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Tell me about essential oils if you use them.

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I keep hearing how people use essential oils. I read a blog today where the lady poked holes in the top of a canning jar, poured in some backing soda with a few drops of lavender essential oils.


What exactly are they? Are they all natural? A more organic way of doing things? If so, I'm all for cutting out chemicals.


What are some other ways to use them? Are they okay for kiddos to be around?

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I am not an expert by any means but we use 2 essential oils at our house. One is called "breathe" and it is for opening sinuses and easier breathing...think grandma's Vicks Vapor Rub. The other one is peppermint. It helps belly aches (a little drop in water or under the tounge), headaches-rub it on temples and nape of neck, and we use it at work, too, for our post partum moms that can't pee. A little drop in a voiding hat in the toilet and it helps open their urethra to pee. We call it a peppermint potty!

Here is a link to my friend's facebook page and it is her business.


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Essential oils are natural oils from plants


For purchasing I like






Essential oils bother me less than more artificial fragrances. I use them when cleaning, in soap, in my bath, I make a room spray, they work well for a large number of things

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We use them for cleaning, some personal care stuff, for making room sprays, that type of thing.


Since they are derived from plants and are not synthetic, you get to skip the phthalates that are in most fragrance containing products. Anything labeled "fragrance" can technically contain all kinds of ingredients and "fragrance" is usually based on synthetic chemicals, not essential oils.


I like cleaning with grapefruit or lime when I want something fresh and perky. Sometimes I add tea tree oil to my cleaning mix if I want to disinfect something. We use lavandar for calming (can make a room spray out of it). We use a drop or two of eucalyptus in the vaporizer when someone is sick, or we add a drop or two to their bathwater. We mix it in with baking soda to scrub the tub, sink, or toilet.


Many of them are not meant to be used directly on your skin without diluting in a carrier oil. They can irritate your skin (depending on the oil and how sensitive you are).


I've used some as antifungals on skin and sometimes add a drop or two of one I like to my shampoo.

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We use them.


Lavender is awesome for burns or bumps and bruises.


Yes they are safe around kids. You can't treat cats with them, so don't use them in an enclosed place with cats.


If you plan to use them internally I would recommend either Doterra or Young Living, or another brand that uses theraputic grade stuff and says you can us them internally.

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I use them mostly for treatments. I use oregano oil and echinacea/golden seal tincture for colds. I use cinnamon for any kind of fungusy type things (oregano oil is good for that as well) I use eucalyptus to open up nasal passages when everyone is sick ( a few drops on the pillow at bedtime). I use lavendar in the bathwater to calm the kids down before bedtime. Mint is good for the stomach and digestion. I'm sure there are many others, but those are the ones off the top of my head that I use all the time. :)

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We use them in a carrier oil.


Oil can be used:


for massage

for dry skin/eczema

on the ends of your hair (conditioning)

natural response to problems like lice


I like to lightly tap dry and then slather with scented oil, especially in the winter. It keeps the moisture in and is really good for your skin.


My favorites are peppermint (must have around here), a citrus (orange, lemon), rosemary, lavender, and eucalyptus (good for clearing nasal passages and anti-bacterial properties).


We don't like most manufactured scents here. They're too strong. Essential oils are a way to take natural scents and dilute them to your own specifications (alone they are an irritant to the skin).

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Yes they are safe around kids.


Do be aware, though, that kids can react negatively to them. My younger dd gets itchy around anything lavender. It doesn't matter whether it's an essential oil or not, what company I purchase from, whether the plants were organic -- she develops a rash.


So, using essential oil isn't a guarantee that everything will be great with your kids.

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