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So I checked out Lial's from the library, and...

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Hooo, boy.


I've heard so much about how great it is, but it was completely overwhelming for me (Algebra text).


I just don't know what to go with.


Dd is in ps, and has been doing 7th grade math this year in 6th grade. It's basically pre-alg and some simple algebra together. At least, that's what it looks like to me. The teachers rarely use the book--they run off sheets of work or make their own, and teach the topics themselves (fwiw, they are really good teachers). Dd has to test well on the Iowa Algebra test and get a high mark on her end of year state math test in order to take Algebra in 7th grade. I do not know if we are going to homeschool or not--think so, but still unsure.


So I have to pick a text.


We've used Saxon--I like it, she likes it, she learns well with it. BUt I don't know

if I want to go that route.


What are some good, maybe "fast pre-alg" or "slow algebra" texts, iykwim? I don't want TT or Math-U-See, but...what else is there?

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Hooo, boy.


I've heard so much about how great it is, but it was completely overwhelming for me (Algebra text).


I just don't know what to go with.


Dd is in ps, and has been doing 7th grade math this year in 6th grade. It's basically pre-alg and some simple algebra together. At least, that's what it looks like to me. The teachers rarely use the book--they run off sheets of work or make their own, and teach the topics themselves (fwiw, they are really good teachers). Dd has to test well on the Iowa Algebra test and get a high mark on her end of year state math test in order to take Algebra in 7th grade. I do not know if we are going to homeschool or not--think so, but still unsure.


So I have to pick a text.


We've used Saxon--I like it, she likes it, she learns well with it. BUt I don't know

if I want to go that route.


What are some good, maybe "fast pre-alg" or "slow algebra" texts, iykwim? I don't want TT or Math-U-See, but...what else is there?


Which Lial's did you check out? I think the difficulty varies depending on the text. Ds is using Lial's Intro to Algebra as his Algebra 1 text. Mostly he can handle lessons on his own. Chapter 3 was a pain for him and I taught most of the lessons. I consider myself an English/Lit person, but I always score higher in math on standardized tests:confused:.


I had to re read and think a lot when teaching Ch 3, but I did it very successfully. When I first looked at it my eyes started to glaze over! Gave me a view into what happens to a lot of kids when they look at their math assignments. Then I buckled down and took it slowly, step by step. I was a little annoyed and surprised at some of the jumps Lial's took in solving the example problems. A couple of times I had to look carefully to figure out how they came up with the answer. For example they did not actually show that the solution required you to get rid of the negative sign in front of the y by dividing. I had to figure that out and explain it to my Ds. I'm sure mathy people would know that automatically, but I thought it should have been clearly shown in the example. They left that step out.


I think the fact that I had to go so slow myself actually helped Ds. Someone with a better grasp of Algebra may not have done as well explaining it. Sometimes people who understand math really well don't understand the details that need to be explained to those who struggle to learn it.


Ch3 is somewhat out of place as far as when it should be taught. Ii didn't realize it until Ds started it and someone on these boards mentione dit in another Lials discussion. I anticipate Ds will be able to continue mostly on his own after finishing Ch3. I always go over Ch reviews before tests w/ Ds and he is free to ask for help if he doesn't understand or is getting a type of problem wrong repeatedly.


Setting aside all this Lial's talk, why wouldn't you just stick with Saxon if it works for you and Dd? We tried it one year and it was a disaster for Ds. I love the idea of Saxon, but Ds just cringes if I even mention it. That's why we use Lials.

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I was only able to check out Lial's Beginning Algebra from my library. I followed Jann in TX suggestion to use the "Introduction to Algebra" instead, so I ordered that used from Amazon. I can already tell that the format is better than the library one I saw. We hope to start that next week, though, so I have not test driven the text yet with an actual student.


I agree, though, that if Saxon is working well, just follow it through.

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I used Jacobs with my ds in 9th grade--didn't really think about pulling that out for her...Hmmm....LOL


I actually didn't like it--too "talky." But she might.


Other posters--I don't know which Lials I had out. I'll check. Thanks for telling me there's more than one!

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Other posters--I don't know which Lials I had out. I'll check. Thanks for telling me there's more than one!


I'd be surprised if there are under 10 different Lial's books currently in print by Pearson. I'd guess it's closer to 20ish - and multiple ones for different courses.


About a decade ago, I taught out of Lial for Elementary Algebra and that was an excellent text but the Lial Intermediate Algebra was really poor. At that school and time we wanted separate books for the two courses.


I'm currently using Developmental Mathematics: Basic Mathematics and Algebra by Lial (and others) and I really really don't like it.


For prealgebra, I like Jordan's Integrated Arithmetic and Basic Algebra.

For algebra I & II, I like Woodbury's Elementary and Intermediate Algebra.

Both have problems available on InterAct software (free but scores don't record).


These are both books I have taught from at the community college level. I like the explanations in Woodbury especially. I think the 3rd edition of Woodbury is better than the earlier ones, but I think any edition would be fine. (Of course, I'm looking to use AoPS when we get there... but these are texts I'm happy to still have hanging around the house while I'll be happy to toss this Lial and look forward to the department switching texts... but I really liked the Beginning Algebra book I used. I have no idea if the current edition is as good and don't remember which edition I taught from.)

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Have you looked at Algebra 1: A Fresh Approach? Here are a couple of reviews: http://thehomeschoolmagazine.com/Homeschool_Reviews/1631.php



I discovered this curriculum and have to say that it was exactly what my ds#3 needed. I know it is not a "popular" curriculum, but it is fantastic. And the author is always available for questions and returns answers very readily.


I used Lial's with my 2nd son. The problem with it is that it is written at the college level. While the work is typical algebra, the amount of writing on the individual pages, the font size, etc., is all geared toward someone much more mature/older than a 7th grader. The text can be overwhelming to a younger student.


Take a look at the links I've posted. It just might be what you are looking for.

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We've ditched Lials too. I was having to teach the entire lesson myself, because the format was not something she could intersect with. Maria Miller of MM has a list of very good pre-algebra texts, any of which would do. http://www.mathmammoth.com/complete/prealgebra.php I'm using the MM7 pages with her right now, just to make sure she's solid, and we'll probably go into Foerster after that.

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Check out Foerster Algebra 1.

I have been extremely impressed this year. DS and I (not extremely mathy, and neither am I) have had a very easy time understanding his explanations.

Many online programs use the text, and Hippocampus.com has some great little computer generated videos based off of it.

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