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Flylady can't help me lol

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I am one of those sidetracked people only Flylady can not help me. My problem is not just in the normal cleaning, it is in the projects. As I posted a few days ago I am decluttering and cleaning every room in the house, closets, cupboards, drawers, washing windows, walls and light fixtures etc. Only I keep getting distracted by other projects. What started as me taking down the tree and xmas decor today has now resulted in my livingroom being dismantled so that I can move all the furniture around. It is almost put back together but has taken almost all day and the rest of my chores have been neglected as a result.


So my question is who else here gets distracted from doing minor-medium projects by a big project that didn't "have" to get done but in the moment seemed like a really really good idea? Off and running to finish the livingroom before I get the idea to tackle my computer desk :D

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Well finished the livingroom but not before deciding that the desk and school cabinet in the kitchen would be better suited in the livingroom so that created a new project of clearing and moving furniture from 1 room to the next and now I need to redo the kitchen, which I nearly started before finishing the livingroom.


It's like when I go into the back room to empty the dryer and get distracted by the sight of the pantry shelves and decide to reorganize and wash them, but as I go to get teh wet cloth to wash them I get distracted by the mess under the sink, and so I start to straighten that and find the shower squeegie I thought I lost to I go to take it to the bathroom and decide I should switch the load of laundry, only to remember I never did unload the dryer so I head to the backroom to empty the dryer.... Only today my distraction project proved to take a whole day because it was moving furniture. 1 peice of which is cubbie unit from Ikea (you know the big one that is 4 x 4 cubbies), and is stacked 3 deep with school books, plus 2 smaller cubbie units of toys, and then the stuff from the kitchen. All because I wanted to put the xmas tree away and put the hope chest that I use as a puzzle shelf back where it belongs.


Now that I finished it I can start my kitchen project, which includes cleaning up the post supper mess, and deal with everything I used to store on top of the desk and cupboard I jsut took out of it. Without getting distracted by the fact I had initially planned to go through every cupboard and scrub it and get rid of items I don't use. I only have tonight to finish these things as the big kids come home tomorrow. I had hoped to have finished decluttering the whole house already and still have not even started my office or bedroom and it is already going on 7pm. Just getting things clean will have to do, and I refuse to start the next load of laundry until done the kitchen, because that above rotation I mentioned really did happen last night, and the pantry shelves are still emptied onto the floor lol

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Well finished the livingroom but not before deciding that the desk and school cabinet in the kitchen would be better suited in the livingroom so that created a new project of clearing and moving furniture from 1 room to the next and now I need to redo the kitchen, which I nearly started before finishing the livingroom.


It's like when I go into the back room to empty the dryer and get distracted by the sight of the pantry shelves and decide to reorganize and wash them, but as I go to get teh wet cloth to wash them I get distracted by the mess under the sink, and so I start to straighten that and find the shower squeegie I thought I lost to I go to take it to the bathroom and decide I should switch the load of laundry, only to remember I never did unload the dryer so I head to the backroom to empty the dryer.... Only today my distraction project proved to take a whole day because it was moving furniture. 1 peice of which is cubbie unit from Ikea (you know the big one that is 4 x 4 cubbies), and is stacked 3 deep with school books, plus 2 smaller cubbie units of toys, and then the stuff from the kitchen. All because I wanted to put the xmas tree away and put the hope chest that I use as a puzzle shelf back where it belongs.


Now that I finished it I can start my kitchen project, which includes cleaning up the post supper mess, and deal with everything I used to store on top of the desk and cupboard I jsut took out of it. Without getting distracted by the fact I had initially planned to go through every cupboard and scrub it and get rid of items I don't use. I only have tonight to finish these things as the big kids come home tomorrow. I had hoped to have finished decluttering the whole house already and still have not even started my office or bedroom and it is already going on 7pm. Just getting things clean will have to do, and I refuse to start the next load of laundry until done the kitchen, because that above rotation I mentioned really did happen last night, and the pantry shelves are still emptied onto the floor lol

This is so me!! But I never get anything done, then get overwhelmed by all the new mess I've created and give up!:banghead:

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One of the things I learned from Flylady is only to pull out as much clutter as you can deal with at one time--she would say 15 minutes, on the theory that in 15 minutes every so often you get a lot done gradually and don't get discouraged.


I am no neatnik, but I am improving slowly, and one of the times I implemented this was the week before Christmas. I have a LOT of books around, and they really don't seem to sort themselves, now, do they? So when a local charity issued an urgent call for new or almost new children's books to give away for Christmas, I grabbed a file box, and started sorting. I filled it and then I stopped and took it to the charity. DH was aghast. Don't you want to go through this other pile over here? he wondered. No, I have enough, and I have done enough, for this day. I have a box that I can carry, and a destination for it, and I'm blessing the world with it, and I'm calling it good.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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Well I did only start with a 15 minute project, only it became 17, 15 minute projects all at the same time lol Seriously though, I generally to subscribe to that BUT there is times it has to be longer. Like moving furniture. You can not move it without emptying it, and if it takes 15 minutes to completely empty it you are not going to leave it sitting there empty with books stacked everywhere because those 15 minutes is over, you just keep going. My problem is okay I know that is a big task (or putting the xmas tree and decor away takes a good hour of solid work, because I want to be sure the ornaments are properly wrapped and stacked to not break in storage) but then I get distracted and start another big project. The home is generally clean but it is heavy on the clutter behind closet and cupboard doors and I like it done for the new year. I am running out of time and keep distracting myself. Remember my claim that I was going to go do the kitchen, yeah my butt has not left this computer chair lol but I have caught up my emails, pm's, and threads I want to read lol


Oh and as for painting projects, that is NEXT weekend lol Though I know if I already had the paint and primer I would be starting tonight, I am eager to do so, but have other things that have to be done first so I am refusing to buy the paint supplies until done this stuff.

