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I want to be the crafty, scrapbooky, sewing, make your own jewelry creative mom

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I don't think there is a crafter anywhere who doesn't have a dozen unfinished projects hanging around. :001_smile:


Do you have a place where you can keep a project out and ready? Sometimes half the battle is taking everything out and getting set up, kwim? Right now I have taken over our homeschool table with scrapbooking stuff. Though tonight I'll have to put it back away and it may not see the light of day for awhile. :D

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I really do.


I try......I buy all the stuff.....but do I get past starting a project? NOPE!


Why can't I finish what I start?


I get so frustrated with myself.




You must push past the boring middle part.


The exciting gathering part rocks.


The thrilling beginning part excites.


The middle working part bores.


The awesome ending part is a super party. :party:


Push past the boring middle, my dear. Get an inspiring CD or book on CD to listen to to carry you thru.

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We all have unfinished projects. :D


BUT you have to start finishing many. So, get the stuff, and promise to finish it. And don't buy the next thing until you do. stashes are fun, but they lead to many started projects.


Unsinkable is right, the middle is boring. Everyone hates the middle, but that's where the discipline kicks in. Push through it, and git it done.

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If you don't have UFOs, you're not a real crafter!


Perhaps you've not picked the right crafts. Perhaps you need to zoom in your focus. Instead of feeling blah because you haven't finished the whole thing, you focus on feeling that blah until you've finished the row, or that piece of thread, or something else small like that. And the boring middle bit always cruises more pleasantly if there are Jane Austen dvds playing in the background. Or that could just be me. :)


Of course, you must post pictures in my crafters update threads at the end of each month so everyone can praise your great work. That is inspiring :D "I must finish this section so this month's pic will look significantly better than last month's pic, so people will tell me how great it looks." It's motivating, I tell ya.



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have you checked out some of the cool ideas on Pinterest? There's tons of "real" crafts that don't take long.

Unsinkable has it right. The kids and I did a couple projects from Ana White's site this summer. One of the bookshelves I measured wrong. We were almost finished and I had to take the whole thing apart and start again.

BUT, getting it done- GREAT feeling!

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Well, THIS week I have some Christmas ornaments to make. I started a while back and have made 3. I need about 10 more.


Sad thing is, they are quite easy to make! And I now have all the materials needed.


Then I have something else that will require more work but that I promised to get done.


Have to go now but will post more later.



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You must push past the boring middle part.


The exciting gathering part rocks.


The thrilling beginning part excites.


The middle working part bores.


The awesome ending part is a super party. :party:


Push past the boring middle, my dear. Get an inspiring CD or book on CD to listen to to carry you thru.

Or schedule yourself to work on it during your favorite TV show season. :D


We've got Netflix. I've been knitting like mad as we work through all the seasons of Deep Space Nine. This summer it was Battle Star Galactica. :D

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Unless you have a very loud sewing machine! :glare:


I need speakers next to the sewing table as I can't hear a blessed thing with it going!




Or schedule yourself to work on it during your favorite TV show season. :D


We've got Netflix. I've been knitting like mad as we work through all the seasons of Deep Space Nine. This summer it was Battle Star Galactica. :D

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Well, you are on to it there. I get bored quite easily!




You must push past the boring middle part.


The exciting gathering part rocks.


The thrilling beginning part excites.


The middle working part bores.


The awesome ending part is a super party. :party:


Push past the boring middle, my dear. Get an inspiring CD or book on CD to listen to to carry you thru.

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