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Would this annoy you? Or am I overreacting?

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that is dangerously close to that fence. I can't believe they put it there!


It would bother me, but so would neighbors. That's why we have none close by.;)


I've come to realize that having neighbors is highly overrated, or at least that one bad apple really can spoil the whole barrel. We have three great neighbors, and one that's making the rest of us thoroughly miserable.


I'd worry about the proximity to the fence, too. Also, I'm curious about how far the play structure is from the family's house? I happen to like my kids, and I want to be able to see them when they're playing outside - what with all the trees, is that even possible in this case?


Yes, I'd be annoyed, but I agree that it would help to find out whether the placement of the structure is acceptable under HOA guidelines. If it's not, will the HOA insist that they move it?

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I'd be sending my kids over there to play, they would love it!

Seriously, it wouldn't annoy me, because even noisy kids are a happy kind of noise to have, and to be honest, I doubt anyone else's kids could possibly be noisier than mine...

But even if it did bother me, I'd try the softly softly approach first and only report them as a last resort. For me, it's gotta be something serious before I consider it worth potentially making an enemy of the neighbors.

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I'd report this to the HOA. You pay dues for a reason. You and this neighbor both chose to live in a neighborhood with an HOA. There's no reason not to expect rules to be enforced.


Besides being a bit obnoxious, I'd be concerned about your liability. What if a kid gets hurt on falling on your fence. You may have some liability. You may want to research that to verify. The other liability issue you may have is as the kids get larger in a few years, will they be able to purposely use the play structure to get over your fence to your pool and will you be liable then.

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I would call my insurance agent and ask about my liability if a child managed to fall and injure themselves on my fence. If I would have any liability I would definitely complain to the HOA based on the liability and safety issue. I would do this in writing in case I ever needed evidence due to my liability.


Regardless of the liability issue, I would plant some sort of fast growing landscaping. It is amazing how well plants can reduce noise.




I sympathize with you about the obnoxious kiddos. I taught my dc to be polite and not disturb the neighbors, and yet the neighbor kid screams for no reason right by our side of his property. I guess I could have saved myself the trouble. :glare:

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It's their backyard. They should be able to put things wherever they want to in it. Maybe they want it off to one side so they can still have a wide open space instead of slapping it in the middle of their yard or something. Could it have been a few more feet away? I guess, but, really, would it having been a few more feet away make a difference to you when it comes to not liking the "kid noise?" I doubt it. The only solution for THAT problem is moving to where there ARE no neighbors/kids. Honestly, living around the kind of person who would "report" somebody for putting a playset for their kids on the edge of their property would annoy me more than living around someone with loud kids.

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It's their backyard. They should be able to put things wherever they want to in it. Maybe they want it off to one side so they can still have a wide open space instead of slapping it in the middle of their yard or something. Could it have been a few more feet away? I guess, but, really, would it having been a few more feet away make a difference to you when it comes to not liking the "kid noise?" I doubt it. The only solution for THAT problem is moving to where there ARE no neighbors/kids. Honestly, living around the kind of person who would "report" somebody for putting a playset for their kids on the edge of their property would annoy me more than living around someone with loud kids.



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Besides being a bit obnoxious, I'd be concerned about your liability. What if a kid gets hurt on falling on your fence. You may have some liability. You may want to research that to verify. The other liability issue you may have is as the kids get larger in a few years, will they be able to purposely use the play structure to get over your fence to your pool and will you be liable then.


:iagree: Noise, visibility, etc as nothing to do with it. It is a liability issue.

It's their backyard. They should be able to put things wherever they want to in it.


Not if they are in a town, or an HOA, with a setback. They accepted that when they bought it.


That play structure should be 6 feet away from any tress also.

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I am in the "it would annoy me" camp. I think putting up a structure that would allow you to have full view of your neighbors pool is, well, rude. It infridges on their privacy.

The noise is a separate issue. Kids playing and having fun is one thing, obnoxious fighting kids is completely different. Ignoring set back rules makes it strike number 3. I wouldn't live in an area where there was HOA, but if you do, then you do have an obligation to obey them. I would probalby fuss and fume, but I am pretty sure my DH would be calling the association. Clearly if they have to move the structure it is going to cause some hard feelings.

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I don't understand why anyone would expect privacy when building an outdoor pool within clear view of the neighboring yard.


I agree with the fence issue. I agree that's probably the best way to approach it if you want them to move it.


If you do decide to grow greenery around your pool, better make sure it's OK with the HOA first.

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I don't understand why anyone would expect privacy when building an outdoor pool within clear view of the neighboring yard.


I agree with the fence issue. I agree that's probably the best way to approach it if you want them to move it.


If you do decide to grow greenery around your pool, better make sure it's OK with the HOA first.


I agree. And I've never understood how anyone can expect privacy if they move into a neighborhood where the houses are so close together. I've never lived in a neighborhood for that reason. Maybe it's just because I grew up, and still live in, a little town. I love it that way.

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