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Thinking Christmas: What do you think of Snap Circuits?

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Up until yesterday, I had never heard of Snap Circuits but they have a lot of stars on Amazon. My almost 9 year old daughter is very science minded. She loves when I do REAL Science Odyssey, loves to watch Magic School Bus etc... Is this something she would enjoy? What kit would you purchase?




Also, what about these Science Kits on Amazon? Anyone use them?


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My kids have had them for a while and it is one of the items that gets used then put away, then pulled out and used again, over and over. Their favorite feature is the helicopter/fan blade. They also use the small motor to spin discs of different colors for an optical illusion effect. They also like making a spinning platform and then putting various small characters on the platform to see how they fare. They have done several 4H projects with these sets and their exhibits have always drawn in adults as well as kids. My kids are now 13 and 15 and as they have gotten older, they have found more and more interesting projects to do with the sets. When they were younger they just followed the diagrams and didn't get as much out of them.


Another item my kids have gotten a lot of mileage out of is magnets. Especially the Geomag sets -- much better quality than some of the other brands. They also like the Buckyball magnet sets. Of course, my kids also like big bags of cornstarch in their stockings. Non-newtonian fluids anyone? :001_smile::001_smile:

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My DS8 loves Snap Circuits. However, I don't feel they are as good as they could be, not necessarily instructional in and of themselves. I think you can manipulate them for a long time without developing a real understanding of the hows and whys of circuitry. DH is very knowledgeable about these things and when he interacts with DS doing the Snap Circuits, it is a beautiful thing. Lots of, "If you do this, what changes? Why won't it work? Try that." And then the important part, lots of Greek stuff that I don't understand :tongue_smilie:, but that helps DS truly understand what he's doing and why it works or not. Plus, it gives him the vocabulary instead of just oohs and ahs. In the absence of this kind of guidance, it just feels like a toy to me.

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