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Husband is pretty shaken up

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MY husband is a fire fighter and he's had to deal with seeing a few dead people. Please, get your husband someone to talk with a minister, a close wise friend or a counselor so that he can get his thoughts out in the open. I hated admitting this for the longest time, but I as a wife CAN'T be the person that he unloads everything too. He didn't want to scare me with the details, he wanted to protect me so my husband just didn't talk about his first event for months. Which meant he wasn't talking about much of anything to me for months! AAuggh! So, find him someone, preferably another man who is married and gets the whole "I don't want to freak out my wife by telling her this" thing. He most likely won't need to see them long, my husband get everything out in 1-2 visits at the time and he's good. I do watch out for the "boomerang" which is when the memorials start going up or are posted in the paper at the one year anniversary. Those can bring up the memories again and he might need to re-connect with that councilor again. But not always.


It amazes me that with all the "death" we see on tv, our bodies know and understand that it is just pretend because when we witness something in real life, our bodies and minds go into overdrive.

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I agree with everyone expressing sympathies and urging your husband to talk to a professional.



Am I the only one who finds it a bit suspicious that this banker just happened to be hit by a truck the one day he walks instead of taking the train or whatever? Maybe it's too many movies or conspiracy theories or something...

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Wow, how incredibly sad for the man hit, the man who hit him, and your husband! I have to say that those foggy days are horrible here, and it could literally happen to anyone. The fact that they aren't saying it was drugs or alcohol related make me feel just horrible for the driver. On the way to take my daughter to school the other day, there was someone dressed in black who could have been hit. (by me) It's God's grace that I saw him. I always tell my kids to be careful about being hit; it's the driver's fault for hitting you... but your life is the one that will be taken. :(

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Well, it has been a WEEK!


Day 1, OP happened

Day 2, another man was hit in the same spot, didn't die, but was badly bruised

(turned out we know his wife.)

Day 3, today, DH was taking the train home, a man got off before DH's stop and promply walked in front of a truck and went flying.....the train started back up again so we don't know the outcome but everyone on the train witnessed it!

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Well, it has been a WEEK!


Day 1, OP happened

Day 2, another man was hit in the same spot, didn't die, but was badly bruised

(turned out we know his wife.)

Day 3, today, DH was taking the train home, a man got off before DH's stop and promply walked in front of a truck and went flying.....the train started back up again so we don't know the outcome but everyone on the train witnessed it!

:001_huh::001_huh: Many, MANY prayers for you guys. This is just insane! When it rains, it pours. So sorry.

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