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Have you read the book The Well Trained Mind?


Have you read the book The Well Trained Mind?  

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I'm an engineer & so is my DH. (Between us, we pretty much cover electrical, mechanical, industrial & nuclear.)


I think that WTM-methods (in an ideal situation) would leave you with a VERY solid foundation in math and science. The neo-classical model that is espoused in the books doesn't just focus on history, lit, and LA. It is just so much easier to point to good, solid math programs & say "Do them everyday."


Science takes more explanation room than math & I think SWB & her mom tried really hard to lay down a good foundation in science - starting early & carrying all the way through. It certainly has more (variety of) "science" than many other methods (CM, Waldorf) or explanations of the Classical method (specifically in the grammar stage) (Laura Berquist, for example).


I think it is possible to have a solid foundation in LA/History and Math/Science. (My husband excelled in history, math, and science in his very small rural school. They didn't offer Calculus, but the foundational mathematics were solidly taught.)


I think WTM (the book) tries hard to allow parents to lay that foundation in all areas. However, some people find it easier to focus on areas they are more interested in or better in. (Many homeschool moms around where I live are English majors or certified teachers.) Many feel ill-equipped to teach science, so they 'read into' the book (WTM) that it isn't as important. If you read WTM, it is given just as high of an importance as science (time-wise during a week's worth of work, for example).


Just look at how many homeschool-geared (classical format - i.e., one discipline each year, grammar/logic stages) science programs are out there - NOEO, RS4K, REAL Science, ClassiQuest, Elemental Science, etc.


I don't follow it exactly, but it contains some gems & is a good read.

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I have read the 2nd and 3rd edition. I own the 3rd edition and have passed my 2nd edition on to a friend looking into homeschooling. I just noticed that my library has the 1st edition so I have that on hold.


I don't follow it to a "t" but do use it as a reference if I feel we've lost our way or I'm not sure what I want to do now.


I like that I can pick and choose what to follow from it without feeling guilty about it. I've seen some of the videos and heard lectures from SWB and it seems even she has deviated from the plan.

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I voted yes, but not cover to cover. I skimmed over some of the things that don't apply to us or don't apply yet and I'll admit that I didn't read the sections that recommend different programs really at all. For one thing, I had a slightly older edition. But I also feel like it wasn't necessarily any better information from what I did see that you would get here or at somewhere like homeschool reviews.


Exactly. I've checked it out from the library countless times and read chapters here and there while skimming other parts, but I've never sat to read it cover to cover. I use it more as a reference book when needed: look up what I need in the index, read that section, and move on.

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It was the book the made us decide to home school. Actually I was pretty much decided already, but my husband picked up because he was intrigued by the title and after reading about the experiences of the authors he was fully on board. I have not yet read it all the way, because my kid is only. However, I have re-read the chapters on K and 1st Grade a few times. :)

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We're math and science focused here, too; one thing you'll like if you do read it is that it is well-organized :). I do think she misses the point of science entirely and math, too; everybody thinks they hate math 'cause they hate arithmetic, but my mathematician and physicist friends take no joy in cranking out numerical answers to equations. At any rate, check it out from your library (maybe?) and see if it seems useful. Either you'll like it (me!) or not (scientist DH would never, never use it -- but he'd never stay home and school the children, either!)


The book's suggestions did not fit our math and science-focused child. It made him miserable in fact. I was disappointed at the time but now realize it would have been pointless to force feed a method when he was already learning very well on his own. I tweaked and tweaked and have now landed with something much more eclectic rather than classical but he's happy with it and thriving most of the time. I have read the book (not cover to cover) and love it and wish I had a another kid who'd be able to benefit from it...but oh well. I can totally relate to a DH who would never use it BTW. :)

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I have not.


I came to this forum initially with a question about SOTW which a friend recommended to me as something I might find interesting (and she was right, I did find it interesting)!


I later returned when I wanted to check out the WTB/FS forums.


I ended up poking around the message boards, and found that there were other more "relaxed/eclectic" homeschoolers, like me, and stuck around. I never claimed to be a "classical homeschooler" yet still really enjoy this forum and many of its members and have gotten lots of help and made lots of forum friends here.




(Still never read WTM. Still use SOTW). :D

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