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Has anyone used this program?


Could you tell me how long it takes to get through one level?


Do you think this program would work for a 6 yro (1st grader) who is mildly on the spectrum? She's very hands-on and I'm thinking she might think the tiles are fun. She can read, but she's on a solid 1st grade reading level (she's not ahead or behind in reading).


Also, it's a bit expensive. I use Webster's Speller with the older kids, but I think WS would be so overwhelming for a 6 yro.


I thought she might like the tiles...and I thought this would help with her reading/writing.


Thanks for your reply!

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We like it very much, and my son is six. I think I've generally read on the boards that kids take about 3-5 months to get through a level. It is expensive initially compared to something like Spelling Workout, but if you have younger children to reuse it it's actually cheaper. You may also be able to find it used, and since none of it's consumable that's probably the best way to go. I don't have any experience with kids on the spectrum, but if your daughter likes hands-on programs AAS should be a good fit.

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We absolutely love it. My 6 y/o likes the hands on of it. My 7 y/o is a natural speller and started with SW, but I switched her over to it because she said it looked more fun. I also think she thought more time with mom was a good thing. I would say 3-5 months is a good estimate from what we have seen. Good luck. We love it so much, I went and got some of the other levels already.:001_smile:

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I'm using it with my 6yo DS who is diagnosed high-functioning autistic. We love it. It is exactly what he needed. I've scheduled it to last for the year. We could go through it faster, but I don't feel the need to, so we don't. If you're wanting to progress faster, I'd guess that with an average 6yo, you could get through 2 levels in a school year.

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There are about a million threads on All About Spelling. Many are tagged. Search 'AAS' or 'All About Spelling'.


If it's out of your price range, or you just want to give it a try first, you can buy tiles from teacher type stores or make them out of cardstock. Then, if you find it's what you want, you can invest in the program. You can find spelling rules/lists online.


You can also DIY the tiles. Someone posted a link to mamajen's blog where she has a PDF of tiles to print.


The DIY tiles can be used with any phonics or spelling program. You can get the WRTR book (Spalding) and do those lists with the DIY tiles.


The idea of using just the AAS TMs is also good.

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Wow, thanks for all the info! I'm really glad I asked!


So, could I buy the TM and letter tiles and be OK? That lowers the price a lot.


I also had looked at Spalding, but the version I saw was $180. :eek: Maybe I was looking at the wrong thing!

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Wow, thanks for all the info! I'm really glad I asked!


So, could I buy the TM and letter tiles and be OK? That lowers the price a lot.



Abso-fruitly, in my experience. The cards are great, but I tend to just repeat them from memory instead of pulling out the cards themselves, lol. "What sounds does the A make?"

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I agree that there are many post about AAS. It is pretty popular. I started using it with my 7 year old non-reader in September. We are now at the end of book 2. We do about a lesson a day, sometimes two. We don't use the program fully as it is laid out. We do have the tiles on a big board. When we are introducing a new sound, we will first practice with the tiles. Then at the end of the lesson we will practice the spelling words with a dry erase marker. He loves using both the tiles and dry erase marker to do spelling. He is hands on as well and has never complained when doing spelling as he does with other subjects. We never pull out the word cards and don't do the little extras such as placing the "rule breakers" in jail. So lessons don't take us very long. He has progressed very well and is now reading level 3 books. So I guess you will just have to look at what works for you and your child and decide how involved the lessons will be. Good luck.:001_smile:

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So, could I buy the TM and letter tiles and be OK? That lowers the price a lot.


Know that the materials packet is the part of the program that allows you to easily customize the review and adapt things to your child's needs. Kids with any kind of special needs (you mentioned she was mildly on the spectrum) tend to need lots of review. While you could technically still find a way to track and do this on your own, I think many people would be likely to skip over it and then decide the program wasn't working because they weren't doing an important and integral part of what makes the program successful. Whatever you do, don't skimp on the review! Here are tips on making review successful. The materials packet makes this easy for you, but if you want to try to do it another way, just make sure you do it.


AAS has been hugely successful for us, here's my blog review on it.


Merry :-)

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I have tried numerous spelling program but this one is the best I have seen. It is a pain in the butt for the parents and having to review, get the tiles out blah blah blah. But my kids are learning and retaining. I am willing to do the extra work for anything that is working for my kids.


If there was a spelling program like AAS for every subject I would be so so thrilled.


One of my girls is using spelling power but her spelling is ok in general although I am finding that I still have to give her the spelling rules/lessons from aas that spelling power doesn't have or else she doesn't retain it.


The two that are using it is spectrumy....one is chugging along slowly but learning and retaining and the other is speeding through it because she is 9yrs old. The 8yrs old who is chugging along started Level 1 Aug. 15. And the 9yrs old started Level 2 a month later and is now starting Level 3. The 9yrs old spelling has skyrocketed and the 8yrs old spelling is improving. I NEVER skip the review. The review is imperative. I also try not to skip a day of spelling. Otherwise it doesn't stick.

Edited by happycc
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We started at the beginning of the year with my (then) 6yo dd who was a very strong reader. We did it one lesson a day 4x a week for the first 2 books, and now are on the 3rd book and I've split each lesson into 2 lessons. Partly b/c they are longer, and partly b/c I can't afford to buy a new level every 2 months! We do use the cards and the tiles. They seem simple but I think really help her retain the info, especially the key cards.

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My 7 and 9 year old (fairly good spellers) love this program :) My oldest was the one who I felt could use a better understanding of the rules. We love how it all fits together! We started level 1 in September and are now just starting level 3. I teach my two separately but we use 1 student pack and I keep them going at the same pace. I believe I'll be needing to slow things down in level 3 as there are a LOT of dictation sentences and the words will start to be more challenging.

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We love AAS and there is a blog that has the tiles already done for you to print. Wish she had those ready before I purchased mine. It's either Spell Outloud or Homeschool Creations (the blog with the tiles) just google the name and the links will come up.


Can you find it and link it here? I looked at both blogs and I couldn't find any printable tiles.


ETA: Maybe it was at the MamaJenn site. They look really nice....but they aren't color coded like the AAS tiles.

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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