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Flat screen what?

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My dh does some home theater design for his hobby (and now, a bit of real $$). We've had excellent luck with Panasonics and also Samsungs. He's installed them for family, and we've lived in 3 homes over the past 10 years, so personal experience with 12 units. The only one we had any issue with is the old JVC, which at this point was a very long time ago. It was purchased about 10 years ago, so take that with a grain of salt.


I asked him if he were in the market right now, what he would get. He said take a look at the 3D technology that LG's making. :D

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My dh does some home theater design for his hobby (and now, a bit of real $$). We've had excellent luck with Panasonics and also Samsungs. He's installed them for family, and we've lived in 3 homes over the past 10 years, so personal experience with 12 units. The only one we had any issue with is the old JVC, which at this point was a very long time ago. It was purchased about 10 years ago, so take that with a grain of salt.


I asked him if he were in the market right now, what he would get. He said take a look at the 3D technology that LG's making. :D



Exactly what I would recommend: Panasonic or Samsung for 2D, but go with LG if you are looking at 3D. (Others will have to follow suit on LG's 3D technology since it is so much better.)

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We loved our Samsung until it got a vertical line across the whole height of the TV a year and a half after we got it. :glare: I'm pretty sure we're the exception to the rule, however. I don't think it would keep us from buying a Samsung again in the future because we've had good success with them in the past.

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(Others will have to follow suit on LG's 3D technology since it is so much better.)


Yeah, when I heard about it, I totally disregarded it. Now, one of the guys here where we live had my dh install it, and WOW! I was impressed. It may be the way dh gets to have a screen upstairs, as our Panny and Samsung (the two downstairs) are only 3 yrs. old.


But, I think we have to wait until my dh gets a job, or decides to go into business for himself and has some steady income. ;)

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We are a sony loving family. I have one in my living room and one in my bedroom. Last year we bought the kids samsung TVs and they have also been great.


Now when it comes to blu-ray players I'll only buy sony. We tried a samsung one and after a year of using maybe twice a month it will no longer play blu-ray discs. It seems to be a common problem with them and samsung seems to be really slow on upgrading the software to fix the problems.

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LED is the newest technology,

then LCD,

then Plasma.

You'll see this when you start to looking a pricing, as far as plasma is cheaper, then LCD, then LED is pricey.


Pretty much stay away from Plasma, if you have any sunlight at all in the room where the TV will be. I also think this is the one that have a huge lightbulb inside the TV, and when that goes out (in 2-3 years), it's like $200 to replace it.


The HZ, which is speed of refreshment, makes a huge difference. You will notice most of the TV's on the Black Friday specials have 60Hz.....that's basically crap. That's like buying a netbook, versus a full laptop. I wouldn't consider anything less than 120HZ. There's some out there that are offering 180Hz now.


THe other thing is the 720/1080 Dpi....not sure what this is really, but I know the 1080 is what is offered on the better ones.


Another thing that you may want to consider if the TV has the capability of using Wifi...that comes in handy for Netflix, etc if you don't have another way to access Wifi on the TV.(ie PS3, Wii, etc)

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Pretty much stay away from Plasma, if you have any sunlight at all in the room where the TV will be. I also think this is the one that have a huge lightbulb inside the TV, and when that goes out (in 2-3 years), it's like $200 to replace it.



Uh, I'd check that info. Just from personal experience, we've had some of ours for almost 10 years, an no, there's no lightbulb replacement. We also live at the shore, where it's all beach, water, and not many trees. We have sunlight even after sunset. :D Plasmas do quite well around here. But that doesn't mean it's the only thing I'd consider.


avsforum.com is place to get more info if you want to go deep.

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Pretty much stay away from Plasma, if you have any sunlight at all in the room where the TV will be.
:iagree: We had a Panasonic plasma. The picture was fantastic, but we have a door directly behind us in the viewing room. It was like looking out the window when trying to watch TV during the daytime.
I also think this is the one that have a huge lightbulb inside the TV, and when that goes out (in 2-3 years), it's like $200 to replace it.
No, that's DLP. (Interesting technology using a bright light reflected off a chip that contains over 2 million mirrors that each move around thousands of times each second!) This is what we currently have from Samsung. It does not have the reflection problem that the plasma had. It is about three years old now and the lamp has not failed yet. I figure we are due. But I bought a couple of them cheap off eBay, so we're prepared.
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