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How is this board "different" from the old one?

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A few days ago, someone posted a poll to ask if we are homeschooling or self-educating (or both).


The poster also mentioned that this new board is "different" from the old one. As a relatively recent arrival, I'm curious. How is this forum different from the old one? If you've been here a while, please compare/contrast. Thanks! :001_smile:

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A few days ago, someone posted a poll to ask if we are homeschooling or self-educating (or both).


The poster also mentioned that this new board is "different" from the old one. As a relatively recent arrival, I'm curious. How is this forum different from the old one? If you've been here a while, please compare/contrast. Thanks! :001_smile:


Well, here's the old board. See for yourself. :001_smile:

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... Someone a few days ago was asking us who we are as a group -- do we homeschool, or self-educate, or what? It felt to me as though the poster also mentioned that the group -- the people? the beliefs and values? -- had changed, and I was just wondering if so, and how.


Does anyone know what I am talking about? :confused:

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what i LOVED about the old boards was that i learned so much about stuff i might not have otherwise been interested in just by scrolling the board.


for ME, it was easier to follow discussions -they automatically lined up under each subthread --Q&A's could be done in quick subject line glances. if i was looking for a specific post a control F search was plenty. there seemed to be more room for fun chit chat or silliness. Like Pam changing her alphabet soup name ;)


here, i have to open each thread to see all the responses. i simply am not spending that much time here doing that. I'm sure I am missing out on some FABULOUS one liner posts about all kinds of things cuz i have to be pickier about what threads i open. :(


But i do like the new community nonetheless. I'm digging all the little amenities and was persistent about learning the ropes to enjoy it. I prefer the old format, and i think teachingmom.com has the best of both the old boards and our new boards.

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... Someone a few days ago was asking us who we are as a group -- do we homeschool, or self-educate, or what? It felt to me as though the poster also mentioned that the group -- the people? the beliefs and values? -- had changed, and I was just wondering if so, and how.


Does anyone know what I am talking about? :confused:


not sure..... it's still the same as I remember it --people from all walks of life homeschooling their kids --or not, as the case may be :)

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... Someone a few days ago was asking us who we are as a group -- do we homeschool, or self-educate, or what? It felt to me as though the poster also mentioned that the group -- the people? the beliefs and values? -- had changed, and I was just wondering if so, and how.


Does anyone know what I am talking about? :confused:


It's just us. Some of the conservatives think the board has turned terribly liberal, some liberals feel the conservative tone of the board is more than they can bear, some religious folks find the agnostic/atheist/nontraditional religions are more prevalent and in-your-face than ever, some of the latter think the religious folks live and breathe to try to condemn and convert them.


But we're pretty much who we always were. It's different now, they tell me, than when SWB did a much tighter moderation of the board way back when, and when weeks would go by before a "page" would fill with posts, and when there were many fewer members.


The attitudes I see today are the attitudes I've always seen. Strident voices come and go. But it's just us.


I know there are a few former homeschoolers (me and Ellie, for two) and a couple of future homeschoolers among our number, and that's what I thought the thread you referenced was about, but that OP of that thread didn't clarify. (Or if she did I didn't see it.)

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Thanks, Pam! That's what I'm asking, although I probably didn't word my question too well, sorry.


Anyone else out there agree with Pam? Disagree? :bigear:



i don't know about the thread that prompted your question, but i think Pam nailed the tone of the board quite accurately :)

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I miss being able to read posts by just scrolling through. However, the new boards loads much faster for me. But, I don't like the feel of trepidation every morning--will someone decide to be nasty with the negative rep thing, just because she can???? It seems like things were a bit more polite.


I don't like that feeling, either, and that's the biggest downside for me. Otherwise, I don't feel a difference in tone on the surface. Lots of up, lots of down.

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This board is very different from the old board.


I was a participant on the old board for 7 years and then took a break when the new format was introduced.


The old board format was a bit more "conversational", imo. You could read the main idea of the comments for posted topics. However, at times we would get attacked by anonymous posters, trolls, and other troublemakers. There was even a copycat satirical board on the web that mimicked ours, a sort of Saturday Night Live version that made fun of us. Tell you the truth, I thought it was quite hilarious!


