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What are your favorite Wii games?

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Lego Rock Band is the new favorite in our house. Perennial favorites include the Wii Fit+, EA Active, EA Active More Sports, and Dance Dance Revolution. The kids tried out Just Dance 3 at Comic-Con back in July and had a blast so that's probably going to wind up under the tree this year.


ETA: The kids have played Wii Sports Resort at other houses and that one looks really fun too.

Edited by Crimson Wife
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Our favorite games are the Active Life line (Outdoor Challenge, Extreme Challenge, Explorer). They just came out with Active Life Magic Carnival so I'll be getting that for Christmas. They also like Sports Resort, but that one came with our Wii.


They love Super Mario but it is like WWIII here when they play it, so I have learned to despise it.


We have Lego Harry Potter and Lego Star Wars and those are wonderful. DH loves to play those too.

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I really like Wii Fit Plus. I enjoy this way of exercising. Our kids play it a lot and the youngest is an absolute genius at the obstacle course...I've never figured out how he manages to time his way over the icy patches on the last level.


We also like Wii sports and have family bowling or golf night on a regular basis.


The boys enjoy Wii Mario Kart, Wii Resort Sports - watch out when they are fencing, it gets wicked in there! :D


We've purchased Wii Pirates of the Carribean and it's in my dresser - a Christmas morning surprise. I hope they will enjoy it.



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My dh (and maybe me :blush:) enjoys Lego Indiana Jones and Super Mario Bros. DD loves the Pet Shop games and DS has enjoyed the Cars game. For Christmas, my ds asked for that Mario Kart one, and I'm sure we'll all enjoy it. I also bought the Lego Pirates of the Caribbean one for my dh for Christmas. One of these days I'd like to get Donkey Kong as that's what I played in high school. :)

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Mario Kart has had staying power, along with Band Hero.


I was obsessed with finishing Rayman's Raving Rabbids the first Christmas we had the Wii.


Wii Fit Plus has gotten the most use, between me using it regularly and the kids using it as indoor physical fitness during the colder months.


Erica in OR

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