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Does anyone have a tried and true PIZZA DOUGH recipe?

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I'd like to make homemade pizza dough...it's been YEARS since I have.


I'm not typically one to work outside a bread machine, but I DO have a Kitchenaid mixer, so I'm sure I can do this. :D I've just never dissolved yeast in water, etc.


Also, when you include the recipe, could you let me know if it makes one pizza or two? I need to know if I should double it!



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Dissolve 2 scant T yeast in

2 cups warm water


Whisk in 2 teaspoons salt

Add bread flour a cup at a time until nice smooth dough forms (4-6 cups)

Let rise in oiled bowl until doubled.


Knead on floured surface. Let rest 5 minutes then seperate into two balls and knead and throw for 2 pizzas.


Let rise again about 15- or minutes, or put in cold oven and turn to 415 F.


Sometimes I add 1T basil to the dough with the salt.


I've done this recipe for 25 years. The kids love it because with good flour I can throw the dough and spin it in the air instead of using a rolling pin. More fun that way:)

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I use the same recipe I use for bread. I have a bosch mixer but you could probably do it in a kitchen aid (I have one of those too) I never dissolve my yeast in water, I just use instant yeast which doesn't need to "proof"


Here's my recipe, it makes about 5 12-14 inch pizza crusts.


2.5 cups water

4-7 cups AP flour

1/4 cup honey

1/4 cup olive oil

2 Tablespoons yeast (I prefer SAF instant)

2 tablespoons vital wheat gluten (optional, sometimes I throw it in, sometimes not)

1 Tablespoon salt.


I put the water, 4 cups of the flour, the honey, oil, gulten and yeast into the mixer and mix well. I then let it sit for about 15 minutes (this gives the flour time to absorb the liquids which helps me make sure not to use too much flour). After the 15 minutes I give the mixer a pulse and then put another cup of flour and the salt in. I turn on the mixer and then gradually add more flour until the dough cleans the sides of the bowl. Then I knead with the mixer about 6 mintues. In the kitchenaid this may take a few more minutes When the dough seems to have the right consistency I do a windowpane test . (pull off a hunk and try to stretch it, if it stretches easily and doesn't tear right away, it's good to go, if not I knead a minute and test again)


I usually then divide it into 5 dough balls, put 3 in freezer bags and leave 2 to sit on the counter for about 45 minutes before I stretch it poke with a fork, top and bake. I have a baking stone so I bake mine at 450° for about 8 minutes.


When I use the frozen dough, I thaw it over night in the fridge and then let it sit on the counter for about 3 hours before I stretch it for pizzas.

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here's mine:



(I've forgotten to update it, but I usually use 2 cups whole wheat and change that unbleached to 4c)


Can I use all white flour instead of a mixture of white and ww? Also, could you tell me how big your jar of pizza sauce is? In Canada we have very small jars of pizza sauce (bought it for the first time), but usually I use a large jar of pasta sauce and divide it among the two pizzas. I wonder if I'm using too much, though.

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I always use Pioneer Woman's pizza dough. Usually I do half white / half whole wheat, but when you do it all white flour, it's definitely "better". Her pizza toppings are also really good.




I make homemade pizza once a week. It's VERY easy. I don't use a stone, though I have one. I just use a flat cookie sheet from Williams Sonoma, so I can slide it off when done.

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Thanks for all the replies, Ladies!!!! I'm excited about doing this! I know it's not like giving child birth or anything, but still, it's new! :D


With your mixer, it's really one of the easiest things in the world. And sooooooo much better than take-out. Our family loves homemade pizza.


Take it easy the first time. Get a glass jar of good sauce and some whole milk mozzerella to shred (don't buy pre-shredded as it doesn't melt right, in my experience). Do it simple! Really good.

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I think there is video available of Alton Brown's version.


Is that the slow-rise recipe that sits in the fridge? I really like that one, but my wrists are screaming by the time I'm done kneading. My mixer would never be able to handle it. It's my favorite though!

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I was coming to post the exact same question. I'm interested in a GOOD-TASTING whole wheat version.


The recipe I posted also tastes awesome in 100% whole wheat. I have a nutrimill and depending on the mood sometimes I use fresh ground whole wheat and sometimes I use AP white flour. The only thing is that when I use WW I always add the vial gluten (I don't always to that with AP) and knead it for 8 minutes to start with instead of 6.

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