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Have you ever tried making a list of all of your big projects?

Again, I am a terrible housekeeper, and no example to anyone, but I have found that helpful at times.

If I have a list of all my projects, then I can pick the most important one and break it into chunks and do it in a more focussed way. I hear you about the distractions, but see, if I had a goal to move a piece of furniture and it had stuff all over it, I would spend a certain amount of time putting the stuff away or sorting it into 'donate, keep, toss' bags at least. I wouldn't just take it off and put it on the floor. And when I was out of time, I would stop, even if it meant that I didn't get all the way to moving the furniture that day. (That doesn't mean that I would limit myself to 15 minutes, but it does mean that I would not work late into the night into exhaustion, because then I would lose track of what I was doing.) (That is hardwon wisdom, and I didn't always have it, but it has been very helpful to me.)

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Have you ever tried making a list of all of your big projects?

Again, I am a terrible housekeeper, and no example to anyone, but I have found that helpful at times.

If I have a list of all my projects, then I can pick the most important one and break it into chunks and do it in a more focussed way. I hear you about the distractions, but see, if I had a goal to move a piece of furniture and it had stuff all over it, I would spend a certain amount of time putting the stuff away or sorting it into 'donate, keep, toss' bags at least. I wouldn't just take it off and put it on the floor. And when I was out of time, I would stop, even if it meant that I didn't get all the way to moving the furniture that day. (That doesn't mean that I would limit myself to 15 minutes, but it does mean that I would not work late into the night into exhaustion, because then I would lose track of what I was doing.) (That is hardwon wisdom, and I didn't always have it, but it has been very helpful to me.)


Lists are what I do best lol I have lists for everything. On my current notepad, is today's to do list, tomorrow's list, this weekend's list, my home reno list for the whole year broken down by month, a shopping list for home repair/redecorating supplies needed for this week, and a shopping list. As my daughter pointed out so nicely a couple years ago I am a planner not a doer. It is not so much that I am not a doer but that I go in spurts based on my cycle and the season. Certain times of year require a lot of work based on my own thoughts, and certain times of my cycle leave me doing nothing while other times have me going like the energizer bunny.


I see what you are saying but knowing myself that would drive me nuts. Especially for right now. Kids come home tomorrow, new year's on saturday, house not done which means bad energy in the home for the new year, can't usher in the positive with a cluttered messy house. PLUS I have a new daycare child starting on Monday. House can not have undone projects, or furniture only half moved etc. There was nothing on the living room shelves to toss or donate, it was all keeps, I just didn't want it on that one wall anymore, I wanted it on the other one.


I did take a ton to goodwill this week from teh kids rooms, and need to cull the kitchen cupboards and the office and my room, and can do those in handy 15-20 minute increments. But I have so many projects on my list that all seem equally important to me becuase they MUST be done before midnight the 31st so that I can usher in the new year properly. It is one thing I am very superstitious about and almost OCD about, not quite but almost lol. If this was March I would agree with you and would not be so highly distractable, but it is the end of December so it is what it is. Everything is getting done just in a very round about way, and that livingroom project used up most of my day. So glad it is done and I can relax in a completely clean organized room tonight when done my other chores, but obviously now I will not be done the office or my room before bed tonight.

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One of the things I learned from Flylady is only to pull out as much clutter as you can deal with at one time--she would say 15 minutes, on the theory that on 15 minutes every so often you get a lot done gradually and don't get discouraged.


This sounds like a great idea.


I wish it all was easier.


It would help to have more energy. Working on that...

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If you give a mouse a washcloth,

she'll have to clean under the sink.

But then she'll realize that the shelf under the sink is broken.

So she'll get out her toolbox.

But in the toolbox she'll see the screwdriver and remember

that she needs to tighten the screws on the table legs.

But under the table, she'll notice the bread crumbs...

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If you give a mouse a washcloth,

she'll have to clean under the sink.

But then she'll realize that the shelf under the sink is broken.

So she'll get out her toolbox.

But in the toolbox she'll see the screwdriver and remember

that she needs to tighten the screws on the table legs.

But under the table, she'll notice the bread crumbs...



So true!

And that is why I'm going with a hybrid of Bootcamp for Lousy Housekeepers and Motivated Moms this year. BLH has me scheduling blocks and MM reminds me what needs to be done in those blocks.


Because, really, if I check my email for the next FL assignment I will see the Staples ad.

So I'll need to check that out before I can delete it.

Which will remind me that I need to check our printer ink supply.

And then I will see the cut & fold paper airplane I printed, which will remind me that I was looking for the kitchen scissors... :lol:

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So my question is who else here gets distracted from doing minor-medium projects by a big project that didn't "have" to get done but in the moment seemed like a really really good idea?


I'm constantly distracted! Sadly, I never get distracted by something small - like send out an email in response to a requested recipe from a friend. I get distracted by another large project - like create a brand new year-long economics unit with writing assignments.


Which means I'm forever dealing with a "danger zone" of the previous project which may have been "declutter the living room".


And I "declutter" by throwing everything out where I can see it before putting stuff away and boxing up all the stuff to go.


Truly, it's a wonder my husband has stuck with me for over 20 years. . .

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Set your timer! It sounds like you need the beep-alarm to stay on course.


(That said, you are using your time and getting things accomplished; I'd say that makes you a success with your own version of Flylady.) It doesn't have to be her way or the highway...;). Keep going and enjoy the fruits of your labor:smash:.

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