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Wow, I'm shocked.

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So I just asked 15yo ds if his school has ever done eye tests. He only started in school two years ago and had never mentioned it, but after reading the other thread, I thought I'd ask. He casually shook his head and said, "No, but they do std tests." WHAT?????? They don't do it until 6th form (for 16 & 17yos), so it hasn't been done to him yet, but still WHAT?????? Are they just assuming that all the 16 & 17yos are s@xually active? I'm shocked. I think I'll be making a call to the school office tomorrow for more information on that.


Has anyone ever heard of this in US schools?

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I have heard of some school districts contemplating lining 12-14 year olds up for STD vaccinations. (I think that part of their reasoning is wanting to get them before most of them are active/exposed.) I haven't heard anything about STD testing on a broad scale here in the US (it wouldn't surprise me if it was available for dc who thought that they might have a problem, though).


They SHOULD be testing the eyes, though. As people go through puberty, there is often enough a big change in vision that I'd think that it would be to everyone's advantage to find and address that as soon as possible.

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I would double check that, I just find it a little bit too difficult to believe. Perhaps he misunderstands?


I really just can't imagine a school doing urine cultures and drawing blood, you know?


ETA: My guess is that there are OPTIONAL clinics where 6th form students can receive confidential STD testing if they have a concern.

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There is a clinic on the school property. I would have assumed that they offered advice/testing/etc to kids who asked. I'm just shocked at the idea of it being for all 6th form students. I am going to call tomorrow to ask. They're closed now as it's 5pm here.

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my guess is that it would not be blood draws, but a visual inspection for warts. It has been done here in the states, without permission and parents have tried to sue over it.


Do you have any more information or links about this? I'm trying to figure out logistically how this would work. Again, I just have a really hard time believing that any school would require a visual exam of a student's anus, vulva or penis.


ETA: I could locate stories about an incident in Stroudsburg, PA over 15 years ago but nothing more recent. Also, all of the articles I found were on very biased websites, I couldn't locate anything from a more reputable news agency. The little bit I read was shocking but it seemed to be an isolated incident. Have there been other similar cases?

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it's been a while since I remembered reading about it, but here is a link


http://articles.mcall.com/1999-07-27/news/3266305_1_air-conditioning-exams-medical-checkups ( news article about how jury decision stopped by air conditioning problem-but goes on to state the details of what happened to the girls)




details how the girls were not allowed to call their parents.


Testifying for the families last week, Dr. Fredric Nelson, a Philadelphia pediatrician, said a genital exam should not be given without a parent's consent, nor should an exam take place if the patient is frightened.


"A genital examination of an unwilling older child may leave the child with fear that may be difficult to dissipate," he said in pretrial court documents. "Attempts to examine a child by force are always psychologically traumatic."




sorry, all from the same newspaper, but seemed well-written. I thought I remembered a few other like cases, but didn't see them.

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So I just asked 15yo ds if his school has ever done eye tests. He only started in school two years ago and had never mentioned it, but after reading the other thread, I thought I'd ask. He casually shook his head and said, "No, but they do std tests." WHAT?????? They don't do it until 6th form (for 16 & 17yos), so it hasn't been done to him yet, but still WHAT?????? Are they just assuming that all the 16 & 17yos are s@xually active? I'm shocked. I think I'll be making a call to the school office tomorrow for more information on that.


Has anyone ever heard of this in US schools?


I don't know about US schools, Megan, but over here it wouldn't surprise me at all. The last time I took the kids to the nurse - probably for a vaccination - she looked at Rabbit, then 11, and told me that she should have a cervical smear test. I was first :001_huh: then :cursing: and got out as soon as possible...

What a sad comment on young people today (and parents today?), that STD tests are offered in schools, and smear tests are offered to 11yogs.

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