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Do I want a convection oven?

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My 17 year old wonderful Maytag is going out and they don't make some of the parts for it any more so I am going to buy another oven. Here's the deal:


I don't really like cooking. I cook for sustenance and not fulfilment. I do cook fine though and use the oven for about 3 meals a week. I do bake cookies with the kids, make desserts, etc. I only make homemade rolls once or twice a year.


Right after I bought my other range the price of the smooth tops went way down and I longed for one and always said my next one will be smooth because I hate cleaning the drip pans. Now I've decided I don't want one 17 years later after seeing what they look like if not tediously cleaned every time. Again...I don't like to spend extra time in the kitchen.


But...I don't know much about convection. I'm probably going to go to Home Depot or Lowes and get a range today. Do I want the convection oven given my circumstances? Not sure what the best benefit of it what be for me.

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I didn't like mine. It broke the first time I used it. Don't get close to the fan or it gets off and it takes a repair man call :tongue_smilie:


But suddenly I had to retry all my recipes to see what worked and what needed less time/more time. It was a hassle. It didn't cook anything faster/better in my opinion.


I rarely used it after the first month and sold the oven to a neighbor when we moved!


I haven't had convection since and haven't missed it one bit!


If I ever get to buy another oven I think i would go for the double one so I could cook and keep things warm at the same time :-)

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I have a convection toaster oven that I love. I wanted a convection oven, but DH did the math and pronounced it too expensive.


I do love my smooth top . It just takes a little Bar Keeper's friend ( available at either Lowe's or Home depot, cheap) and a dish rag. Put one BKF on, let it sit for 10 mins or so and wipe it off. Not a big deal and way less work than trying to keep a gas cooktop clean.

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We bought one last year and I imagined I would use it a lot. In reality, I only use it occasionally, like for things that I want to be crispy on both sides. I also use it when I preheat the oven because it heats up quicker, then I switch over to regular bake. :lol:


Now I do think I would use a microwave with the convection feature because then you could use it like a double oven.

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Do not get a GE. Ours blew up. Literally, blew up and 220 arch of electricity and flames were shooting out the vent. It melted the metal on the inside. When I contacted GE they claimed that NOTHING like that had EVER been reported before. After a quick internet search I discovered that it has happened alot. We are thankful noone was injured or killed.

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I really, really like my convection oven for baking bread. So far that's my favourite thing to do on convection vs. regular bake.

In your circumstance if it's a lot more money (and unless there is a great deal on one I would think it would be) I wouldn't stress about getting one.

Be aware that there are now 2 types of convection being marketed - one that simply has a fan in back but no heating element by the fan and one that has the fan and a heating element to go along with it. If it doesn't have the extra heating element it's not "true" convection.

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Yes. Get a "3rd element" with the fan in back. No more turning pans, and you can cram the thing full with whatever and it all bakes evenly.


I guess this is what we have, there is no way anything could touch our fan....as mentioned above...I also have an oversized oven and love it!! I can cook two large trays at once :) It makes the moistest roasted meats we've ever had and ours comes with a temp sensor that you insert into the meat and will turn off the oven for you when it reaches the right temp that you input! Love that!!

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Right after I bought my other range the price of the smooth tops went way down and I longed for one and always said my next one will be smooth because I hate cleaning the drip pans. Now I've decided I don't want one 17 years later after seeing what they look like if not tediously cleaned every time. Again...I don't like to spend extra time in the kitchen.





I can't help you with the convection oven as I don't use it much but have you considered an induction surface for the cooking part? It's the beautiful smooth looking surface but cleanup is nothing more than a wet rag. Because the pot becomes your heat source, the glass surface never gets hot enough to burn anything to it. I'm a messy cook and I NEVER have to scrub. I had a coil before and it always looked grungy. Now I have a beautfiul clean looking stove all the time. I can't tell you how much I love my induction range. They are pricey but it was so worth it to me. I went close to 2 years with only 2 working burners and than another 2 months with no oven, because we were saving up for induction (and my old stove was dying a long painful death). It was a pain at the time but oh so worth it in the end.

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They are pricey but it was so worth it to me. I went close to 2 years with only 2 working burners and than another 2 months with no oven, because we were saving up for induction (and my old stove was dying a long painful death). It was a pain at the time but oh so worth it in the end.


:iagree: I will never go back to gas (and I'm speaking as someone who, when house hunting asked if they had gas to the property right after price.)

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