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Teachers Lodge 10-21-2011

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It's FRIDAY!!! Welcome to the Jim Caviez...er, I mean, the Teachers Lodge! Sorry the Jim Caviezel thread got me a little discombobulated.:001_huh:


What's for breakfast? The special in the lounge today is breakfast. Nope, not cold. Freshly baked & hot. Bring your own toppings!


What's for lunch? Too early to decided!


We have co-op today. Anyone else part of a co-op? I used to think it would be fun to be a part of one but now I'm not so sure. It's changed the dynamics of our homeschool support group and I'm not sure I like how different it is.


What are your plans for the weekend? (Yes, Jean, it's the weekend, already. ;)) Tomorrow night is my son's drama production and Sunday is church. I might see if I can talk the family into going up north for the afternoon on Sunday but, since it's been a busy week, we'll see how that goes!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Happy Friday.

I'll bring my granola to the lodge and share with everyone. I did make strawberry oatmeal pancakes for the kids - those are warm and yummy. Lunch will be leftover pot roast. Dinner will be our Friday night pizza and bookstore.


We used to be part of a co-op. I made several friends there, but left the co-op after a few years. After a while, it wasn't worth the amount of energy that I put into it. My kid are now in a public school enrichment program one day a week with many of the kids from our old co-op and lots of new friends.


The weather is supposed to be wonderful this weekend. I'm planning to clean out the garden and hopefully go on a nice, long bike ride with the kids.

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Breakfast: Frozen waffles. :001_smile:


Lunch: Whatever we find in the kitchen.


Co-op: Have been, but not this year. We planned on continuing with the one that we were a part of last year, but it was small and new and everyone lost interest so it doesn't exist anymore. Dd and I are spending our time being a part of AHG this year.


Weekend: Clean out toys in the kids' rooms so there will be room for Santa to bring new stuff. Also, I need to exchange some jeans my mom bought the kids that don't fit. Sunday: Church, hopefully without dh having major allergy problems like he has been every time he goes into the building. :glare:

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Breakfast: As usual for me, coffee. I just can't eat in the mornings. The girls are eating something with Nutella.


Lunch: Who knows. Likely whatever we can scrounge. End of the month after making last big credit card payment makes for slim pickings.


Co-op: No. I have too hard of a time finding people that are like-minded when it comes to homeschooling. I prefer to enjoy social time/conversation with those that do. Honestly, I also don't really like other kids that much. I don't want to teach or be responsible for anyone else's. I am now a girl scout leader and that taxes me enough although I do admit I like my girl scouts.


Weekend: We are doing a girl scout hayride this afternoon. Weekends for us consist of me working at the hospital and husband having his bonding time with the girls. We are supposed to have lovely weather this weekend so I would imagine his plans for them involve an activity at a local park.

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What's for breakfast? Lots of coffee again, but this time with eggs and toast.


What's for lunch? I had a potluck to go to. I have a friend coming over for dinner, though, and dh is making pasta carbonara for us. YUM!


We have co-op today. Anyone else part of a co-op? I used to think it would be fun to be a part of one but now I'm not so sure. It's changed the dynamics of our homeschool support group and I'm not sure I like how different it is.


We have a co-op here that we're a part of. I love it most of the time. It's a little disheartening looking over the past few weeks and noticing that our newest teacher-mommies have spent more time absent than there. It puts more of a burden on the rest of the group to cover for them. It is definitely a problem that we will have to figure out in the coming months.


What are your plans for the weekend? I don't know yet. Other than prep, I mean. My friend and I are working on the baby's halloween costume tonight, and there's a pumpkin festival tomorrow about an hour and a half away. If I can shake this last bit of sickness we might make it there.

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Good morning! Yay, It's the start of the weekend! (Thanks for telling me Scrap:D)


Breakfast - I'll bring eggs. Mmmm. I smell something good on the table!


Co-op - Nope. When they were smaller I didn't have the stamina for outside activities. Now that ds is older I wouldn't get through our school if we tried to add co-op too:)


Weekend - Tonight dh and I are going on the first date we've had in at least 6 months if not more. Dd9 is following us around going "Oooh. A date! That's soooooo romantic!" :lol:


Tomorrow is the usual grind of trying to stay on top of the clutter, grading, yard work etc.


Sunday is church and rest.

