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If you use the envelope budgeting system...

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I asked my bank teller for a stack of the envelopes they give when they give you cash. When one gets ratty I just replace it. I like the bank envelopes better than a mailing envelope because the money doesn't slip out of it as easily and there is a "coin" pouch so I can keep the change for each category!

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There are a number of really nice choices on Etsy. Here's a link to a search I did for "envelope system" this evening. As you can see, there are some really pretty ones, and they don't cost a fortune.





Oh my. It never occurred to me to look for something like this on Etsy. There are some really cool ones there! I am so there and shopping after the holidays. Thanks for getting me in trouble. lol! :tongue_smilie:

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I found that carrying so much cash made me nervous. I actually made a DR wallet, but don't use it.


I find a virtual envelope works far better for me.


For $60 you can get YNAB (You Need A Budget) and log all of your spending there. You buy it once and you are done. I love, love, love it!


BTW: We stared a similar program, Crown Financial, about 5 years ago now. We have only our mortgage left and have saved up over 6 months of expenses and are on baby step 6. I wish we had done this a long, long, long time ago!

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Thanks everyone. I actually have a good wallet (from Target of all places) for my purposes, but I want something nicer to keep the money in at home. I'm torn between wanting something like the fabric envelopes on Etsy and the simple and durable vinyl zip pouches--or just being really cheap and using the paper envelopes I already own :tongue_smilie: Good point about being able to write on them!


I have lots of thinking to do. Thank you for the input!

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