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iPad app that supports Flash

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Ok, I'm fairly new to the iPad world, but one thing that I've been a little frustrated about is that I couldn't use websites that need Flash in order to run. Starfall, an iTextbook for my ds14, this cool website I found with books online (Wegivebooks.org).


Well, last night I came upon a recommendation for an app, Rover, that is a free educational browser that allows you to run flash on the iPad. So logically, I thought I would post it here in case any of you are interested. It's free and you can find it in the app store.

Edited by cougarmom4
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I just got an iPad for Christmas and I'm quite concerned about the Flash issue. Was this app able to just fix the problem??


It's not a "problem";). Apple chooses not to utilize Flash, for various reasons. It's usually not an issue 95% of the time.


Here are two more Apps that work-around the lack of Flash: Skyfire and iSwifter


For your reading pleasure: Apple's thoughts on Flash:



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It's not a "problem";). Apple chooses not to utilize Flash, for various reasons. It's usually not an issue 95% of the time.


Here are two more Apps that work-around the lack of Flash: Skyfire and iSwifter


For your reading pleasure: Apple's thoughts on Flash:




I hope you're right - that it's not a problem - but I'm concerned that it might be, *for me*. I'm thinking of websites we often use during the course of our school day and wondering if I'm still going to be tied to our laptop when I want the tablet to provide us with the mobility and versatility of being able to access that content quickly and conveniently.


I hadn't read that article before and appreciate you linking it - I do have a more complete understanding now of the reason that Apple is not working with Flash.

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Well, last night I came upon a recommendation for an app, Rover, that is a free educational browser that allows you to run flash on the iPad. So logically, I thought I would post it here in case any of you are interested. It's free and you can find it in the app store.


This just made my day, thank you for sharing! Rover is installed now and looks WONDERFUL!!

Edited by Mommie_Jen
Still learning how to type in the iPad!
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For those who are wanting to buy a Ipad like device and want flash you could look at the Playbook made by RIM. It supports it, and has other advantages. (And my dh got a free one from work :) )


Adobe has stopped developing Flash for all mobile environments. I'd hate to see someone buy a specific tablet for Flash in web browsers when it is being abandoned after 11.1 except for critical bug fixes. No new hardware will be Flash compatible, etc.

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I actually find the lack of flash on our ipad to be a HUGE problem. I can't tell you how many times I have bookmarked a site to work on with the kids while we are out, but it won't work because it's flash. Or there is a demo on a website, but I can't run it, because it's flash. I love the Ipad, but I seriously might have considered a different tablet if I had really thought about this.


Off to check out Rover . . .

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I actually find the lack of flash on our ipad to be a HUGE problem. I can't tell you how many times I have bookmarked a site to work on with the kids while we are out, but it won't work because it's flash. Or there is a demo on a website, but I can't run it, because it's flash. I love the Ipad, but I seriously might have considered a different tablet if I had really thought about this.


Off to check out Rover . . .


That's my fear too!! But dh bought me an iPad so.....


Hoping Rover helps?

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  • 2 weeks later...
So with iSwifter the kids are able to do all the normal functions in something like Headsprout? Somehow the mouse functions are converted to the touch screen?


headsprout has always worked on touchscreens:)


Discovered neither iSwifter/Rover/Safari work on time4learning, it loads until you get to an actual lesson then stops.


Any idea what would work for T4L?

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Oh man, I wasted my entire free preview for Dreambox because I didn't want to sit with my busted laptop. Now I tried it using Rover and it totally works!



Can you use a 2nd email address or call them up and explain that you never actually got to try it and would like another 2 week trial? They are usually pretty good at that stuff.

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