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What to use for American History, 2/3 grade?


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We are currently using HOD Beyond this year and we loved it in the begininng, but are not enjoying it as much now. I have decided not to use HOD Bigger next year but want to do one more year of American History, since all we have read about this year is Pilgrims.


Now I am stuck trying to figure out what to use next year for history, we will also be doing US Geography. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas that would be fabulous! :)

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If you want to stick with a "boxed" curriculum, you could try MFW Adventures. It covers more of American History than just Pilgrims. There is also Beautiful Feet. I haven't used either, so I can't offer a valid opinion except to say that a. I have always wanted to use MFW Adv. and b. our neighbors used BF and LOVED it. :D There is also a fabulous FREE curriculum through http://www.guesthollow.com that was designed specifically for that age range. HTH

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I'm using Queen's A Living History of Our World volume 1 and we only do about 1 journal entry per subject. Then I add in brainpop, internet activities, and library books to supplement. We also have this: http://handsandhearts.com/handsandheartswestwardexpansionhistorydiscoverykit.aspx and used various Scholastic US History paper crafts.

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Thanks for all the replies!


If you want to stick with a "boxed" curriculum, you could try MFW Adventures. It covers more of American History than just Pilgrims. There is also Beautiful Feet. I haven't used either, so I can't offer a valid opinion except to say that a. I have always wanted to use MFW Adv. and b. our neighbors used BF and LOVED it. :D There is also a fabulous FREE curriculum through www.guesthollow.com that was designed specifically for that age range. HTH


I want to stay away from another boxed curriculum, even though I have always been interested in MFW Adventures! I am very interested in guest hollow, I am going to look that over, but from what I seen it looks good! Beautiful Feet looks good to but too pricey for me.



My 6 YO really loves A Living History of Our World. If she wants me to read something to her, that is always what she reaches for! I think you could combine volumes 2 & 3 in one year pretty easily.


I looked at A Living History of Our World and it looks good but not sure yet what I am looking for.


IDK. We're loving Beyond and can't wait for Bigger.


We also loved Beyond but just feel like we are growing out of the boxed curriculum and we are barely using any of the suggested subjects or items that they use.

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