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How do you handle when your kid walks in on you and dh???

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lol... Sounds like you have to explain or read about the mechanics of sex so he understands exactly what was happening physically, that it did not hurt either of you, that this is how all humans and animals reproduce and he's lucky that includes his parents or he'd never have been born, and that married couples do it not just to have babies but as a way of showing love for one another... Privately. And obviously you didn't know he was there and now all three of you are embarrassed but you are confident you will all be able to move on and get over it and you would appreciate it if he doesn't discuss it with anyone other than you and dh (and psychologist?). He'll live. It happens!


Nance, who remembers being asked once "Why were you and Daddy bouncing on the bed this morning?" LOL

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I've always hated that necklace too!!!! I can't believe Kay Jewelers likes it. Oh..and those stupid videos of her standing there in a luscious art studio drawing the dumb thing.




An "open heart" , IMHO, is a gold heart outline that just hangs from a chain. See now, I think I should go draw one and make millions of dollars.


Maybe if I design one and go to Jared with a pitch about how it evolved from me posting on a public message board about my son walking in on me during a teA party.


"Cuz if your bedroom door is open, love will always find it's way in...and your kids may too so ya better be more careful!"


In that case, maybe a heart with a key, to symbolize locking the door:D

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Lock the door, poor kid. That would be huge for anyone to handle, I'd check with his counselor.


I could just about DIE this morning. DIE I tell you!!!


My son, about to turn 10, who also has aspergers, snuck into our bedroom in the middle of the night. We had NO idea he was there and wide away from 3am on. He is very very quiet. He also has huge night time anxiety as it is.


Well, figures this morning, dh and I wake really early and well...ya know...


I had even asked him "there's no kid in here right?" as he had gotten up to turn off the alarm clock. "no..just the dog..I checked" was his answer. So, afterwards, he gets up for work and who is in there at the very foot of our bed, face down with his fingers in his ears, but my SON.

He is completely freaked out. I tried to talk to him earlier and he would not speak. We have never had "the talk" yet.


Eventually, I tried to talk to him again and he was a little more responsive. What I said was that mommy and daddy were sharing special time together and that is a way moms and dads show their love for each other. I said I was NOT mad at him for coming into my room, and also that we had no idea he was in there or that never would have happened and I was so sorry for not checking better.


I used this as an opportunity to say that he is always welcome to come to our room if he's scared or anxious but that he needs to knock on the door and that he is always welcome to wake me up in the middle of the night if he needs me, but that he needs to let me know he's come to my room. I then re-iterated that I was NOT upset he came into my room last night. I kind of likened it to not walking into a bathroom if the door is closed, you always knock, or at least say "is anyone in there?".


I do not have a lock on our bedroom door. I guess the reason is that so far in my twenty years of parenting I haven't needed it yet. There will be one on the door in the next 24 hours. :001_smile:


My son is SO literal and has the most vivid imagination of anyone I know. I'm afraid he's going to think his parents turn into aliens or something in the middle of the night. I'm so afraid he's not able to process the "special time/ love each other" talk I gave him and that he's just going to be utterly confused and his imagination is going to run away with him. I don't know if I should tell his psychologist about this and get his opinion? ugh..figures it's a guy!


Do I buy a book now? I mean, I was ten when I learned about how babies were made--the mechanics. I didn't REALLY learn about it until I was much much older.


Will he be ok? or has this truly scarred him?


I came downstairs a little while ago, and ds says "mom, I don't think I'll ever fully recover from last night"


I sure hope he has the discretion to not just tell this story to the cashier at the grocery store or something (he tends to do things like that...say things in socially inappropriate circumstances)


I figured, someone here has to have had something similar happen to them? How did you handle it?

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So, after laughing about everything, it reminds me of many an instance of interupted Tea parties. Let's see, my 12ds was walking into my room while I was walking out of the shower, sans towel. My DH had forgotten to close the bedroom door, that I had closed before I got in the shower to avoid this situation.

My 9dd walked into our room while dh was having a tea cake ;) and he yelled at her. She ran crying to her room. I dressed and followed, explained daddy didn't mean to yell at her, she just needed to remember to knock and wait for a "come in". I then yelled at hubby for being so mean and, no more tea party.

7ds knocked on the door during afternoon tea(door was locked) to ask if he could eat a cookie for a snack, DH yelled, "yes, now leave us alone!"


OP, if your husband is a reader, Preparing your son for every Man's battle, is an amazing Christian book that your son and hubby would read together. Tell him there are sports analogies and it might make it easier!

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So, after laughing about everything, it reminds me of many an instance of interupted Tea parties. Let's see, my 12ds was walking into my room while I was walking out of the shower, sans towel. My DH had forgotten to close the bedroom door, that I had closed before I got in the shower to avoid this situation.

My 9dd walked into our room while dh was having a tea cake ;) and he yelled at her. She ran crying to her room. I dressed and followed, explained daddy didn't mean to yell at her, she just needed to remember to knock and wait for a "come in". I then yelled at hubby for being so mean and, no more tea party.

7ds knocked on the door during afternoon tea(door was locked) to ask if he could eat a cookie for a snack, DH yelled, "yes, now leave us alone!"


OP, if your husband is a reader, Preparing your son for every Man's battle, is an amazing Christian book that your son and hubby would read together. Tell him there are sports analogies and it might make it easier!


Hey--are you the same Doran who used to post here all the time and make up funny title posts? How are you?

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