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My husband comes home n 6 days!

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So far, praise God, we've only had minor problems at the house. The boys and I have pulled together, some days better than others, but over-all it has been a fairly positive experience for us all.


My 15 (almost 16) ds has really stepped up and has matured so much, he is awesome! My younger son, 12, has missed his dad, but has been a trooper.


I re-learned some independence (not that I was too bad, he is an airline pilot, he's basically gone all the time anyway), but managing the snow removal (500 ft. Driveway), education, food service, cleaning, transportation, sports and activity driving, stepping into CubMaster role (previously not involved at all), car buyer/car seller, the list goes on.... Ah, this is fairly new...never have done a deployment with kids before, either. We survived! Now we just have to survive re-entry!


I have to mention, this deployment is not finished...he is home for 4 days, but to finish the six months, he is in Washington DC til April on the weekdays. So, it's not like I'm going to have much help, but at least he'll be safe stateside, and home on the weekends!


Thanks for all of your prayers and well-wishings. We have had it far easier than most families out there with deployed servicemen. Any deployment is a hardship, but some of our families have really suffered. May God protect them and offer their families grace at the time of homecoming. And for those who do not return, or return someone different than they thought they would be, May God offer their souls a warm homecoming and their poor bodies and minds peace and salvation. May their families heal as they gain their loved ones, but are confused as to what is different. God bless the USA!

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