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When your favorite blogs are abandoned...

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Why do people just abandon their blogs? Why not post a final post saying something to the effect of, "I'm sorry, folks, but I'm done writing this blog."


A couple of blogs that I really liked seem to have been abandoned lately, and I'm sad about it. I wish that the owners would either post as they had been doing or announce that they're through. I really dislike not knowing if they're intentionally stopping or if something happened in their lives that made posting not happen! I start worrying about them!


Am I the only one who feels this way? Do I just get too attached to the blogs I like? I'd appreciate any insight!

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Perhaps she had the best of intentions to keep writing, but then one day she realized it had been months since her last post. At that point, it seemed a little silly to say good-bye since, surely, no one was still reading it. That would be my guess, anyway...

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A lot of folks have simply switched over to facebook. Bums me out too, especially since I'm not on facebook.


I do keep checking back from time to time if I'm really interested. One blog I follow went like a year and a half without a post, and then the blogger started posting again. People get busy and stuff.


Another blogger had a personal controversy with her kid's school, and didn't want to post anything until it got cleared up. The controversy was the biggest thing happening in her life, yet blogging about it would have been foolish in case the school employees read the blog. So she was absent for months, then came back, explained, and blogged on.

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I hate that too. I am a bit of a stalker, I suppose. I get into people's life stories and then the time between posts starts to lengthen.... and then it grinds to a halt. But honestly, even the ones where they post a final post, I'm kind of like, "Wait! How will I know if your marriage improves and if your lice treatment works?!?" LOL.

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I was following a blog I loved that stopped suddenly. Turns out she had some kind of a creepy stalker issue. She had shared enough personal info for this person to find her I guess. At that point she had no choice but to stop posting. If she had moved on to a less personal blog, then it wouldn't have been nearly as interesting to read, so she just stopped. I felt really bad for her.

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For me, I got into the habit of posting here, rather than blogging, and it seemed redundant to turn around and blog too.


Then I was so far behind w/blogging that the idea of catching up seemed impossible...so I started a new blog (in my sig).


Now, everytime I catch myself about to post here, I consider if it's more of a blog entry, and put it there.


Add in new baby, etc...and time is at a premium.


I've also had towers die, return to work, etc.



I'm mentioning these as possibilities as to why someone may disappear from blogging.

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Why do people just abandon their blogs? Why not post a final post saying something to the effect of, "I'm sorry, folks, but I'm done writing this blog."


A couple of blogs that I really liked seem to have been abandoned lately, and I'm sad about it. I wish that the owners would either post as they had been doing or announce that they're through. I really dislike not knowing if they're intentionally stopping or if something happened in their lives that made posting not happen! I start worrying about them!


Am I the only one who feels this way? Do I just get too attached to the blogs I like? I'd appreciate any insight!


Have you tried sending a comment to see if they might respond to you privately, or by writing a note on their blog?


Some reasons that friends have stopped blogging:

Never committed in the first place.

Husband was famous in a prior life, and fans from that time discovered family blog.

Children grew up and mom felt she had nothing to write about.

Suffered extreme financial difficulties which spread to other areas of life.

Felt too much personal info had been divulged re child's condition.


In particular, I miss one mom whom I met here. They moved, and she only posted once after that.

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Have you tried sending a comment to see if they might respond to you privately, or by writing a note on their blog?


I've thought about sending a comment to the woman who does (did) one blog that I loved. Her last post was right after one of her kids had been sick (typical winter illness) but was getting better. Knowing what she's said about that child in the past makes me worry that the illness turned worse and that's what caused her to stop blogging. I've worried that sending a comment would seem too stalker-ish, though, so I don't know.

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I've thought about sending a comment to the woman who does (did) one blog that I loved. Her last post was right after one of her kids had been sick (typical winter illness) but was getting better. Knowing what she's said about that child in the past makes me worry that the illness turned worse and that's what caused her to stop blogging. I've worried that sending a comment would seem too stalker-ish, though, so I don't know.


I would say in that case it would be a kind thing if you sent a comment that just said something like, "Oh, I'm so sad you haven't posted to your blog. I read it regularly and really enjoyed it." If something went wrong with her child, she would probably say or allude to it and in any case, be flattered that you enjoyed reading her blog.


I'm feeling some guilt in this, because I stopped posting to my old blog, but never explained it. My reason was just that I decided to start a new blog with a particular focus, rather than my blab-about-everything blog from before. :tongue_smilie:

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When life gets tough, I find it hard to blog. I have to tip-toe around the "rough" part of life because it's usually to do with my ex and I have children who live with him and I have children who read my blog... We have occasional absolutely ridiculous "things" come up from time to time that derail me and I cannot sit and write... I have to take the time to get on track with what matters the most to me, learn what I can, and move on... sometimes I write about "life being a bit rough"...


That said, I usually blog at least 4-6 times a month during a rough month... and other times I have several posts a week!

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