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I have never been so happy to see my dog throw up.

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Bear the Wonderchewer snagged a chicken bone out of the garbage while we were taking it out. I swear he swallowed it whole before we could get it out of him. (Still working on the "off" command.) I was looking up on dog forums and just about to ask here if I needed to call the vet when I heard the tell-tale sound. Crisis averted. The chicken bone is no more and I can sleep soundly tonight.


That is all.

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Glad to hear he threw it up! Dogs sure can be quick! One of my dds dropped a chicken wing at dinner one time and our Westie grabbed it. I jumped up quick and pried open her mouth but she had swallowed it whole. I took her to the vet the next morning and they x-rayed her stomach and it was gone. Dogs must have very strong gastric juices!!

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If you want to make a dog barf, give them hydrogen peroxide (about 1/4 cup)with a turkey bastor or an open syringe.---5-10 min later---barf.


My golden puppy (10yrs ago--the dog was 3-4 months old) would chew the nipple off of dd11's pacis and swallow the tip---she was too little to pass the tip and we were constantly doing this.


Just a little FYI

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When my first dog was a puppy, a guest of my roommate fed her all his chicken bones before I could intervene. (He just held his plate down and she snarfed them up before I could stop it.) I was panic-stricken and called the vet. She told me not to worry, that although chicken bones can cause problems, that it is not probable. Her family fed their dog chicken bones the whole time she was growing up. Anyway, she told me signs to watch for, but otherwise, she didn't even want me to bring the dog in.

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About a week ago, Aidan grabbed 1/2 a loaf of pumpkin bread containing raisins, and ate at least an amount equal to slice. I couldn't use the hydrogen peroxide on him because I didn't think about raisin toxicity in dogs until it was too late. His vet bill was $200+, but at least we know he is 100% healthy. The vet had to look up raisin toxicity, and run a bunch of tests. Naturally Aidan had been lethargic at home, but the minute we walked into the vet's office, he was his happy, extremely outgoing self.


Raisins are toxic to some dogs, not all. There is no way to tell which dogs will be poisoned, it depends on the amount to some extent, and no one knows exactly why they are toxic. Labs are at particular risk; ingesting only 7 raisins can kill one. This is not one of the sources I used to look it up originally, but it explains it briefly:




Aidan didn't have the symptoms listed, but I wasn't going to wait around for them to develop. All I could think was that he's only a puppy and already I've killed him with pumpkin bread!


When our collie, Teddy, was a year old, he moved the sugar and flour cannisters out of the way, and ate cookie ingredients. He was not a counter cruiser, but I knew chocolate was toxic to dogs, so better safe than sorry.


The hydrogen peroxide treatment did not work for him. We did it three times, in consultation with the vet. Unlike little Aidan, Teddy had a stomach like iron -- his favorite foods were pizza and spicy chili.


I took him to the vet because for his weight, 12 oz. was borderline for being toxic. She put one drop of something in his eye and he threw up a big pile of chocolate chips, 2 sticks of butter, and 2 butter wrappers. The vet's office smelled great! It cost me $135 eight years ago.


Lucky for me, in the 8.5 years we had him, he counter-cruised only twice. The second time he nabbed 1/2 of a very large pot roast.

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Glad to hear he threw it up! Dogs sure can be quick! One of my dds dropped a chicken wing at dinner one time and our Westie grabbed it. I jumped up quick and pried open her mouth but she had swallowed it whole. I took her to the vet the next morning and they x-rayed her stomach and it was gone. Dogs must have very strong gastric juices!!


If you want to make a dog barf, give them hydrogen peroxide (about 1/4 cup)with a turkey bastor or an open syringe.---5-10 min later---barf.


My golden puppy (10yrs ago--the dog was 3-4 months old) would chew the nipple off of dd11's pacis and swallow the tip---she was too little to pass the tip and we were constantly doing this.


Just a little FYI


My JRT/beagle mix swallowed a whole chicken wing once, too. The vet told us to do what Lara said. I think we started with a TBS with a medicine syringe. A couple minutes later Ralph, Chuck and Earl pulled up in a Buick. Urp!


I felt badly for the little guy. He had been so excited when he got the chicken wing.

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