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Making a Book Tree

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Artistic/crafty People - I need your help!


I've had this idea rolling around in my head of making a "book tree". Kind of like those book caterpillars where every time you read a book you write it on a circle and make a long caterpillar. So I'm wanting to make something like this, but with a tree trunk and some branches, and we'll write our books on paper leaves and put them on the tree.


I'm thinking about putting it on the stairway wall - lots of room to grow up and out. How should I make the leaves? Just print off the computer and cut them out? I was thinking of a craft punch thing, but those leaves are pretty small. Do we want to use all different kinds and colors of leaves? how should we attach them (and the tree trunk) to the wall?


How would you do it?

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I did this when ds was very small. My local school supply store would cut and sell lengths of butcher paper in various colors, so I just bought a large (6'?) sheet each of brown and blue. The blue became the background, and I just drew (lightly in pencil) a tree trunk and branches on the brown, cut it out, and glued it on. I used different shades of green construction paper for the leaves and just cut them free-hand, so they all looked a little different and varied slightly in size.


I stuck the whole big poster on the wall with that yellow poster sticky stuff... Um... I don't know what it's called. Some 3M product. You just mash it around and stick it to the wall.


I *think* there were apples on our tree too. I can't remember what the difference was between apples and leaves, lol. Way too long ago. :)

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Or you could use silk artificial leaves and use a permanent marker to write the titles (that might get pricey depending on how many you need). It sounds like a cool project!


Yard sales and thrift stores would save on the cost ... and of course artificial leaves are washable first ...

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Going out on a limb here (no pun intended) ...


Years ago, for a Sunday School class, we made trees during one quarter in which the lessons focused on living the Word. I used a child's traced hands pattern in fall colors as the "leaves" and wrote the Bible verse of the week on them; the children added the hands to their trees. The finished product was quite nice.


Similarly, I wondered with books read - what about using a shape of a book in various colors, rather than using leaves ...

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oooh, I like this...where do I have a good wall for a book tree...


Would the leaves just have the name of the book, or the book and author, or maybe the book and author and the child who read it (or read aloud)... let each child make a leaf when they finish a book...


So many things to think about...

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Yes - I'm thinking about the title at least, and the kids can add their initials, or I can put RA for read aloud. My older ones ccould put in the author's name along with the title. Really, if they have a template to trace, it wouldn't be hard to have them cut out their own simple leaf from paper and use some of that painter's tape to put it up.


I found this tree wall decal on Amazon that I'm thinking about getting - has good reviews, can be made any size, and fairly inexpensive...



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