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You know you're a classical homeschooler when

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You know you're a classical educator when your dc gently says to little group of friends (who are spouting nonsense), " Your sources need to be reliable. Just because you read something on the Internet doesn't make it true." I have to say there was another child ( public school, I believe), who backed her up with, "Don't believe everything you read on Wikipedia."

Edited by LibraryLover
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You know you are a classical homeschooler when you hear your 6 yr old son say in his best Batman voice, "Joker, you may know a little Latin, but I have been speaking Latin since I was a kid. You're no match for me!"


I love this! I could definately hear my 6 yr old daughter saying that.

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Here are some of the things you may expect when she gets a bit older. :lol:



:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:Oh my!!! She got you on the last one! I loved Brocolino, that was priceless. But, the false modesty...I was laughing so hard I spit coffee on the computer screen!


You should be very proud. :D


You have joined the ranks of a dear music professor of mine who related the following story many years ago:


He had homeschooled his two daughters using classical methodologies and right around the ages of 13 and 15 they began to develop an interest in the music of "Stevie Wonder". Now if you've never listened to this pop artist's music, let me just say that his tunes are catchy, fun, etc. but HIGHLY repetitive with simple musical patterns.


So, on their way to the grocery store one day his girls had the radio on listening to a Stevie Wonder hit tune and he began to lament to them of the simplicity of the harmonic structure, the repetitive lyrical and musical motif, etc. As he was breaking into his exhaltation of the beauty and intricacies of classical music ("classical" - broadly used to define Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Post-Romantic music), his daughters broke into a rousing rendition of "The Hallelujah Chorus", his favorite piece of all time (he was a sacred music history professor).


After many bars of their singing, his response was, "Point taken!"


There are occasionally downsides to teaching them to think! :001_smile:



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