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S/o poll for non-working spouses

Do you have an account or multiple accounts that are in your name-cc, utility, etc  

  1. 1. Do you have an account or multiple accounts that are in your name-cc, utility, etc

    • Yes
    • No

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We are on everything together, but since I moved into his condo when we got married (and we are still in the same city) all the utilities have him as primary.

Besides utilities, all we have a a mortgage and bank accts. No credit cards or revolving credit of any kind.


My retirement accounts are the only one in my name alone.

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We moved after I became a SAHM. I'm on all the accounts (dh even had to do extra paperwork recently to make sure I could control the credit card account without him) BUT I am not the primary on any account. The only way I could become the primary would be to have an income.


This didn't bother me until the last year or so. Things have tightened up since the banking scandal and its annoying that credit card companies are removing the access of equal (but secondary) partners. Its not like they listen when I tell them my husband hasn't paid one bill in our entire marriage and that I'm not sure he could get into our checking account without going there in person. :tongue_smilie:

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Our bank membership is actually through me (it's a bank, but functions more like a credit union in most ways, including needing to qualify to be a member). So our main savings, checking, all of our homeowners and car insurance, and 2 credit cards have me as primary. Oh, and the car loan, which is kind of funny because I'd forgotten my wallet when we went to buy the car that the loan is on -- so the title/registration is all in dh's name only, yet I'm primary on the loan. In the past, I've been primary on the mortgage, though our current one is with a different bank, and dh's work got us a better rate, so I'm secondary there. All of our accounts are joint, and our credit rating is usually about the same.

Edited by higginszoo
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Oops. I think I messed up on the poll. I said "yes" but now that I think about it, I feel like my credit card was opened with my dad as a co-signer. I know he's on my savings account there (back from when I was 18 and he wanted to be on my account for the savings on insurance). Phone is in DH's name, gas/electric is in my name. So I guess yes, something is in my name only. And I turned the service on after I wasn't working anymore. I haven't tried to get a credit card since I was 18 so I don't know if they'd give me one.

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Yes, my Roth, some certificates of deposit, a savings account, and the internet bill are in my name or have me listed as primary. Two cars are in my name only, but just by oversight by me - I should've had MrTea listed as well. He gets the utilities to himself, and we share two houses and a mortgage.


2 checking accounts, 1 savings and 1 Roth IRA. I think both of our names are everywhere else, not that it seems to matter much in CA. What belongs to one, also belongs to the other.

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I have always handled the bulk of our finances. The bank account has me as the primary, the credit cards we got BEFORE this year are me as the primary.


I am the one who called to set up the utilities, garbage, cable, etc....so those are all in my name.


I used to work full time so it was never an issue. Now I am "just a homemaker." :glare: BTW: I neither make homes nor am I a "just" anything!

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All utilities are in my name, I have credit cards in my name alone, the cars are in my name. We put everything we can in my name since I pay the bills. If they are in his name alone the people won't talk to me without his permission, which is a pain. I haven't worked consistantly outside the home for 22 years.

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Do you have an account or multiple accounts (credit card, utilities or *something*) that are in your name? Eta:in your name, alone, or with you as the primary and your dh as the secondary?


Yes, buttttttttttttttt we are a differnt case. all ulities are in my name, and the phone and so on -- my name alone -- but it is for family safty due to DH's job. not for my credit or anything like that.

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I have a credit card, a checking account, a couple of savings accounts and a retirement account in my name only. Our mortgage, title, and most of our utilities are held jointly (not sure who's primary on all of them). Our car loan and title are in DW's name only. She also has a retirement account and a savings account that I am not on. She does not have her own checking or credit card.

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