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It's not even 8am and already my day stinks!

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  • First of all, I didn't get enough sleep because I stayed up way too late working on dd's History Club plan. I was on a roll and didn't want to stop and we have plans out until February. 6:30 came around way too early.
  • I could not find my phone and decided to look in the car (where the kids looked last night but could not find it.) Yes, it was there. Relief.
  • But, I noticed a sickly sweet smell and asked hubby if he put Febreez in there. Nope, it was RAID! He somehow thought that Raid would take care of fleas in the car - did he read the directions? Not that it would do anything for the flea eggs, he poisoned the car. I have chemical sensitivities. AARRGGG! So, no I have to get it detailed since I need the car this afternoon and there is no way I can shampoo it and have it dry before this afternoon in 40 degree rainy weather.
  • Then I noticed that I missed a call from my brother. It turns out that my SIL's (not married to this brother but to another) mother passed away and there isn't any way I can drive to Milwaukee to be there for her.
  • Finally, I get the dog and we go for our walk. It is raining. More GRRR!
  • I noticed it is garbage day. I wonder why the dog isn't sniffing everything - must be that good training. Nope. He decided to take his ball with him. The one filled with "doggie crack". The one that he is obsessed with. Well, it is going to be a short walk and I ate too much cereal last night. So, he insisted on going home after doing his business, which meant playing fetch for a half an hour in the back yard.
  • Then it starts to pour and the back door is locked. Fortunately my son was up and got a towel and met us at the back door.
  • The ball is in doggie jail - out of sight.
  • Off to find a detailer who can fit me in this morning.

It's got to get better.

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