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Should Be Monday

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Honestly. :glare:


Coughing kept waking me up all night.


Then the Littles decided that 330 am was a reasonable hour to come trundling down for breakfast (I was sleeping on the couch, laying flat in bed made coughing way worse). Every. Half. Hour. they were back.


And then I discover our coffee maker is dying.


If this is Sunday, I'm skeered of what Monday holds!

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Oh, Imp, :grouphug:.


One of the nicest gifts I got for the birth of my dd was a little booklet of print-outs of emails I'd sent to my mil while awaiting her birth. Maybe you should do that...both to look back on and to wave in your kiddo's face when she torments you by coming down the stairs at 3:30am! ('cause you know it'll happen again with the next one...:D:D)


Hang in there!!!

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Honestly. :glare:


Coughing kept waking me up all night.


Then the Littles decided that 330 am was a reasonable hour to come trundling down for breakfast (I was sleeping on the couch, laying flat in bed made coughing way worse). Every. Half. Hour. they were back.


And then I discover our coffee maker is dying.


If this is Sunday, I'm skeered of what Monday holds!


Holy cow. They need a clock.


"Don't come down until this number is a 7." or 8 or whatever.

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Hack up that snot and lets have the baby this week. :D We can't wait for the darling pictures!

Both Wolf and SpecialMama have suggested that perhaps all the coughing will cause my water to break.


And driving w/SpecialMama is dangerous. Wolf mentioned that a bumpy road might help bring on labour, so she took speed bumps at warp speed! And she drives a *little* car!



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Okay, no coffee???? That's just wrong sick on so many levels. :D


Seriously, is Wolf out of bed, because he needs to trundle his behind to the nearest Tim Horton's or Dunkin' Donuts or whatever and bring back som decent coffee, otherwise, you have my permission to kick him!. ;)


Here's how to get through the next week:


You have to get through Monday, to endure Tuesday, to survive Wednesday, because on Thursday THE SEASON OF BONES BEGINS!!!!


See how that works? Then, after you've ogled Seely Booth long enough, Joshua can feel free to make his premiere complete with photo shoot posted online for his fan club! :lurk5:



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Holy cow. They need a clock.


"Don't come down until this number is a 7." or 8 or whatever.

I'm thinking we'll be picking one up on payday. I told both of them that they're not allowed out of their rooms until either Daddy or I come to get them from now on. See if that works.

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Okay, no coffee???? That's just wrong sick on so many levels. :D


Seriously, is Wolf out of bed, because he needs to trundle his behind to the nearest Tim Horton's or Dunkin' Donuts or whatever and bring back som decent coffee, otherwise, you have my permission to kick him!. ;)


Here's how to get through the next week:


You have to get through Monday, to endure Tuesday, to survive Wednesday, because on Thursday THE SEASON OF BONES BEGINS!!!!


See how that works? Then, after you've ogled Seely Booth long enough, Joshua can feel free to make his premiere complete with photo shoot posted online for his fan club! :lurk5:



My OB appt is Wed. If I end up with a csection, that could happen as soon as Thurs. :001_huh:


Wolf is sleeping. He's got the creeping crud too. At least one of us is able to sleep.

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I have also thought that if you continued to cough, you might break your water, or break a rib --:glare:


(((hugs))) Later today, please let Wolf have his turn with the kids, and you go and try to lie down and rest. Please.:grouphug:

I feel like I've sprung a rib or something. Wolf's booting me off to bed now.

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Impish -

No coffee is a *CRIME* of heinous proportions. It should not be done to pregnant women or those w/ littles, and most especially NOT to pregnant women w/ littles.

My hubby even got me a Tim Horton's XL (20oz) just before the hospital coffee shop closed (930pm) while I was in labour. The nurse on duty at the time (I was on total monitoring) said it would make me puke. I told her I was in more trouble w/o it! No puking, *and* made an extra hour between pain meds! It was what my body needed, and it really did help the labouring process. It certainly helped me emotionally! :)

Moral of story: GROVEL to neighbour/friend until someone goes to a local coffee shop and gets you a fix!

Speedy health to Wolf of his creeping crud, and a vanishing cough for you, and sleep for the littles!

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