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If you have a Droid phone...

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Which Droid and do you like it? What are the + and -?


I was on point of getting a Revolution LG, but ds looked up reviews for me and folks say the touch screen is not that good and it is hard to text. I'm coming from a Blackberry with a physical keyboard; the most important things are that it is easy to text, e-mail, the phone works great, the calendar works great and I can browse easily (something I cannot currently do easily on my BB).


Thanks for any direction you can point me!

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Ds 15 is here dictating:


1. What carrier are you on?

2. If you get a phone made by HTC, it will be the easiest Android phone to use. The Revolution LG is not one of those. (So, ds doesn't know about it.)

3. If you want a physical keyboard, you can get one, but it won't be like the BB, but it will be a slide out.

4. Droid Pro has a keyboard like the BB (and a touchscreen), however, he can't comment on the phone itself. He doesn't know about browsing on this.

5. Most Androids now (especially HTC ones) don't have a physical keyboard, but he promises you you'll get used to it. (I have!!!)

6. Browsing - my ds says HTC has a really good browser on their phones. They re-size text to fit on the screen so you don't have to scroll side to side. He says any touch screen will be easier to browse than the BB.


Ask questions. He loves to answer stuff like this!!! He says, go to your carrier and go to the phones. If you have questions on them, he'd be happy to answer!

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Ds 15 is here dictating:


1. What carrier are you on?

2. If you get a phone made by HTC, it will be the easiest Android phone to use. The Revolution LG is not one of those. (So, ds doesn't know about it.)

3. If you want a physical keyboard, you can get one, but it won't be like the BB, but it will be a slide out.

4. Droid Pro has a keyboard like the BB (and a touchscreen), however, he can't comment on the phone itself. He doesn't know about browsing on this.

5. Most Androids now (especially HTC ones) don't have a physical keyboard, but he promises you you'll get used to it. (I have!!!)

6. Browsing - my ds says HTC has a really good browser on their phones. They re-size text to fit on the screen so you don't have to scroll side to side. He says any touch screen will be easier to browse than the BB.


Ask questions. He loves to answer stuff like this!!! He says, go to your carrier and go to the phones. If you have questions on them, he'd be happy to answer!


I have the Droid Incredible and I like it fine. Touch Screen only though...PP's ds is right....you get used to it.

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I have an HTC Inspire, and I love it. It's user-friendly, just the right size for my hand, and incredibly handy. The only drawbacks are the battery life (not long, but solved that problem by getting a car charger) and the fact that it drops calls unexpectedly more often than I'm used to. It doesn't happen all the time though, which leads me to wonder if it's my carrier's issue and not my phone's. Either way, I LOVE this phone :D


You can look up phones on Amazon and Best Buy for lots of reviews.

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Ds 15 is here dictating:


1. What carrier are you on?

2. If you get a phone made by HTC, it will be the easiest Android phone to use. The Revolution LG is not one of those. (So, ds doesn't know about it.)

3. If you want a physical keyboard, you can get one, but it won't be like the BB, but it will be a slide out.

4. Droid Pro has a keyboard like the BB (and a touchscreen), however, he can't comment on the phone itself. He doesn't know about browsing on this.

5. Most Androids now (especially HTC ones) don't have a physical keyboard, but he promises you you'll get used to it. (I have!!!)

6. Browsing - my ds says HTC has a really good browser on their phones. They re-size text to fit on the screen so you don't have to scroll side to side. He says any touch screen will be easier to browse than the BB.


Ask questions. He loves to answer stuff like this!!! He says, go to your carrier and go to the phones. If you have questions on them, he'd be happy to answer!


Thank your ds for me! What a sweet boy!


I am going to Verizon; I am currently on Sprint, but it's not so good. My contract is up and I'm splitting!

I am considering Droid Incredible 2 or Droid 3. I think Droid 3 has the virtual and also the QWERTY keyboard - I think that is the slide-out type, right? I don't expect I'll miss the keyboard that the BB has; it takes up too much of the face and I have had a lot of "pocket dial" problems.


I did talk to a guy in the Verizon store Monday. He was touting the Revolution. But now that I see what people say about it, I'm not confident he understood my needs.

