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The Teachers Lodge 1-23-2012

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If you celebrate the Chinese New Year, Happy Year of the Dragon!


I'm opening the lodge early as I once again have a busy day today.

PLUS . . .


From now until February 23rd, I am going to be "fasting" from most of my internet activity. I need to just use it for research, etc, and not so much for entertainment. It's becoming a detriment to me. Therefore, I am going to also seriously re-think being in charge of the Teachers Lodge. On Wednesday, this Wednesday, I'll be returning, to open the Lodge myself one last time. In the meantime, I would like for each of you to consider either volunteering to be one sole person in charge of opening it each day or perhaps a couple of you would like to alternate turns.


That being said, (you can discuss all that among yourselves tomorrow :001_smile:),


What's for breakfast/lunch today?


Where are you going today?


What was great about this weekend?


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good Morning.

I'm still drinking coffee and thinking about breakfast. It will, of course, be Greek yogurt with flax and berries. Lunch will be leftovers.


Today, I am taking older dd to her enrichment school then picking her up 8 hours later. Younger and I will be making a mummy today. It is also cello lesson and tap dance day so I'm making a pot roast for dinner.


Older dd is saving money for a puppy this summer and is thinking about an Australian Sheppard. We went to a local dog show sponsored by the local Aussie club and not only saw some lovely dogs, but also got to pet a lot of very fluffy puppies. After that, we went out to dinner and enjoyed a good, local jazz band. Younger dd loves music and is a big fan of jazz and bluegrass.

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What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast was a banana for me and cinnamon gluten-free waffles and bananas for the kids. Lunch will be homemade Vietnamese and Chinese food at a Chinese New Year party! WOOHOO!


Where are you going today? One of my HS friends adopted girls from Vietnam and China, so we are going to celebrate the Chinese New Year with her. She's fixing food, and she's an amazing cook. I cannot wait.


What was great about this weekend? Not much, really. I finished painting the trim outside my house and went to two birthday parties. I watched the 49ers lose, which made me sad, and I watched Downton Abbey, which made me happy.


I will consider the Lodge job... but if someone else wants it, I'm happy to let them.

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Good Morning - still trying to get fully awake here. I have a lot of errands to run today, and I'm not sure I'm going to get them all done.


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast will probably be toaster strudel, cold cereal, or the like. Lunch will be leftovers and I will probably have a Smart One. Dinner is up in the air still - I'm thinking perhaps steak broiled in the oven with mashed potatoes and veggies.


Where are you going today? So far my day looks like this: Run down to the store to hopefully pick up Sunday papers for the coupons {didn't go yesterday}, run the grocery for clearance items, run home, catch the bus to the post office {and I have to get 6 packages ready to mail out before that}, catch the bus from the PO down to Half Priced books and check for materials we need, then catch the bus up to goodwill to check for materials there, then bus home. Oh and I need to finish cleaning up the school room and sorting / shelving books. I'm thinking I'm not going to get it all done - I have a headache from my thyroid medications being adjusted that just isn't going away even with medication.


What was great about this weekend? I got extra sleep, DD actually went to bed at a decent time for once, and I finished our lesson plans {mostly} for starting back next week. Just waiting on final books to come in the mail from Amazon, and to be able to order the last 1 on our list.

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From now until February 23rd, I am going to be "fasting" from most of my internet activity. I need to just use it for research, etc, and not so much for entertainment. It's becoming a detriment to me. Therefore, I am going to also seriously re-think being in charge of the Teachers Lodge. On Wednesday, this Wednesday, I'll be returning, to open the Lodge myself one last time. In the meantime, I would like for each of you to consider either volunteering to be one sole person in charge of opening it each day or perhaps a couple of you would like to alternate turns.


I hope that this "fast" will be a blessing to you and your family! I am more than happy to help with "Lodge" duties, if needed!



What's for breakfast/lunch today?

Breakfast was "fend for yourselves!" Two dds had waffles, one had pancakes and my ds and I each had cereal. Lunch will be leftovers from last night's dinner--steak, roasted red potatoes, broccoli or green beans.


