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I'm giving up on potty training dd3. She just turned 3 in Dec. I've been pt'ing her for the last 5 months. We've done: setting the timer for every 30 minutes, putting her in panties, tried pull-ups (those are useless), tried letting her run around with nothing on...she will tinkle when put on the potty but she will never initiate going on the potty on her own until AFTER she has peed in her panties or on the floor. I'm sick of 5 months of washing extra clothes and scrubbing my floor...or even more fun, trying to figure out where she peed on the floor.:glare: Ugh! The fact that I'm even having pee on my floor is sending me over the edge! (I'm a bit OCD when it comes to my house being clean.)


So, just needed to vent. I've potty trained 4 other dc so it isn't that I don't know what to do...I've been there, done that and know all the tricks. It just isn't happening with this one.



AND...I don't want to do school today. It's raining, we all got up late because we were up late last night (dd9's birthday celebration), no one is motivated, dd3 is coughing and needs a breathing treatment, the dishwasher is dying and so I have a whole dishwasher full of dirty dishes that have been sitting half washed all night, I have two co-op classes that start next Mon. and I don't have anything pulled together for them yet, AND dd3 won't be able to be in her preK classes and will have to stay in the nursery classes because she isn't potty trained yet (GRRRRRRR!). I am just in a real funk. Thanks for listening...you may go back to your day.

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I drove myself (and my poor boys) crazy with the potty training 20 some-odd years ago. By the time my girls came along, I was in my 30's and just decided I wasn't going to put any of us through that. I took a very relaxed approach. Basically, all I did was introduce them to the potty and what happened there, then left it up to them as to when they were ready. It was such a less stressful experience for everyone involved, and once they decided they were ready, it was done; no accidents, nothing! Give yourself a break, mama, she'll come around.


I didn't have the Pre-K issue, so I'm sure that must be frustrating for you..I'm sorry :(

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Just to give you a little hope on the potty training - my youngest was the same way. She didn't care about pee running down her leg, she didn't care about wearing wet underwear, she didn't care about any of the incentives we tried. NOTHING worked on this kid. If I took her to use the potty every 15 minutes, she would pee in between. We have wall-to-wall carpeting over concrete slab so pee on the floor is really not fun. Poop on the floor is even worse.


I tried periodically but pretty much gave up because it was clear she knew what to do but just wasn't willing to do it. I waited until she asked to wear underwear to try again. It happened right after the new year this year. She had one accident the first day and has been completely free of accidents since. Waiting until she was ready made a HUGE difference. Of course putting up with everyone else's opinion on her not being potty trained was the hardest part.:glare:

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.... I have two co-op classes that start next Mon. and I don't have anything pulled together for them yet, AND dd3 won't be able to be in her preK classes and will have to stay in the nursery classes because she isn't potty trained yet (GRRRRRRR!). ...


Sorry :( About this, my conversation would go, "She's almost trained; I put her in pull-ups for when she's here so nothing accidentally happens. I'll be back to take her to the restroom and clean up any accidents during break. Can you just bring her to me if she's smelly in between?" I think it'd work for us :)

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My youngest did not come out of diapers until right before she turned 4. I asked her when she was 3 if she wanted to wear big girl panties, and she told me, "No Mommy. I a baby. I need my diapy." So, knowing her strong will, I decided not to fight that battle. When she was nearly 4, she asked to wear panties, we took the diaper off, and she never had any accidents. She is 13 now and fully potty trained. :001_smile:

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Sorry :( About this, my conversation would go, "She's almost trained; I put her in pull-ups for when she's here so nothing accidentally happens. I'll be back to take her to the restroom and clean up any accidents during break. Can you just bring her to me if she's smelly in between?" I think it'd work for us :)


I'll talk to the director. I've never done a co-op before so I'm not sure how strict they are about the rule. It doesn't hurt to ask though...thanks!

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Vent and/or whine away!



Another suggestion for when you're ready to try again...


I was in the same boat with my now 3yo. He would go every single time we placed him on the toilet but he wouldn't initiate it himself. We finally stumbled upon something to motivate him. Legos. Legos are for big kids. We started out giving him one each time he went. Then one for going on his own (with reminders that "big kids can get on the potty by themselves" and inquiring if he wanted to give his Legos back to Mama). After he was fully trained I just gave him the rest of the box of Legos. $20 well spent.


His older siblings (with their own Legos) were good at telling him that they didn't want him playing with their Legos in their room if he was going to pee his pants. They asked him often if he needed to go and encouraged him to be a big boy.

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Dd was WELL into her third year before she was consistent and we're still working with Ds who is three. You are not alone. Your frustration is completely understandable. Since you've done this four times before, I'm sure you've heard all the advice. Just big :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: for you on this rainy day.

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Vent and/or whine away!



Another suggestion for when you're ready to try again...


I was in the same boat with my now 3yo. He would go every single time we placed him on the toilet but he wouldn't initiate it himself. We finally stumbled upon something to motivate him. Legos. Legos are for big kids. We started out giving him one each time he went. Then one for going on his own (with reminders that "big kids can get on the potty by themselves" and inquiring if he wanted to give his Legos back to Mama). After he was fully trained I just gave him the rest of the box of Legos. $20 well spent.


His older siblings (with their own Legos) were good at telling him that they didn't want him playing with their Legos in their room if he was going to pee his pants. They asked him often if he needed to go and encouraged him to be a big boy.


Wow, you are a genius!:D

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I've kind of come to the conclusion that if you don't go the really early training route or use e.c. then potty training is mostly a matter of getting the child to decide he or she wants to do it.


Taking a break is probably a good idea. Sometimes it is the pressure that has been built up around the whole issue that is the biggest impediment.

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