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Dry Drowning and other "news"

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I don't live in South Carolina and we don't watch a lot of TV so this story is new to me. I vaguely remember hearing about dry drowning before but don't know much about it.


It seems like there is so much information out there now and so many new things to be aware of all the time. I used to be a big worrier and reading news things like the one above would concern me. Lately, I think it's certainly good to be informed and aware but with kids there are so many things that can go wrong and sometimes bad things are just going to happen. Am I out of line feeling this way? How much do you let media and news stories affect your life?

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You can theoretically drown in a cup of water if it goes into the lungs. I try not to obsess over these incidents. They're horrible, but can't expend too much time worrying over freak accidents when there are daily dangers to confront. I'm more concerned with driving down the freeway than a plane crash or drowning b/c it's there's a greater likelihood to transpire.


A few news stories have affected my thinking, though. I ALWAYS look for an exit sign when entering an unfamiliar setting (possible fires). We don't take road trips on the big 3 day weekends due to drunk driving statistics. Lastly, my children aren't allowed to ride carnival rides due to lack of restrictions. These are results of news stories which affected me. I do what I can to control our environment without being obsessive or compulsive. Love that my children want to explore every avenue life has to offer, so we allow this but keep the safety factor in mind through each step.

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I just feel ill. That is so horrible. Thank you for posting this as I had no idea of it. I will surely tell my husband and oldest son as well because they go jetskiiing quite a bit. It's good to be aware of the danger signs.


I just cannot fathom the grief that mother is going through.

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Too sad. I've never heard of that either.


I am a worrier who's learning not to worry. I believe that God runs everything, good and bad, and my worrying is not going to prevent any of the bad. That doesn't mean I don't take precautions, it just means that I think my precautions are also preordained.

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It is so very sad to read about this! I confess there are some stories that I cannot finish reading sometimes, they make me so sad. I grew up in a house that had lost children, and it is so difficult. I cannot even describe it.


That being said, sometimes I have to pray a lot to trust my kids to the Lord. I know we do not all believe the same thing here on the boards, but I just want to share that sometimes I just struggle to not worry too much, and need prayer.

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I am a worrier who's learning not to worry. I believe that God runs everything, good and bad, and my worrying is not going to prevent any of the bad. That doesn't mean I don't take precautions, it just means that I think my precautions are also preordained.


I also tend to be a worrier. Dh says I'm a pessimist, and that I tend to see things in the worst possible light. Like if there's a 5% chance of something bad happening, I figure it will definitely happen because "that's just my luck". I'm trying to let my faith take over my fears and simply trust God.

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I don't live in South Carolina and we don't watch a lot of TV so this story is new to me. I vaguely remember hearing about dry drowning before but don't know much about it.


It seems like there is so much information out there now and so many new things to be aware of all the time. I used to be a big worrier and reading news things like the one above would concern me. Lately, I think it's certainly good to be informed and aware but with kids there are so many things that can go wrong and sometimes bad things are just going to happen. Am I out of line feeling this way? How much do you let media and news stories affect your life?


Yeah, it produces something called acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). It's a good thing to warn kids -- especially teens or anyone who might (however unlikely) go swimming in an area they aren't supposed to be, or go swimming as strong swimmer older teens without adults around -- that if they rescue a buddy from near drowning or being in trouble in the water, they need to take him/her to get checked out by a doctor. Especially if (heaven forbid) alcohol is involved in any way -- maybe not even by your kid, but by the friend who got into trouble -- they might think the person is just sleeping off the booze and instead, they are going into serious and irreversible distress.


This isn't a new thing, but in my mother's day, for example (she's 68), this would not have crossed anybody's mind. But we are very concerned about this kind of thing today. Lungs get traumatized quite easily. Once someone goes into this kind of distress, IIRC the fatality rate is something like 60-80%. Bad, huh?


Better to know, though, so you can head off something like this.

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