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Thank your ds for me! What a sweet boy!


I am going to Verizon; I am currently on Sprint, but it's not so good. My contract is up and I'm splitting!

I am considering Droid Incredible 2 or Droid 3. I think Droid 3 has the virtual and also the QWERTY keyboard - I think that is the slide-out type, right? I don't expect I'll miss the keyboard that the BB has; it takes up too much of the face and I have had a lot of "pocket dial" problems.


I did talk to a guy in the Verizon store Monday. He was touting the Revolution. But now that I see what people say about it, I'm not confident he understood my needs.


Ds says both those phones - Incredible 2 and Droid 3 - are comparable. 2 is made by HTC and 3 is made by Motorola. He thinks HTC makes phones that are easier to use. But, it wouldn't have a physical keyboard. The Droid 3 does have the slide out keyboard.


He says look up HTC Sense. It's what HTC puts on their phones. You can get an idea what they HTC phones have that the others don't. He also recommended playing with both phones to see what you like. Honestly, you can get used to a phone without a physical keyboard. I've done it!!!

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Ds says both those phones - Incredible 2 and Droid 3 - are comparable. 2 is made by HTC and 3 is made by Motorola. He thinks HTC makes phones that are easier to use. But, it wouldn't have a physical keyboard. The Droid 3 does have the slide out keyboard.


He says look up HTC Sense. It's what HTC puts on their phones. You can get an idea what they HTC phones have that the others don't. He also recommended playing with both phones to see what you like. Honestly, you can get used to a phone without a physical keyboard. I've done it!!!


Thank him again for his help! I'm heading off to bed, but this is a big help to me.

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Really? I have the Samsung Vibrant and I love it. I've only had it since February, though.....will it quit on me soon, or is there another reason you didn't like Samsung?


Yeah, both of my Samsung droids have quit working long before the contract period was up. Lots of freezing or locking up, screen turned the wrong way, running very s.l.o.w.l.y, apps constantly force closing. Mostly just annoying stuff, but the worst was actually making calls with the phone- the screen would constantly interact with my face- hanging up on people, making crazy noises, calling other people while I am in the middle of a call. It was embarrassing and ridiculous and even though I downloaded several apps to "fix" it, they never worked consistently. My original phone finally got bad enough I could bring it in to switch out for another and the replacement they gave me was even worse.


I've had my HTC since August and have experienced NONE of these problems. It's amazing to have a phone that actually works properly, both the "smart" stuff and actually as a phone too. However, I never tried the Vibrant, so perhaps many of the bugs have been worked out?

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Lots of freezing or locking up, screen turned the wrong way, running very s.l.o.w.l.y, apps constantly force closing.


Eek, I hope that doesn't happen. So far, the calling quality has been quite good, but it does have a tendency to force close sometimes, although (so far) only with my email. I guess it'll be a waiting game...

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Unlike Iphones, Droids are made by many companies so investigate your options.


I got a Motorola Droid2 which has a huge slide out keyboard, the downside is weight and I think going forward I will get one without a keyboard.


However, because Droid is an open platform there are lots of alternate keyboard apps. I use Amazon's free app of the day program and am currently using this keyboard: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B004X71YY2/ref=mas_ya?_encoding=UTF8&v=glance instead of pecking out a word you slide from letter to letter. It is tons faster than a regular keyboard real or screen.


As an aside the Amazon free App of the day program is great. I try to check in every day.

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I have an HTC Desire S and it is brilliant, very easy to use and quick to learn your way around. I've had mine about 3 months now. My previous phone was a Nokia N95 so I was used to a keyboard. It takes a few days to get used to the keyboard but it's very usable and not too much of a compromise.

Edited by lailasmum
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WE have Motorola Droids in my family, without slide out. I absolutely love it. It was recommended to me from other arthritics who, like me, had trouble with lots of phones because of too small keys or toggling. I have no issues with typing with it. I use it for phone, text, camera, web browsing, navigation (free), calculator, etc, etc. It isn't heavy, it isn't very fragile either since again, with my arthritis, I tend to drop things.

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