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Hi, everyone...I'm a Grams!

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Just wanted to touch base after a long hiatus to tell you that my first granddaughter was born Monday afternoon (1/23/12) at 3:24 p.m. She weighed 8 lbs 2.3 oz, and was 19.5" long. She has little fat rolls and long feet...and long, curly red hair!


Her name is Erin Mina, and my daughter (the married-two-years-now, Math/Art major that we homeschooled through high school) is doing great. Although labor had to be induced, she needed no pain meds, so her recovery has been rather quick.


Headed to her house to rock a baby,




PS I am also reading a great new book, so probably everyone who remembers me would also love to hear about this one: Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion & Naturalism by Alvin Plantinga.

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Wow, congratulations on the new grand-baby.:grouphug:


Just wanted to touch base after a long hiatus to tell you that my first granddaughter was born Monday afternoon (1/23/12) at 3:24 p.m. She weighed 8 lbs 2.3 oz, and was 19.5" long. She has little fat rolls and long feet...and long, curly red hair!


Her name is Erin Mina, and my daughter (the married-two-years-now, Math/Art major that we homeschooled through high school) is doing great. Although labor had to be induced, she needed no pain meds, so her recovery has been rather quick.


Headed to her house to rock a baby,




PS I am also reading a great new book, so probably everyone who remembers me would also love to hear about this one: Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion & Naturalism by Alvin Plantinga.

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