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Can I get help with high school science? My first high schooler!

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Well dd14 will be hitting high school. She just turned 14 this month. I will be learning with her so I need something that will explain everything. I have noticed a trend with some curricula that they have a tendency to not explain a lot, especially in the upper grades. I need something at an upper grade level but that assumes no prior knowledge.


I have looked at Apologia, we did try to use the General Science a year ago or so but dd didn't like it. Although I am thinking it was the actual science choice (Gen instead of Physical) rather than format.


We are currently using Rainbow, which is OK but it is the whole explanation thing again. It doesn't explain it in a way that I (or her) completely understand. I like the format of Rainbow, just not the text.


I am starting to get into deep water with this high school stuff. I am also trying not to panic!

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Have you looked around in your area for classes that she could take ? Where I live there are classes the kids can go to just for science, or English, etc. There are also online science classes that she could attend. With these options there's a teacher teaching everything, and the labs are done in the class.


We participated in a science co-op one year where the kids read the text at home and went to the co-op to do the labs.


There are also DVD classes that she could watch, then you could do the experiments at your home.

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We have used Apologia with success in high school for the two (soon to be three) I have graduated so far. This year my dd (9th grade) took it at a co-op and really enjoys doing the labs with a group. The teacher teaches the modules, gives her assignments for the week, and all testing is done in class. The classes are in Arden. Pm me if you want the info.

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How about an online class?

Bob Jones University Press science course on DVD?

Take just science as a class at the local public/private/charter school?


And don't forget, there are video tutorial options as supplement to whatever program you use:


Red Wagon (for purchase; tutorials for Apologia)

Thinkwell (for purchase)


Bozeman Biology (free online

Derek Owens Physics (free online)

Hippo Campus (free, online, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science)

GPB Education (free online, Chemistry & Physics)

Lone Star College (free animations, tutorials)

Khan Academy (free, online, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Cosmology & Astronomy)

Science Joy Wagon (free, online, Physics, Chemistry)

Edited by Lori D.
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I like the Apologia Physical science better than the General science, so it might be a topic oriented thing. The Apologia series is geared toward the student with little parent involvement. You might want to look at Science Shepherd Biology too. Alpha Omega Press has LifePacs and SOS (computer based) that might be a good fit as well.

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Does anyone have a suggestion for a secular biology course for my freshman-level son? He started with the Miller/Levine (Prentice Hall) textbook but it's just too difficult to do alone (uninspiring with no human interaction, and challenging material). Ideally a DVD series or online course would be great, but our budget is also limited so the more economical the better.


Thanks so much,


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Hi Maureen,

Looks like you are new to the Board and high school -- welcome!


I suggest making this request a separate post, with something like "Need secular Biology recommendations" as the subject heading -- and then you are bound to get some responses! :)


Warmest regards, Lori D.

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We use Apologia, currently Biology and my DD loves it. Very easy to follow so for the most part she is independent. We started the year off with Shepard Science Biology with a tutor who decided not to teach after a couple months. My DD and I did attempt to continue with it, but found it difficult.

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