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Target announces midnight opening for Black Friday


Midnight? Who wants to spend the day eating and hanging out with family and then get up and have a marathon shopping session at midnight? No thanks.


I didn't think it was all that surprising. :)

The outlet malls around here open at midnight. I think it sounds like fun - the outlet mall, not Target. I don't really care for Target.

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(Not that I have every done this...but lots of folks do. Hope they take volunteers for those hours and pay a bit of over time.)

This is what I don't like and why I personally will not shop at those hours. Corporations keep on pushing up the opening hours of Black Friday in order to beat the competition. The employees are the ones who lose out and don't get to spend the national holiday with their families. The end result is stores like Kmart and Sears opening for the entire day on Thanksgiving. I don't think it is fair to the employees.

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Some of us don't have family in town or our celebrations are over. My family retires early. They wouldn't even know that I left if I went at midnight. But, I think many would have a different approach if they had family visiting.


It does not negate our Thanksgiving Celebration and our gratitude because we are going out on BF to buy Christmas gifts for our loved ones. If we went on Saturday does that make us more grateful? :confused:


My house was empty by 6 PM last thanksgiving, so I went to walmart and bought some stocking stuffers, wrapping paper, and a few other odds and ends. I drooled over a few BL deals that were out but covered. And then, I went home. Next morning at 6 AM I was on the road to meet up at our traditional McDonald's for breakfast, then to the mall :) I don't buy that much, but my friend and I have done it for YEARS. And now, it's the only day of the year we spend together; well, that and 12/26 :D

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This is what I don't like and why I personally will not shop at those hours. Corporations keep on pushing up the opening hours of Black Friday in order to beat the competition. The employees are the ones who lose out and don't get to spend the national holiday with their families. The end result is stores like Kmart and Sears opening for the entire day on Thanksgiving. I don't think it is fair to the employees.




But my cousin works for a major electronics retail store and doesn't get holiday pay for Thanksgiving off. He prefers the extended BF hours to help make up for lost hours. He's supporting a young family. To some this is a good thing and a full day off is a hardship if you aren't at the benefit level to have a paid holiday.

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But that's just it. This is a part of our tradition. And it is an event that DH and I greatly enjoy. We honestly have a lot of fun and get all the shopping finished on BF. We go out for breakfast, go home, and wrap gifts. It's just the time that we get our shopping done. And I have DH's full and undivided attention to help me. I don't shop earlier than BF because that just istn't my style and I prefer to not go out the other days because DH usually can't go.


I have a few friends that enjoy this time with their mom or sisters. (if I had a sister...)


I'm fine if people don't want to participate. I would rather less people show-up. :lol: But not all people that go out on BF are ungrateful, materialistic, greedy, and anti-tradition. Those stories that hit the news have not been our experience in the mid-size cities we shop at where people have been friendly.


Hey, if it works for you, that's cool. My "intentionally together" comment included our kids, though. We're one of those ridiculously busy families that other folks like to heap scorn upon for denying our children downtime. So, the holiday hours are precious to us.


I'm not suggesting that everyone who goes out shopping that day is as you described. But enough of them are that I find it upsetting to be out amongst them. And I really don't wish to encourage businesses to keep upping the ante and creating yet more frenzy.


To each her own, of course. I just don't understand the appeal.

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