Another difficulty with the old board format was the flame wars that would start. They seemed neverending as posters would always have to get the last word in (usually an inflammatory, one liner). A lot of hit-and-run posting!


I do miss the old board, though. It had more of a "living room" feel to it. As MFS used to say, it was our cyber living room.


It is a blessing to have this board, however. I'm thankful that the same gifted, bright women from the old board are still hanging out here, as well as the newer participants. It just seems hard getting to know the newbies with this format.


I'm still trying to gain back credibility (that I seemed to have lost w/ the old board due to the rankings based on numbers of posts). I've got a lot of work to do! LOL.




Camy (who is now inspired to post a poll about what people miss about the old board)

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Thanks, Pam! That's what I'm asking, although I probably didn't word my question too well, sorry.


Anyone else out there agree with Pam? Disagree? :bigear:


I find I almost always agree with Pam!!! :-) To me it is the same. We have good weeks and bad ones kind of like one giant cosmic PMS or something. ;) I do miss the conversational tone of the old board, but I like many features of this board also, so it is what is. :001_smile:

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I have to say that I don't feel any trepidation about neg rep. I have received it, and I didn't like the feeling of it, especially because it was anon and I felt that the person completely misunderstood me. Even so, I am not afraid or worried or anxious about what I might find in my rep box.


It seems to me that the board has grown. There seem to be more people here now. Or maybe it just seems that way because with the old format I felt like I was talking to myself. And if someone answered me I thought "Wow! Maybe one person did read what I said." I'm sure that the admins were able to monitor how many users there were on the old board, but we didn't know. Now there are so many more people here who post regularly that statistically there have to be more rude people, more snarky people, more "I'm all that and a bag of chips" people, and more sweet/funny/brainy/talented people besides.

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I particpated on and off with the old boards since eldest was 4 or 5 (but with the name Jenmom).


I think this format invites deeper discussion instead of one-liners. This format also discourages trolls and lurking unnamed posters in favor of people having a face and personality to relate to.


To me it still has the living room conversation feel in many threads. However, more thought is required on the deeper topics.

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Now there are so many more people here who post regularly that statistically there have to be more rude people, more snarky people, more "I'm all that and a bag of chips" people, and more sweet/funny/brainy/talented people besides.


My husband is from CA, and he is always saying, "You think you're all that and a bag of chips," with a smile, and I'm looking at him like, "WHAT?"


Oh, no, wait, you are in New Jersey, aren't you? Duh, I am ON DRUGS and keep saying I am going to give in to the Benadryl. Okay, I'm really going now. To. Bed. NOW.

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The other board seemed to move so much faster than this one. It would take me forever to find a post I was interested in from just a few hours before. This on is easier on my eyes, easier to search. But I do miss that all in one place feel. It was much easier to lurk on the old board than here.

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Do what I do and never check your rep. Really, just don't check it. Who cares anyways?


That is a good idea. I actually just stumbled onto my rep box the other day, who knew, and there were these strange little boxes. I eventually figured out that the green ones were good, and the lone gray/grey one was... ignorable. But I like your idea. It's like I just never get on the bathroom scale, because, you know what? I have SEEN myself in the mirror lately, and honey, the scale can't give me good news.

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That is a good idea. I actually just stumbled onto my rep box the other day, who knew, and there were these strange little boxes. I eventually figured out that the green ones were good, and the lone gray/grey one was... ignorable. But I like your idea. It's like I just never get on the bathroom scale, because, you know what? I have SEEN myself in the mirror lately, and honey, the scale can't give me good news.


The gray ones are rep from people who don't have enough reputation to give out reputation, they aren't necessarily bad. The bad ones are red. Just so you know! :)

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Lol, I prefer these boards for the simple reason that I "waste" less time here than I used to on the old boards. I pick and choose the threads to read without getting "sucked" into others just because they have interesting looking responses! I am sure I miss a lot, even responses to things I have written, but its better for my life as a whole to just skim these boards and not spend hours getting drawn into dramas that have nothing to do with my "real" life.

I love these boards better just because I feel less guilty about spending time here, because I don't spend as much daily time here as I used to, because of the format.

Those things that make it better for me though are going to make it not so good for others. There is an element of conversational flow that is missing here. But there are many other advantages and I wouldn't want to go back.

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