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if you feel alone at church / with church ...

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what do you do?


We just started a great church, stands to reason, we have a transfer for this summer so NOW we find a church that we sorta like.


nice people, good for kids, sound teaching ... yadda


but i just feel lost.


I am functionally much more Conservative than the rest of the group (that generally applies to my life). i parent differently.


Everyone is nice, but i don't fit.


I guess that is true of my entire life. I just don't fit any place. :(


sorry just feeling lonely

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I didn't fit in at our last parish. Truth be told I did not fit in with the last town we lived in. It was a sad lonely time in my life and I'm glad I'm gone from there.


If you are transferring this summer you have hope of fitting in at your new place.

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Maybe you have been planted there so that the next person will fit. ;) Continue to look for opportunities to serve. I find that I relate much better to the women who are 15-30 years older than I. Also, when I started serving in a way that truly appealed to me (singing) people saw a side of me they didn't think existed. That opening up on my part has made people much more open to me. I think before they just saw the "protective" mama side.

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It took us a good year before we actually felt like our church was a good fit for us. I had to rethink it. Instead of what I was getting out of it I started asking what could I give. I changed the way I "did" church. I started going only for God and Him alone. I started plugging in and helping where I could. I tried out different areas. I now teach a youth girls S.S. class and help with our senior adult ministry. I have made lots of friends. Hang in there. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: i love our church, truly love it! but i'm always alone there. my husband is working on sunday morning and i go alone every week & it's been like that our whole marriage. it's hard. so yea, i definitely can feel alone (in a literal sense). i do talk to a lot of people, but i'm so awkward with small talk that i feel like i come across as a total weirdo.


as far as connecting with people, i really enjoy our weekly small group. it gives people an opportunity to get to know my heart & likewise, i get to really know theirs. we focus on what unites us, so the fact that we may parent differently etc. isn't a big deal. give yourself some time to adjust. try to get in a small group or sunday school class. it's makes the world of difference for me.:grouphug:

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what do you do?


We just started a great church, stands to reason, we have a transfer for this summer so NOW we find a church that we sorta like.


nice people, good for kids, sound teaching ... yadda


but i just feel lost.


I am functionally much more Conservative than the rest of the group (that generally applies to my life). i parent differently.


Everyone is nice, but i don't fit.


I guess that is true of my entire life. I just don't fit any place. :(


sorry just feeling lonely


:grouphug: I was in a church once where I just didn't fit in. I did find another kindred spirit, but then a friend of hers went through a major life crisis and all her time was spent caring for her friend. I felt pretty left out and I really didn't fit in anywhere. I tried a few things, but it was pretty cliquish too. I felt pretty lonely during that time. Church was not really what I thought it should be (although I don't think it should be exclusively a social group - it is an important aspect of church community, IMHO), and I would come home crying.


I don't really have much advice because what happened to me is that it, and a few other things, spurred me to find out what happened to the early church community... and I ended up Eastern Orthodox several years later. They take community pretty serious. :)


I hope you find a friend soon.

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Try various age groups. I know it isn't that much of an age difference but quite a few of my friends are 10-12 years older than I am. Sometimes you might find a grandma that you would relate well to (and might be more conservative).


Another thing is to plug in somewhere and become involved. It is hard to get to know people and find out who you might click with if you only come on Sunday mornings for the worship service. If you don't already do so, join a Sunday School class, mid week Bible study, small group, etc. Volunteer to help in the kitchen or nursery, for a community service project, etc.

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I hear ya.


Actually, I just took a look at your blog and I think we'd get along great LOL.


I never feel like I fit in either. I'm not a girly girl, so I never fit in when the women are chatting about clothing, fashion, etc. I, too, seem to parent differently than everyone. We've been attending our current Sunday School class for several years and I still don't really talk to anyone.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: I'll be your friend! :)


I have a hard time making friends too. I've been in my church since 1996 and have served there for 5 years and still don't have anyone there I can call a friend. It's not easy I know. I too often times feel alone in the crowd. :grouphug:

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I hear ya.


Actually, I just took a look at your blog and I think we'd get along great LOL.


I never feel like I fit in either. I'm not a girly girl, so I never fit in when the women are chatting about clothing, fashion, etc. I, too, seem to parent differently than everyone. We've been attending our current Sunday School class for several years and I still don't really talk to anyone.


Thanks, I have your blog open to look at later.


I often think I am just not going to fit in,


Thanks ladies, i have amazing freinds, they just all (but 2) live in my computer!

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