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Did you use an embossed seal on your transcript?


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I mailed my daughter's transcript as part of a package of documents along with course descriptions, counselor letter, reading and textbook lists, and homeschool profile. While I signed and dated the transcript, I did not use an embosser or seal.




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Thanks Kareni, your packet has been helpful. I did not think you had used an embosser. Just wanted to make sure.


We don't have a homeschool name or corporate seal because we don't have to incorporate or homeschool through a private or nontraditional school in Florida. We are just a homeschooling family registered as such with the county.


I didn't know if some of you had made up a name for your homeschool and purchased an embosser for your transcript.


Thanks to all for sharing.

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We don't have a homeschool name or corporate seal because we don't have to incorporate or homeschool through a private or nontraditional school in Florida. We are just a homeschooling family registered as such with the county.



This is us too, except in PA. No official name and no official seal - just a signature. No problems either.


I AM finding colleges who are telling me they "worry" less about our homeschooling since PA is a regulated state (goes along with offers to send more info if needed as I didn't fill out course descriptions anywhere). I didn't get that with oldest son, so it has sort of surprised me. It also makes me glad I'm homeschooling in a regulated state (whose regulations I don't find stifling at all). I sort of wonder if it's just a line... or maybe a line specifically to us due to middle son's ACT score. However, the first time I heard it was at Franklin & Marshall in a group setting, so there might be some truth to it for some colleges.

Edited by creekland
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Nope...no "official" seal/stamp/etc. (Just my signature ;) )


Ditto. The school #1 attended wanted everything electronically so it would not have mattered anyway. #2's U (FGCU since you're in-state), required it to be notarized (the only one of all our app for either girl) so a seal would have been extraneous there.

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I did not use an embosser. However, the principal of the Lutheran school that I taught at before homeschooling is still a very dear friend. I have used her to proctor some tests for my children, give me feedback on writing assignments, etc. since I want the children to have more than just dh and I's opinions of their skills. I have also used a couple of my collegues at the school as well. They are wonderful people and never mind doing a favor for me. Since dear principal has first hand knowledge of my children's skills, she also signs our transcripts and sends a business card along with the transcript. I don't know if this was at all necessary in terms of lending credit to our parent generated transcripts since all 12 universities dd applied to rolled out the red carpet, actively pursuing her. But, I was glad to have her name under mine.


We sent curriculum lists, reading lists, and the transcript plus admission's essays all in one packet by priority mail with registered receipt so if any office said they didn't receive her admission's packet, I had proof and a signature. We did not use the common ap.


Given that you are making a parent generated transcript, I really don't think any kind of seal or embossment is going to make a difference.



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I did - but don't know if I needed to. I did to try to "fit in" as much as possible with other transcripts; that is why I named our school too. I knew they would find out we homeschool - I just wanted to look as professional as possible.


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When dd17 was applying just to the local cc - they wanted a notarized transcript. They told me this after we had already submitted it - so now, for applying to other places, I ask what they require.


In sending in a transcript to the 4-year college for next fall (2012) - they just wanted it emailed - no notarization, embossing, etc.

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