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You've got to be kidding me, right?

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First of all....I just typed this whole post and then my computer overheated and shut down and I lost it all.


That being said, I decided today was the day to sort through Mt. Laundrymore. I went downstairs, threw a load in the washer and began the impossible task. I sort, and sort, and sort when suddenly the washer begins to sound strange. I open the lid. The safety kicks in and the washer stops. So, I lower the lid until it turns back on and peek in the crack only to discover that it is not agitating at all. It smells like burning rubber (and has to some degree for MONTHS).I open the lid and turn the washer off.


So, here I sit with a washer full of water and clothes, and an email from hubby saying "it's probably dead". Which brings me to my questions:


1. What in the world do I do now? I can get it to drain, but what do I do with the now wet, and still dirty clothes?


2. How in the world am I going to replace the darned thing? We don't have the cash to do it, but this isn't exactly negotiable. I have 8-10 loads of laundry (all neatly sorted now) just waiting for my attention.


That saying....you know the one...."it's always something" - yeah, why does it have to be true??

Edited by k2bdeutmeyer
Edited because apparently I don't know how to spell "peek".
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We had that happen. I asked the neighbors if I could use their washer to finish the load. Maybe you could check craig's list for a useable one until you can afford a new one?


That's the problem....I don't have $100-$200 for a used one. I can't even entertain the THOUGHT of a new one, haha! Oh how I long for front loaders.

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Oh, that does not sound like a happy situation at all. I do know I had a machine break with wet-still-dirty clothing in it. Jeans. Weighed about 900 lbs. I pulled them out (with a crane) and squeezed them out as much as I could, loaded them into baskets and took them to my mother-in-law's. I don't know if you have a similar option for taking care of the emergency laundry issue while you cope with the dead machine issue soon. :grouphug:


Burning rubber smells are usually not good in an appliance. Smoke isn't so good either, I've found.

Edited by Quill
dumb moment
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First of all....I just typed this whole post and then my computer overheated and shut down and I lost it all.


That being said, I decided today was the day to sort through Mt. Laundrymore. I went downstairs, threw a load in the washer and began the impossible task. I sort, and sort, and sort when suddenly the washer begins to sound strange. I open the lid. The safety kicks in and the washer stops. So, I lower the lid until it turns back on and peak in the crack only to discover that it is not agitating at all. It smells like burning rubber (and has to some degree for MONTHS).I open the lid and turn the washer off.


So, here I sit with a washer full of water and clothes, and an email from hubby saying "it's probably dead". Which brings me to my questions:


1. What in the world do I do now? I can get it to drain, but what do I do with the now wet, and still dirty clothes?


2. How in the world am I going to replace the darned thing? We don't have the cash to do it, but this isn't exactly negotiable. I have 8-10 loads of laundry (all neatly sorted now) just waiting for my attention.


That saying....you know the one...."it's always something" - yeah, why does it have to be true?


BTDT It stinks!!! :grouphug::grouphug:


My dh is not handy in the least but when our washer got the burnt rubber smell he went online and ordered a new belt and figured out how to get the durn thing on. And when I say he is not handy, he is *not*. But desperate times call for desperate measures.


Unfortunately you will have to take your wet mess and transfer it to a laundry hamper and run it down to the laundromat most probably. It took my dh about a week to get the part in the mail and put it on. Raid the couch for quarters and head to the laundromat with a really great book!! Leave the kids at home and enjoy your night out. :D

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First, :grouphug:.


Second, go to the laundromat and wipe out the 8-10 loads of laundry. Throw the wet clothes into a garbage bag and take it with you. Get everything clean.


Third, you can use the plunger and bucket method while you figure out the washing machine problem. You may be able to replace a belt on your old machine or find a new-to-you machine on Craigslist.


And more :grouphug:.




Haha! I guess I type too slowly. :) I see the laundromat has already been recommended.

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Is your hubby handy with fixing???


It sounds like you may need a new coupler (sp?) We go through one every couple of years. For our first one, we went online to research how to replace it - the step by step process was all there. The coupler for our washer (an old machine - like 20 years possibly) was $15 - and not too difficult for my hubby to replace.


Google it & see if that sounds like it may solve your problem. :) Good luck!!

