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Analytical Grammar...totally bombing here! Help!

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My 7th grader who has been doing formal grammar since the 3rd grade is totally sick of it. She's on season two of AG and has a long list of intensive subjects. AG takes more time than we'd like. What are our other options? Is it really necessary to continue on in formal grammar at this stage?

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If you want to continue AG, try splitting the lessons. Do the parsing on the first day, and the diagramming on the second day. That brings the daily time to 20 to 30 minutes. We're almost done with Season 3 (yeah, yeah, yeah), so I can understand the desire to either get done or jump ship. You've gotten this far, so maybe lightening the load will help. However, if your daughter can parse and diagram, then maybe it is time to stop, especially if she is working on Latin.

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Does she have enough grammar to move on to section 3, punctuation?


If you drop it totally know, you will probably end up re-doing grammar at some point.


I'd try to either lighten each lesson or take a break but continue to do some weekly review as suggested in the program.

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She may be done with grammar all together. Does she already know the material or is it just added busy work?


She knows quite a bit of it but she does have some holes. I went ahead and cut down the sentence diagramming to three each lesson rather than ten. She picks it up quickly and remembers it. In that case, imo, there's no reason to add on busy work. She has better things to fill her time.

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Feel free to completely ignore my post as I am only in season 1 with my 6th grader.;)


I love the thoroughness of AG. My dd needs all that practice. However, if you feel as though your dd is mostly fine, perhaps you can have her do 3-5 problems per exercise. Randomly choose the sentences. If she passes with flying colors, move on to the next exercise. Personally, if I was in your situation, I would still require my dd to complete the tests.


We have taken a while to go through season 1 of AG. My dd needed the time to let everything sink in. It seems as though your dd is getting the concepts. Just speed it up. Does her writing for other subjects reflect her years of grammar study? If so, I would quickly finish AG, making sure you cover all the bases, and only use the AG reinforcement books.

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. Does her writing for other subjects reflect her years of grammar study?.


Yes, dd's writing is great! She LOVES to read and write. I have her cc me on all e-mail she sends and noticed that even in e-mail, her writing skills (compared to her friends') is quite good. I think this is the reason I have a hard time making her finish. As I said above, I'm going to cut down the amount of work but still insist she finish. When I told her this today, she was relieved.

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With my 7th grader we do Painless Grammar at a pace of two pages per day. Takes no more than 5-10 minutes, but reviews anything you could possibly want to know as a writer (in the realm of grammar). I feel it's a good review for a child who already is solid and grammar and just needs review.

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About 3-4 lessons into Season 2, my 13yod was complaining about the amount of time the lessons took. I was surprised since she finished them quickly in Season 1. But when I started looking at it, some of the Season 2 lessons are quite lengthy. I also cut back and had her only do approximately 1/2 of each lesson. If she had problems, I would have her complete that lesson - so each unit might take two weeks. Once we finished Season 2, Season 3 is all downhill.

I vote you stick with it. It is a good program!

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