't even really count it because it doesn't impact me. Last year we also had Tae Kwon Do. We dropped that.


Here is the bottom line......WE (parents) choose what the kids do. So, really, this isn't about what your kids HAVE to do, it is about what you are choosing to do. If you don't like it, choose differently.


I wouldn't want that schedule or the bills that come with it. I don't know what you are paying for and what you aren't, but if I did softball, scouts, preschool and other stuff around here, it would range in the $1,000/mo.

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Now, my kids have not begged to do anything nor are they particularly gifted in a sport other than golf, so maybe this doesn't apply to you, but I would not take a 5 year old to gymnastics. First of all, the cost alone would be prohibitive for us as any gymnastics around here is high.


I also have told my kids they get ONE activity at a time.....so scouts, softball, and choir would not cut it. That is 3 activities for one child only and if I allow all 3 to do 3 each I would, well, I would have your schedule!


My boys do scouts and golf. Golf is with dad so I don't even really count it because it doesn't impact me. Last year we also had Tae Kwon Do. We dropped that.


Here is the bottom line......WE (parents) choose what the kids do. So, really, this isn't about what your kids HAVE to do, it is about what you are choosing to do. If you don't like it, choose differently.


I wouldn't want that schedule or the bills that come with it. I don't know what you are paying for and what you aren't, but if I did softball, scouts, preschool and other stuff around here, it would range in the $1,000/mo.


DD5 is in gymnastics, because she is very talented. She is in a fast track program and it is her only sport/activity. I'm offsetting the cost by coaching during her class time......though it really isn't that expensive...yet.


Preschool has a sliding scale for tuition and we pay minimally for it.


Softball has a one time fee that DD's dad splits with me (or at least he's supposed to). The fee is pretty low anyway.


Choir, show choir, and band are all through the local PS and cost nothing other than the $30/month rental of her trumpet. I'm just not sure I'm ready to make her choose between band and choir. Our intention is to send her to public high school and I do really want her to be able to be competitive in whatever she chooses at that point (band, choir, softball, etc...) and I feel that without the foundation now, that won't be the case.


I know that our lifestyle is a choice.....I guess I was more looking for a way to streamline things - make it so that it's not so much back and forth. If DD went to PS she would be able to do band, choir, and show choir all as part of her school day. Softball would be her only extra. So, I guess I view it in that light.


I dunno. Sigh.

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I know that our lifestyle is a choice.....I guess I was more looking for a way to streamline things - make it so that it's not so much back and forth. If DD went to PS she would be able to do band, choir, and show choir all as part of her school day. Softball would be her only extra. So, I guess I view it in that light.


I dunno. Sigh.


I do sympathize with your situation. That said - as homeschoolers that's something that comes with the territory. If you want to

homeschool and have all the activities through public school you're going to have to be doing the juggling around of the schedule and driving around. In your DD's case with all those extra activities maybe PS is something you should consider for her, but only you know what's best for your dd. It doesn't sound like you CAN streamline more if you wanted to unless you are willing to drop something.


I would make a list of all the pros and cons of all the activities... of homeschooling her or enrolling her. Writing it all out might give you a little more perspective on it. What are your reasons from homeschooling? Why is it important to you? What are your goals with homeschooling? What about the long term plans for her education? Are the extra activities contributing to meeting the end goals? As much as we want our children to be able to do the things they want to do, we have to keep things in perspective and decide if its really worth all the sacrifice. Maybe it is... maybe it means years of driving around - but that's a decision you'll have to make yourself.


I know in a couple years I'm going to be facing a similar situation having two boys with completely different interests. I'm not looking forward to that point!

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While I completely understand why you might suggest it, sending DD11 to PS is definitely NOT an option for us right now. We pulled DD out 2yrs ago. I won't subject her to everything she went through again.


I'm realizing that I'm probably just stuck unless we drop something, which I guess I already knew. I was just hoping another set of eyes or someone who had BTDT might reveal something I was missing for next year. I will, however, be looking at maybe coordinating her class(es) with the bus next year.

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