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If it's just that the agitator isn't working you could switch it to the spin cycle so it will drain and spin the water out of the clothes. Then take them to the laundromat and wash again. Beware, I was shocked at laundromat prices! $3 for wash and about $1.50 to dry. The last time I was in a laundromat it cost $1.50-2 for wash and dry! Oh well, it's cheaper than a new machine. Maybe you can do just the absolute necessary laundry right now.



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I'm not sure if the spin cycle works, but I can sure try it and find out.


I just called my mom. I'm going to go down and try to drain it and spin. Then, I guess we'll take the wet load to my mom's house to wash instead of going grocery shopping. Kids don't need breakfast anyway, right? lol

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I'm not sure if the spin cycle works, but I can sure try it and find out.


I just called my mom. I'm going to go down and try to drain it and spin. Then, I guess we'll take the wet load to my mom's house to wash instead of going grocery shopping. Kids don't need breakfast anyway, right? lol


Having access to your mom and her washer is a definite blessing:001_smile:

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:grouphug: to you--I totally relate, as we went without a washer for a full month (just got a replacement about two weeks ago) and lived and washed at the mercy of friends.


A reminder Craig's List has a free section; you might also check freecycle. Four years ago I got a fantastic washer/dryer set totally for free thanks to freecycle. (This is not the set that broke down recently; as far as I know, the free set's still working great.)

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We JUST had this exact same thing happen 2 weeks ago. It was a belt. Easy peasy for the guy to fix. Our dryer had been having a terrible, blood-curdling screeching sound for a while so he fixed that too. Total for BOTH machines was $110. Not sure what it would have been just for the belt on the washer.


FYI, hope that encourages you. We thought we were going to have to buy two new machines. $110 was good news in comparison.

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Apparently, we need a special tool to get the nut that won't budge off. Although after watching a few you tube videos, I'm not even sure that will help us get to what we need to see (the belts). However, DH didn't feel or see any indication that the belt was broken last night, so I dunno.

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Our washing machine quit agitating after DH 'helped' me out by doing several large loads of laundry on a small setting. It broke a part that is curiously called 'dogs'. We had to buy a long handled thing to get the bolt out of the thing in the middle that spins. (I am not very appliance handy). The agitator assembly that contained the dogs was about $6 from amazon. DH and I spent an hour cleaning and replacing it. It works perfectly now.


If you have any friends who are handy, offer to babysit or help out with some holiday cooking (I'm bartering for things right now with the promise of cooking bulk candy and cookies for people to take to Christmas parties) if they can either look at it for you or loan you that long handled tool. (I think the tool was about $20).


This is also the time of year where people count their blessings and are more giving and willing to help, IMO.


For what it's worth, although the agitator wouldn't agitate, it would still spin. If the agitator is broken it will move easily in either direction without resistance - it feels broken. I don't know how to explain it, except it won't feel right. I was still, however, able to wash clothes but it didn't make them perfect - but nobody accused us of being dirty. :)


Good luck.

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I think the thing you're talking about Slipper is the same thing we checked last night?!? Does it have teeth like a gear? If so, that is not the culprit. I was hoping it was, because that is easy (and cheap) to replace. We have the agitator (the thing that sticks up in the middle) removed already (to get to the cup with the teeth).


At this point, we're thinking a belt issue, but can't get to the belts very easily. DH has felt around where he can't see and doesn't feel any broken or worn belts....nor do we see any remnants of a broken belt laying around in the bottom of the washer, so I don't know! I imagine we'll try working on it some more tonight.


FWIW, Craigslist is where I was looking for used washers yesterday. I would have to get more info on some of them, but it looks like they range from $100-$250 used. I don't have either amount, so at this point, it doesn't matter, LOL.

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It has teeth, yes, but there are also a few pieces that stick out.... let me see if I can find a picture...




(I have no connection to davesrepair by the way - just using his picture)


Also, to figure it out, I googled questions like "Why won't my washing machine spin" and kept going through trouble-shooting guides until I found something that looked like it might work. Our washer is about 12 yrs old, so it was a gamble.


I hope you figure it out. I know I always feel absolutely sick when something big breaks.

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