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Are you an internet multitasker? What else are you doing right now?

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He's lying on the sofa beside my computer. Somehow today the 3 boys must have come up with some incredibly frightening scenarios for their comics they're always creating, and now the youngest is too scared to go to sleep.


Why can't they invent FUNNY ones??? For the sake of the little one?


Too tired myself to do anything else. And psyching my muscles up for the kid-carry and trip-over-bedroom-toys that's yet to come.

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I'm eating a pink otter pop, watching a documentary on Mumbai, listening to my ds on the speaker phone play a video game with his fellow nerdy buddy (I adore nerdy boys), and looking at my messy workspace. I really need to catch up on my cleaning.

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I read a thread about homemaking skills about an hour ago.


I am on my second load of laundry, I've folded a couple of loads of clothes, unloaded and reloaded the dw, and sent a nice (after I deleted the nasty parts) email to Bill James (baseball author) about a rude reply he sent regarding a question my son had.


Now I am going to run the dw and wash some dishes by hand.


I may never go to bed tonight because I am on a roll.


a guilt-ridden RC

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I just finished talking with a friend on the phone. I'm watching Frasier, and playing a little bit of Spider. Oh, and now I'm going to run the dishwasher.


I'm chatting with my husband and best friend, paying bills, and starting to plan school for next year. I'm also listening to my iPod, and drinking wine.

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I'm reading stuff here, shopping CBD for small father's day gifts for the dads in our church, verbally "prompting" my dd's to go to bed, deliberating on the correct $ amount to include in my nephew's graduation card, marking which workshops I'd like to attend at the homeschool conference (next month!) and procrastinating on all of the following:

reloading the dishwasher

putting away 3 boxes of leftovers & gear from a catering job

showering & giving dh a little "attention"

It's now 9:30pm my time. What are the chances of me actually getting all of this done before I fall over? My day was very busy...:svengo:

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The job today was continental breakfast, morning snack, taco salad bar luncheon, and afternoon snack (for 100 people).

The things that sound the best for snacking right now are wildly varied.

There are butter croissants and homemade scones with strawberry jam & devonshire cream.

There's also seasoned taco meat with black beans, and every possible topping for taco salad including a HUGE bag of sliced black olives. Yum.


Instead I'm going to unload/reload the diswasher, shower, smooch on dh, and GO TO BED!

I don't need any of that food. I don't need any of that food. I don't need any of that food. I don't need any of that food....

(Is the chant working?)

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Oh, good grief, ever since my husband showed me how to "browse in tabs," I've had at least 3 tabs open. Email, WTM forum, and some other site that relates to something Jessica wrote about in her post. Oh, and listening to Josh Groban sing "Gira Con Me Questa Notte."

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I'm working on my sermon for Sunday--have open windows with Oremus Bible browser and Homiletics online, also bidding on some curriculum from Ebay and still searching for one last book for next year.


I've also got my current reading (a young adult pirate novel called "Under the Jolly Roger" by L. A. Meyer) sitting here.


My dh is trying to engage me in some banter, but I'm ignoring his bad jokes, and about to give him his insulin shot. He wants me to say, "no, they are good jokes!"


Night all!

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Drafting a letter of condolence to my husband's mentors widow.


Re writing a lenghty and detailed email to my dfd's caseworker that I just accidentally deleted! It was a visitation summary and I hate to write! Now I get to do it ALLLLLL over again.....uggh.


I am also doing laundry, eating carrots and drinking tea ;0)





ETA! I took a break, came back and Googled a name, and Google found my document in my computer! Oh, man am I happy! I was sooooo hating the idea of retyping this letter!

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Also trying to make the cockatiel stop picking at my necklace while I type.

Usually have a few windows open and an email to my Mom going too.


You should have seen me when I had an Amazon parrot on one shoulder, a conure on the other, two cats draped over the keypad and 2 dogs at my feet! Plus making the ferrets get out of the coal bag and occasionally, if the parrots got to sniping behind my head, I would just stand up and dump everyone off the desk!

My life before children. :)

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