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My plate is too full and I'm beginning to feel like a country song

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My basement utility area flooded because my drain needs snaked. My wonderful neighbor snaked it while I was at hockey, and when I came home my whole house smelled like sewer! We almost threw up! It took hours to air out!


Two days later, I don't have a kitchen sink because it is massively clogged. This is still clogged by the way...my mom goes into hospital and almost died, is recovering well now, both my kids are sick, I'm hormonal and my husband left for the war. This all happened this weekend. I am also having the boy scout troop to my home tomorrow, and it's a wreck due to all of the above!


So, I'm a mess of stress! I really don't like weekends, no rest, just more running!

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I say, cancel the boy scout troop. People will understand.


And your drain may not be fixable via snaking. You may have a root in it or something that is causing the issue. Get a plumber out to diagnose it so you know what you're dealing with. It's much easier to deal with a defined problem than a mess or a problem that might be fixed by taking a certain action. Totally worth the house call fee for a plumber in my POV.

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:grouphug: Oh my goodness. You need to get a plumber. I need to cancel the boyscouts at your home. They will appreciate not smelling backed-up sewage.


:grouphug: You may also need to take 2 or 3 days and just cancel everything in order to get your life back under control.


:iagree: Hang in there!

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Cancel the scout event. Just do the essential things until you feel like you have regained some semblance of control. Ok, ok, that may be when all the kids are out of the house, but so be it! Now, if I could just take my own advice! :tongue_smilie:

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They were cysts and not tumers. benign! Very thankful to still have my mom after this weekend! Scouts will still be here. It is already an alternate location so it will just be too confusing. Did I mention that I will be out of the house all day tomorrow due to co-op? At least my attitude has changed. I had felt pitiful and sorry for myself. Now I feel like "Towanda," off of Fried Green Tomatoes. I can do it!

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I try to picture myself as riding over the tidal waves of life....hoping an upbeat mental image might help. But, I get sucked into the disasters all too easily. Sounds like it is time for something to come off your plate...or for a friendly plumber to show up!



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