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Weekend - Tonight dh and I are going on the first date we've had in at least 6 months if not more. Dd9 is following us around going "Oooh. A date! That's soooooo romantic!" :lol:


A date? That is romantic and a terrific idea. I think we should go a date too (not me and you, me and dh, you and I can go for coffee or a salad ). When I get dressed for a date, the girls pet me and tell me how pretty I am. Little girls are funny.

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What's for breakfast? The special in the lounge today is breakfast. Nope, not cold. Freshly baked & hot. Bring your own toppings! MMM..can we have pancakes???


Breakfast was quick...frozen waffles or cereal because we had to get the oldest dd to her co-op and then dd4 to her dance class.



What's for lunch?

Lunch for the kids was sandwiches and fruit--either peanut butter & nutella or turkey, oranges or strawberries, and yogurt.

I'm going to eat leftover Fiesta Chicken later this afternoon.


We have co-op today. Anyone else part of a co-op? My oldest participates in two "co-ops." But they are not real co-ops in the sense of all parents participate/teach. She goes to a literature co-op on Wednesdays and a "high school co-op" all day on Fridays. She takes a study hall, Spanish I, lunch, and Financial Peace for Teens.


What are your plans for the weekend? This is going to be a busy weekend! My oldest is going to a high school football game with a friend from church this evening. This will be her first time going to a "public school function." My son is going to a friend's birthday party this evening. They're going to go see Dolphin Tale. I have a book club meeting this evening and it's my turn to "lead" the discussion! YIKES! Tomorrow, we have three soccer games in the morning/early afternoon. Then we have a Cub Scout popcorn Show-and-Sell booth and a Fall Festival/Silent Auction at dds' dance studio. Then my oldest is spending the night at her best friend's house. I have to work on Saturday evening/night. Sunday is church and then we're planning to go to a Corn Maze as a family in the afternoon before we have to be back at church for evening activities. PHEWWW!

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breakfast is my favorite 3 cheese semolina bread toasted with boursin cheese, and of course COFFEE:lol:


lunch : Probably Mac and cheese


Dinner: Dh and I are also going on a date tonight. My dd's preschool does a Halloween Party/Parents night out for the kids and their older siblings. We are trying a new Italian restaurant with a sharing spree coupon.


Today is Homeschool drama class for ds, and another mom is driving, so I have a quiet day.

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It's FRIDAY!!! Welcome to the Jim Caviez...er, I mean, the Teachers Lodge! Sorry the Jim Caviezel thread got me a little discombobulated.:001_huh: There's a Jim Caviezel thread?! How did I miss that?


What's for breakfast? The special in the lounge today is breakfast. Nope, not cold. Freshly baked & hot. Bring your own toppings!


What's for lunch? Too early to decided! I actually had black beans and brown rice for breakfast AND lunch today. We are running dangerously low on food around here. Kids had toast for breakfast and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. 2/3 of them are running fevers, so we're keeping it simple today.


We have co-op today. Anyone else part of a co-op? No co-op for us. I waffle on this every year, but haven't joined one yet. Maybe next year.


What are your plans for the weekend? Tonight and tomorrow morning I have a mini-retreat for a class I'm taking at church. If I can manage to get out of my pj's before then. :tongue_smilie: Then tomorrow afternoon will be errands - library and grocery at least. Sunday will be church, rest, lesson plans. Boy, this sounds like a boring weekend. I guess that's okay since the kids are sick.



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Just for you, Melissa! 8)


Our lunch turned out to Wendy's. While my son was finishing up his co-op classes, dd13 and I went shopping for clothes for her at the thrift shop down the street. I just bought clothes for her in July! But, of course, she's outgrown those. :001_huh:


Hoping the kids and I can convince dh to take a drive up north Sunday after church. It's almost the end of October and we're still having weather in the 90s!!! :glare:


Time for my escape! :auto:

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Happy Friday!!


What's for breakfast? I had pinwheels and the boys had waffles


What's for lunch? Went out to lunch(we have done that a lot this week) I had nachos.


We have co-op today. Anyone else part of a co-op? We are in a co-op. It was great until they asked me to work in the nursery. I had already signed up for a job and did not need the nursery services. Then the boys were both sick. We've missed the last 2 meetings. I don't know if we are going back or not.


What are your plans for the weekend? Hopefully catch up on some rest. I know this baby is going to sleep through the night eventually. Add to it dh was out of town most of the week and you have a very tired mommy!


I would love to decorate the house for fall but it is back up in the 90s again uggg

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