Where are you going today?

Already took dd14 to a friend's house to work on a project. Then they are going to church to work on the final preparations for this weekend's middle school retreat. The high schoolers (dd included) assist the adult leaders all weekend. They will work until 4:45 and then dd will have a lot of schoolwork to finish this evening. Public schools in our area have a teacher workday today, that's why they are having this "work session" during the day today! Later this afternoon, I have to take our van by our mechanic's house so he assess what is causing the "check engine light" to be on. Praying that it will be an easy (and inexpensive) fix!


What was great about this weekend?

It was a good weekend. I got to spend some time with friends on Friday evening. Saturday was relatively relaxing (other than having to work that night). Sunday was spent at church.

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:seeya: Good Morning (yeah it's still morning :001_smile:)


Dh got up and went to work early but the rest of us slept late. Bad storm last night so we stayed up late (dh didn't since he had to be up early) watching the breaking news.


Breakfast was leftover sausage and biscuits. Haven't thought farther than that.


Doing today? Hopefully we can get alot of schooling in. Kinda behind where we need to be


What was great about this weekend? Being lazy :thumbup:

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What's for breakfast/lunch today?


Breakfast - one egg and an everything bagel thin


Where are you going today?


The Y after being away for a week due to snow! I'm so excited to get out and about.


What was great about this weekend?


That I finally got to rest from shoveling snow on Sunday. I shoveled on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and my back is sooooo sore.

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What's for breakfast/lunch today?


Where are you going today?


What was great about this weekend?


Coffee for me, cereal for the kids. C'mon, it's Monday!


I am going nowhere. Slowly. Several inches of snow are melting today, making my world muddy and gross.


My oldest was home for the weekend and, thanks to the snow, it was 2 days of lounging around in pajamas, playing board games and planning his high school courses for next year. Also discovered it's time for him to shave (AT 13!!!)


I don't consider those last two "great", but certainly big!

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It's almost 3pm here. How has your Monday been so far? What did you get accomplished? What do you still have left?


It's been a fairly decent day. I was a bit stressed this morning after dealing with my 14 year old. I have since tried to "let it go!"

I've gotten a lot done with my middle two kids today, as far as schoolwork. We just wrapped it up for today!

I've also managed to get tons of laundry done today, after having not done any since last Wednesday (we had a family birthday, a day away, and a busy weekend). Load #7 is in the washer. I have 3 loads left to fold (including the one currently washing). The kids will get it put away before dinner.


Dinner is in the crockpots. I made one big crock of Three Meat Chili with beans. I made a small crock of the same chili, but without beans, for dd8 and myself. I just need to cook some rice in the rice cooker and make some cornbread in the cast iron skillet.


I have to pick dd14 up from church at 4:45 and then drop all the kids back at the house (dd is going to babysit). Then I have to drive my van 30 minutes in the other direction to our mechanic so he can assess what's causing the check engine light to be on.


Dh has to work until 8:30 tonight, so it will be an early bed night for the younger three! :lol: DD14 has a chunk of homework/schoolwork to finish tonight and then needs a tutoring session for geometry when dh gets home!

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It's almost 3pm here. How has your Monday been so far? What did you get accomplished? What do you still have left?


Not quite noon here. Monday is ok.


Cleaned kitchen.


Called my mother to wish her a happy 86th birthday.


Gave dd a spelling test.


Cleaned bedroom.


Discussed science with ds14.


Gave dd an impromptu Latin quiz (necessary to find out how we are going to handle the fact that she didn't finish her Latin work for 1 month). Assigned two pages of work. She is currently slamming doors and stomping around. I just turned around and gave her an attitude adjustment. She's settling down. . . (or was that too much detail?!)


Oh - and thank you for reminding me to get my stuff in the crock pot RIGHT NOW!

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nothing - I've been stuck here with a massive headache all day. I am beginning to think this new lower dosage of my thyroid medication is not working for me - I haven't felt good since it was lowered nearly a week ago, and it seems to be worsening. I have an appointment in a week to check back with her on it, so I'm going to give it until then and tell her it isn't working.



