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She's coming home from Grandma's today (mama guilt)

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My 13 yo, almost 14 yo dd spent the last 7 days at her Grandma's. The past week has been the most peaceful, stress free week I have had in a LONG time. I knew teens are stressful and dramatic, but until this week, I had NO idea how she's impacted the entire atmosphere of the house.


Three other kids here, under ten, and it has been just fine. No temper tantrums, sullen silences, barely any bickering, and the bathroom has been SPOTLESS the entire week.


(and I feel REALLLY guilty about having any of these thoughts)

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I have a 14 yo dd as well. And I feel the same way when she stays with my mom....even if it's just for the night! Don't feel guilty....they are just at that very difficult to get along with, slob-like, moody age:) Mine's newest talent is selective hearing. Yelling upstairs that I need here to do something, that's its time to eat, etc. no longer works. I have to actually walk upstairs to her room. And I KNOW she hears me:glare:

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I read this to dh and he laughed. Our 14dd is so much the same except she is our youngest. This weekend she was terrible on Friday when we headed out for a weekend trip. If I had thought and planned ahead, she might have ended up staying home.


Friday night she went to sleep in the hotel room at 10pm and slept until 11:30 AM---13 1/2 hours. She was MUCH more pleasant after that.


Just a sign that for us, she needs MUCH more sleep. Hoping that helps the attitude here.

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If you're able to use that rest and relaxation to be in a better mothering place with your dd, then I think you should feel zero guilt! It will have served a purpose and hopefully given both of you a break so you can have a fresh start (even if it only lasts a couple of days... she is still 13 after all).

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Dh is going to my parents house 4 hrs away for 2 days on a business related trip and I got him to take ds along. :blush: I told him it would be so good for ds to spend one on one time with him, and it will- but I can't say I won't enjoy it a little bit too, though I miss him already! But he's the noisy one and the instigator of most spats among the children. Plus dd is sick, so I don't have to hs for the next 2 days either! :D I feel a little guilty, but I love him like crazy, wouldn't trade him for the world and I miss him, so I'm not that horrible a mother, right? Besides, ds was jumping for joy at the chance to go with his Dad, just the 2 of them, he is with me all the time, it'll be good for him to get away from us too. :001_smile:

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My 13 yo, almost 14 yo dd spent the last 7 days at her Grandma's. The past week has been the most peaceful, stress free week I have had in a LONG time. I knew teens are stressful and dramatic, but until this week, I had NO idea how she's impacted the entire atmosphere of the house.


Three other kids here, under ten, and it has been just fine. No temper tantrums, sullen silences, barely any bickering, and the bathroom has been SPOTLESS the entire week.


(and I feel REALLLY guilty about having any of these thoughts)


I could have written this post about my dd now 16. It's been like this since she was 13. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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