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Your best home organization tips for those on a budget

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I am pretty organized by nature, but there are certain areas of my home (kitchen and clothing closet) that I'd like to tackle. I don't want to buy a whole bunch of new containers or "hooks" or such, and I'm looking for tips on the best way to tackle these areas.


A couple of things I am thinking of investing in, and would appreciate thoughts:

Purse organizer



Thanks for tips and tricks!

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I just went through all of my clothes and accessories. It felt really good. I think the best organizing tip is to purge regularly. My closet was overdue and I feel so much better knowing it's done.


My mom bought me shoe boxes from the Container Store. They are clear and stack nicely. I'm using these for my most used shoes. I was able to fit two pairs of sandals in one box also. Only one pair of tennis shoes fit in one box.


Happy organizing!:001_smile:



Elise in NC

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A friend today just told me about her super-cheap organizing idea. Her husband cleans out the plastic bins they get their cat litter in, and she uses them to store toys & I guess whatever else. They have lids that flip open & handles, which is handy for hauling the toys around. (I'm thinking of things like Matchbox cars & Legos.) I asked her if she could hook me up with a few (as I don't have a cat).


I'm not sure if these will help with the things you're trying to organize, but with so many moms on here, I thought the tip might help somebody.

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Dollar Store baskets are my best friends. I use small ones for drawer organizers in the bathroom and kitchen. We also have three drawer plastic bins and I have the small baskets in those drawers to organize them also. A also have dozens of larger dollar store baskets that have been used for a variety of things. Right now, I have some in the laundry room cabinets, under the kitchen and bathroom sinks, and tons of them in the school room.



That purse organizer is something else! I've never seen so many purses in one place other than the store. I own exactly one purse. When it gets ratty, I buy a new one and throw out the old one.

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Decluttering is free and can even make you money if you do a garage sale. That is really the first step to tackling any organizing goals.


As for storage and such, I never buy anything that is specially made for organizing. Those things are always too expensive and they never really do the job I want them to do. Some things we've done:


I had dh build shelves into my closet one year because I never hang sweaters, I fold them, and probably half my wardrobe of tops is sweaters. I use simple bathroom towel rods attached to the inside of the closet as a place to hang all my scarves.


The coat rack in the foyer is just a piece of scrap with dowels inserted at a slight angle. I repaint it every now and then just for fun. Currently, it is bright yellow with orange suns on it. The boot drying racks are painted to match. They are just lengths of 2x4 fitted to a frame of 2x2 and placed over rubber mats to catch the drips. The racks can be moved over the floor register if they're really wet.


For places where the storage is seen, you can use any kind of basket you think looks nice there. I like those wicker or jute ones with the cloth liners, but I'm cheap so I buy the ones without liners and use old sheets to make liners. For places where the storage isn't seen, you can use anything -- plastic boxes, shoeboxes, boxes that toys came in and you aren't using to store the toy, etc.


Get a routine. If you can get a routine going where EVERYONE in the household puts stuff away when not in use and makes a last pick-up of their stuff before going to bed, then you'll have half the battle won. The other half is making sure that a sensible cleaning/organizing routine is followed consistently. When you let things go, the problems just multiply and seem much more stressful to tackle than they needed to be.

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