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CNN has an interesting headline today.

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Another headline on CNN is that Lindsey Lohan has been assigned "morgue duty." Aside from not really wanting to know what "morgue duty" is, I would be really honked off if I had to go pick up the dead body of someone beloved only to be attended to by a pouty, scrawny, b--chy, drunken little drama queen. Isn't there some garbage somewhere we could have this nitwit pick up?!?!?


Dangit, now I have to read the article. Argh!

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I always miss my Dad on days like this.


We used to have the best conversations on days like this. My Dad was brilliant on these matters.


I'm sorry you've lost your dad. I've lost mine mentally due to his health. I miss him like crazy on days when we could have argued/debated/discussed stuff. I wish OWS had occurred 10 years ago because we could have had GREAT conversations!

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My Dad used to say, "Don't open your mouth without facts to back it up."


Mine too! And the internet! Oh, the internet made our debates so much more interesting...


Here's my link, Dad!

Oh yeah? Well, here's mine?


It has been YEARS since I've had a good debate like that. DH calls it "ranting" and won't participate. :glare:


I was watching an episode of "River Monsters" the other day and I could feel the "debate" growing inside me but I had no one to debate it to. :(


But for the love of Cheese Whiz, why oh why would mostly sane, sovereign governments think it would be a good idea to introduce a non-native fish species into an already stressed ecosystem!??!? When are human beings going to grow up smart?!?!? Where have all the biologists gone?!


Australia's frog crisis? Snakeheads in Massachusetts? Pythons in the Florida? Any of this sound familiar, people?!?! :lol::lol:

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Asian Carp in the Great Lakes.


Asian Ladybugs in Michigan.


Don't even get me started.


Have you ever seen a full bloom of those bugs? They will literally cover your house two inches thick on every surface.


I've driven down streets where all the houses were red in color from the blooms. Disgusting. They get inside the house, cover your ceilings...bite ya, poop everywhere.



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If it's about the whacky dictator I just saw a photo on the Today show that I really could have totally gone without. *I* didn't need to see the post mortem picture. :ack2:


I agree. Recently a similarly controversial world figure was executed and we were deemed too weak to be given any access to the photos. Now we open our favorite news page and this hits us in the face without warning. Ugh. They could provide a link to be clicked or not clicked.

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Asian Carp in the Great Lakes.


Asian Ladybugs in Michigan.


Don't even get me started.


Have you ever seen a full bloom of those bugs? They will literally cover your house two inches thick on every surface.


I've driven down streets where all the houses were red in color from the blooms. Disgusting. They get inside the house, cover your ceilings...bite ya, poop everywhere.




ZEBRA MUSSELS!! And phragmites grass. Argh. I'd love to find the idiot yuppie who just threw phragmites in his landscaped Lake Michigan "getaway" and make him a stew of zebra mussles. :lol:


And my rant (since you asked!) was about Papau New Guinea and how one/some of the government conservationists there was concerned about the declining fish populations in their rivers so PNG went to the Amazon and bought a bunch of pacu - vegetarian cousins of the pirahana. The only problem is, the pacu ATE all the vegetation on the rivers of PNG (which is where the endangered crocodilians and birds and native fishes nested) and now they have these giant CARNIVOROUS pacu attacking the PNG natives because they are hungry.


Just 10 minutes on the internet on invasive species. Please people, that's ALL we're asking. :glare:

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I had a professor that was an expert on Papua New Guinea. He liked a beer now and then too.


I'd meet up with him often at the bar for hamburgers/dinner and we'd get all geek about it...man it was fun.


One day, I left my notebook (yes, I'm a dork and journal non-stop about everything)- and he took it and pulled portions out of it and had them published and showed them to me later.


It was his idea of a gift. It was some poetry I'd written about the decline of the Bird of Paradise there.


He travels there often, like three times a year minimum and works on projects there. What awesome stories. I really miss him; I hope I see him again one day.


Zebra Mussels are the spawn of the devil. That was about stupid dumb.


It's a major good time when you get a pack of anthropologists together to catch up on their lives and times. Way fun. :D

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Another headline on CNN is that Lindsey Lohan has been assigned "morgue duty." Aside from not really wanting to know what "morgue duty" is, I would be really honked off if I had to go pick up the dead body of someone beloved only to be attended to by a pouty, scrawny, b--chy, drunken little drama queen. Isn't there some garbage somewhere we could have this nitwit pick up?!?!?


Dangit, now I have to read the article. Argh!


From what I heard this morning, she won't have any contact with bodies but will be cleaning autopsy tables, etc., after post mortem exams. Sounds fun, eh? LOL

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Which one is wearing the handcuffs?!?! :D


Which ever one you like. ;):lol:


What if they are handcuffed to each other?


Can you imagine? Maybe that would be justice, they'd have to put up with each other's antics for a while. Charlie would probably get Lindsey down there to her volunteer work at the womens' center though. :lol:

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I agree. Recently a similarly controversial world figure was executed and we were deemed too weak to be given any access to the photos. Now we open our favorite news page and this hits us in the face without warning. Ugh. They could provide a link to be clicked or not clicked.


When photos have been released of dead terrorists and/or dictators, they have not come from the US military (not that I know of, anyway). It has nothing to do with the public being deemed weak and everything to do with the desired perception of the US military. The US military was the only group with photos of bin Laden.

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Can you imagine? Maybe that would be justice, they'd have to put up with each other's antics for a while. Charlie would probably get Lindsey down there to her volunteer work at the womens' center though. :lol:


That would turn into a porn with the two most self-invloved whackjobs in our world at this time. And it would be a BAD porn with a "plot." :(

My eyes are burning just thinking about the horror. :D

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That would turn into a porn with the two most self-invloved whackjobs in our world at this time. And it would be a BAD porn with a "plot." :(

My eyes are burning just thinking about the horror. :D


I offer brain bleach for those who want to remove this image :lol: and that of recently deceased tyrants.



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