On the other hand, I've been able to write lesson plans while I sit, so there is some good coming out of it. Dinner will be easy - spaghetti and meatballs with veggies.

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What's for breakfast/lunch today?

For brunch I made pancakes, scrabled eggs and bacon :D


Where are you going today?

I had an OB appointment this morning


What was great about this weekend?

Dh and I had the house to ourselves Saturday night!

Edited by Laura in MI
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Hi everyone! :seeya: Is there room in here for me? This is my first stop in the lodge. I have often thought about entering, but just never made it. :001_smile:


If you celebrate the Chinese New Year, Happy Year of the Dragon!


I'm opening the lodge early as I once again have a busy day today.

PLUS . . .


From now until February 23rd, I am going to be "fasting" from most of my internet activity. I need to just use it for research, etc, and not so much for entertainment. It's becoming a detriment to me. Therefore, I am going to also seriously re-think being in charge of the Teachers Lodge. On Wednesday, this Wednesday, I'll be returning, to open the Lodge myself one last time. In the meantime, I would like for each of you to consider either volunteering to be one sole person in charge of opening it each day or perhaps a couple of you would like to alternate turns.


That being said, (you can discuss all that among yourselves tomorrow :001_smile:),


What's for breakfast/lunch today?


Where are you going today?


What was great about this weekend?


Talk to me! :bigear:


Wow, I hate that you're leaving, but I totally understand. I'm supposed to be planning right now....


What's for breakfast/lunch today? No breakfast, just coffee. I had to rush dd to her music lessons. We were up most of the night with tornado watch/t-storms, so we're all very tired and *very* headachy today. Lunch was, I'm totally ashamed to admit, a slice of leftover chicken artichoke pizza and two all beef corn dogs (frozen/processed). I'm going to be soooo sick later! What was I thinking??

Where are you going today? Procrastinating. Honestly. I'm supposed to be planning the kids' school week.


What was great about this weekend? Uh.... is it bad that I can't remember what I did? Friday was spent running errands. Or that might have been Saturday. I'm not sure. Yesterday we all sat around feeling pressure headaches caused by the storms that were on the way.


It's almost 3pm here. How has your Monday been so far? What did you get accomplished? What do you still have left?


See above.... all I have accomplished so far today is to drive dd to and from her music lessons and to eat nasty (but yummy) processed foods. I did drink water with my fake foods, though, if that lessens the 'badness' any.


What do I still have left? School planning. I have two ideas of what to make for dinner (while both involve hamburger meat, both are veggie-heavy). I *should* clean the bathrooms, but I despise that chore, so I may put it off until tomorrow.


At some point today, though, I'll have to either plan the kids' schoolwork or clean the bathrooms. One of those chores will have to be completed today. Yes. One will be. Uh-huh. I'm going to go get busy on one of them right now. No, now. I mean it.... :leaving:

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Lunch was, I'm totally ashamed to admit, a slice of leftover chicken artichoke pizza and two all beef corn dogs (frozen/processed). I'm going to be soooo sick later! What was I thinking??



Would you mind telling me what brand the corn dogs are? I've been looking all over for all-beef ones since I quit eating pork, and I haven't found any!

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Would you mind telling me what brand the corn dogs are? I've been looking all over for all-beef ones since I quit eating pork, and I haven't found any!


Sorry, I just saw this.


It's the State Fair brand in a blue box. I got mine at Target, but Publix carries them, too. Well, Publix at least carries the brand, but I'm not positive they have the beef ones... I just noticed the blue box in passing yesterday.


As a nod to your user ID, the box I bought last week has a $1.50 coupon on it when I buy my next two boxes. :001_smile:

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Sorry, I just saw this.


It's the State Fair brand in a blue box. I got mine at Target, but Publix carries them, too. Well, Publix at least carries the brand, but I'm not positive they have the beef ones... I just noticed the blue box in passing yesterday.


As a nod to your user ID, the box I bought last week has a $1.50 coupon on it when I buy my next two boxes. :001_smile:


Thanks Heather - I will check those out when I go to the store next - I think our HEB has them.

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